College of Nursing Isra N. Alkallak
The operating system (MS-DOS) derived from Microsoft Disk Operating System. This operating system issued from Microsoft company and it been used from IBM company. The programs in this operating system allow you communicate with your computer, your disk drives, and your printers.
Directory:A directory or folder is location on a disk used for storing information about files. The directory contains the names of your files, the sizes of the files, and the dates they were created or last modified. Under Operating system Windows started to use the term "folder" instead of "directory".
File: A collection of related data or programs that is treated by the computer.
Multilevel directories: when you want to keep your files separate from other users,or organize your programs into convenient categories,you can store your files into different directories;these directories may contain other directories (referred to as subdirectories).This organized file structure is called a multilevel or hierarchical directory system, the first level is called root, as C, D, E…
There are two types of files in MS-DOS system:
Program files: contain the programs or instructions of computer to execute the task.
Datafiles: contain information used or created by program files as image, text, table and numbers.
The operating system MS-DOS stored program files and data files in part of hard disk as file allocation table (FAT). The operating system MS-DOS stored five attributes for each file. The attributes as follows:
1- Nameof file:The characters or symbols assign to file.
2- Extensionoffilename: Theoperating system MS-DOS stored the files with extension. The file extension helps the operating system determine the type of file.Below several extensions of file names:
Meaningful of extension / Extension of file nameThe file is commands of MS-DOS / COM
Executing program / EXE
The file wrote in Pascal language / PAS
The file of system / SYS
The file is graphic / BMP
The file wrote in Microsoft word / DOC
Text file (the file wrote in notepad program) / TXT
The file wrote in Assembly language / ASM
3- The size of file: the size of file in Byte.
4- Date of file: date of file created or file modified.
5- Time of file:time of file created or file modified.
If you have the path C:\mosul\nursing\second.doc
means that the root directory is the "C:\"
"mosul" is the next level.
"nursing" is a subdirectory under "mosul "
"second.doc" is the actual file name.
Symbols in Formula of Instruction
Below the Symbols in formula of instructionfor name of file or extension of file.
1-Symbol * it means any thing for name of file or extension of file.
2-Symbol ? it means any one character or one number for name of file or extension of file.
3-Symbol ┘it means click on Enter key.
4-Symbol ▼ it means print blank (space) by space key.
5- Symbol [ ] it means option selecting.
6-Symbol \ to determine the path for any location.
7-Symbol / used with some options of instruction.
Types of MS-Dos commands:
There are two types:
1- Internal commands: When starting the computer, the MS-DOS operating system loaded four files to the main memory automatically. When the computer turn on these files stored in main memory. The files are follows:
IO.SYS (the file is hidden).
MS-DOS.SYS (the file is hidden).
DRAVSPACE.BIN (the file is hidden).
COMMAND.COM (the file isn’t hidden).
all internalcommands stored in ( file. Below severalcommands:
2- External commands:The commands stored in hard disk because the big sized, the computer loaded from hard disk into main memory when it needed. Below several commands:
Disk Drive
The computer used the character to define the parts of hard disk as follows:
A represent floppy disk 3.5
Brepresent floppy disk 5.25
C, D,.... represent hard disk
The next character represent CD-ROM or DVD.
Prompt: it means indicator of MS-DOS operating system. It used to define root directory as C: or D:,….
Path: the track of current file to directory.
adrive name consists of a drive letter and a colon: and\.When used a command,you may need to type a drive name before your filename to tell MS-DOS where to find the disk that contains your file.
For example, if you have a file named mosul.doc on the disk in drive C: to tell MS-DOS where to find this file you must write as:
Drive name filename extension of file
ExamplesInternal commands
1- Move from drive to other drive:
the syntax
C:\> drive ┘
drive represent the drive that to move it
example: to transfer from drive C to drive D.
C:\> D: ┘
2- CLS: clear the screen.
the syntax
C:\> CLS ┘
3- VER: Print the MS-DOS version number.
the syntax
C:\> VER ┘
MS-DOS version 6.22
4- VOL: display the name and serial number
the syntax
C:\> VOL ▼ [drive]
C:\> VOL D:
Volume in drive D has no label
Volume serial number is 1E3A-1A6B
5- DATE: Display and modified the date.
the syntax
C:\> DATE ┘
Current date is sat 7_ 9_ 2008
Enter new date (mm_ dd_ yy)
If you want replace the date then you can put the new date after second statement and click on Enter key
C:\> DATE 7_ 9_ 2008 ┘
6- TIME: displays and modified the time.
the syntax
C:\>TIME ┘
Current time is 10: 05: 45: 1 a
Enter new time 1:20p
C:\> TIME 12: 45:30 p ┘
7- DIR: Display a list of files and subdirectories in a drive.
the syntax
C:\> DIR▼ [drive] [path] [file name] [/p] [/w] [/s]
[drive] :disk drive
[path]: select the path of directory to display information.
[file name] :the files to display information.
[/p] : to display the directory and files page by page and click on any key to continue displayed.
[/w] : to display names with extension by columns.
[/s] : displayed all directory, subdirectory and files with information
1- Displayed the directory and files in C drive.
C:\> DIR *.* ┘
2-Displayed the file Ali.exe in C drive.
C:\> DIR Ali.exe
The message “file not found’ appears if the files not found.
3- Displayed all files in D drive in page by page. The prompt in drive C
C:\> DIR D:\ *.* /p ┘
4-Displayed all files that the first character of name and extensions of file are K and exe respectively.
C:\> DIR K* .exe ┘
5- Displayed all files that the name of file has two character and the first character of name and extensions of file are K and exe respectively.
C:\> DIR K? .exe ┘
6-Displayed all files in all directories that the first character of name is m by column in C drive.
C:\> DIR m*.* /s/w ┘
8-MD: make a directory or subdirectory.
the syntax
C:\> MD ▼[drive:] path
1- Create the directory mosulin drive C.
C:\> MD mosul
2- Create the directory teacher in drive D and the prompt is C.
C:\> MD D:\ teacher ┘
3- Create the directory ahmad in drive F.
F:\> MD ahmad ┘
4-Create the directory master in drive C and the prompt is D.
D:\> MD C:\ master ┘
9- CD:(Change Directory): to move from directory to another.
the syntax
C:\> CD..
.. It means exiting from current directory.
1- How to move mosul directory in drive C.
C:\> CD mosul ┘
C:\> mosul
2- How to move ali directory inmosul directory in drive C.
Note: you must make ali directoryinmosul directory through the below steps.
C:\> CD mosul┘
C:\mosul> MD ali ┘
C:\mosul> CD ali ┘
C:\mosul\ ali
4-If you have the pathC:\ mosul\ ali>
How you can transfer (move) to root directory? the answer through the below step
C:\mosul\ ali> CD.. ┘
C:\mosul > CD..
10- The syntax CD\ to move from current directory to root directory
C:\mosul\ali > CD\ ┘
C:\ >
11- Copy▼Con: to create text file.
the syntax
C:\> Copy▼Con▼ file name ┘
1-create text file as nursing.txt
C:\> Copy Con▼ nursing.txt ┘
My name is Ali
Iam in collage of nursing
In university of Mosul
after finishing click F6 or ctrl Z to save the file and click on Enter key.
12- REN: to rename the file.
the syntax
C:\> REN ▼[drive:] [path] old name ▼ new name
1- Rename the name of file nursing to computer
C:\> REN nursing.txt▼ computer.txt ┘
2- Rename computer fileto teacherfile.
C:\> REN computer▼teacher ┘
3- Rename teacher file with doc extension to student with doc extension. The prompt in D drive.
D:\> REN teacher.doc▼ student.doc ┘
4- Renameinternet file in the path C:\sceince\computer to the name email. The prompt in drive D.
Note: 1- create the directory science in drive C.
2- create the directory computer in directory science.
3- create the file internet.
4- rename from internet to email.
D:\> REN C:\sceince\computer\internet email ┘
13- Copy: to copy file to another places.
the syntax
C:\> Copy ▼ sources (select file)▼ destination
1- Copy the file ali.txt in drive D to drive C.
D:\> Copy ali.txt C:\ ┘
2- Copy all the files in drive E to drive D.
E:\> Copy *.* D:\ ┘
3-Copy all the files that the names have four characters and the first character is f
in drive D to drive E and the prompt in drive C.
C:\> Copy D:\ f??? E:\┘
14- Delete: to delete file.
the syntax
C:\> DEL▼ [drive] [path] file name
1- delete the file ahmad.doc in drive D and the prompt the drive C.
C:\> Del D:\ ahmad.doc ┘
2- delete the file nursing in the path D:\iraq\mosul and the prompt in drive C.
C:\> DEL D:\iraq\mosul\nursing┘
15- Rd: Remove a directory from the root or from multilevel directories structure.
the syntax
C:\> RD [drive:] [path] [directory name]
أدناه الشروط التي يجب توفرها لإزالة أي دليل
1- To ensure that the directory is empty.
2- To ensure that the prompt in out of the removing directory.
1-أن يكون الدليل الذي نريد إزالته خالياً من الملفات والأدلة الفرعية.
2-أن يكون المحث promptخارج الدليل الذي نريد إزالته.
مثال: الدليل officeالموجود داخل الدليل masterوالأخير موجود بدوره داخل دليل الجذر للقرص C،(C:\master\ office)والمطلوب إزالةالدليل officeوالدليل masterنتبع مايأتي:
لإزالة الدليل officeالموجود داخل الدليل masterوالأخير موجود بدوره داخل دليل الجذر للقرص C
لتطبيق الشرط الاول من خلال الخطوات ادناه:
C:\> CD master ┘
C:\ master >
C:\master CD office ┘
C:\master\ office > DEL *.* ┘
All file in directory will be deleted
Are you sure (y/n) ? y
لتطبيق الشرط الثاني من خلال الخطوات ادناه:
C:\master\ office > CD..
C:\master > RD office ┘
الخطوات السابقة لإزالة الدليل office
أما لإزالة الدليل masterنطبق الأتي
ولتطبيق الشرط الاول من خلال الخطوات أدناه:
C:\master > DEL *.* ┘
All files in directory will be deleted
Are you sure y/n ?y
ولتطبيق الشرط الثاني من خلال الخطوات أدناه:
C:\master > CD..
C:\RD master ┘
External Commands
ملاحظة: كتب هذا الامر باللغة العربية وذلك للأنتباه إليه بشكل جيد.
يعمل على ازالة كافة محتويات القرص الصلب او المرن ولذلك يجب الانتباه. يستخدم هذا الأمر لتهيئة قرص جديد وإنشاء دليل جذر وجدول مواقع ملفات FATجديدين. وكذلك يفحص المساحات الرديئة من القرص ويمسح جميع الملفات من القرص إذا كان القرص قديماً.
صيغة الامر
C:\> FORMAT ▼ drive: [/Q][/s]
drive يعني تعيين القرص المراد تهيئته.
/Qعند ضم هذا الاختيار الى الامر فسوف يتم عملية تهيئة سريعة للقرص حيث سيقوم الامر بمسح جدول مواقع الملفات FATودليل الجذر فقط دون المرور بجميع مساحة القرص.
/sيقوم هذا الاختيار بنسخ الملفات النظامية Msdos.sys, Drvspace.bin, Io.sys, Command.comالى القرص بعد انتهاء عملية التهيئة مباشرة.
هيئ القرص الموجود في سواقة الاقراص (A:) مع نسخ ملفات النظام اليه.
بعد الانتهاء من العملية يطلب اعطاء اسم القرص.
ملاحظة: عند استخدام هذا الامر يجب الحذر لانه يقوم بمسح جميع الملفات والادلة الموجودة على القرص لذا ينصح عدم استخدام هذا الامر مع الاقراص الصلبة الا من قبل شخص متخصص.
2- Edit: to view or create or modify the text files.
the syntax:
edit ▼ name of file.txt ┘
after click on enter key, the editor of text in DOS appeared and containing of file.
1- if the file not found, then the program appeared.Select the instruction (save) to create and save the modified.
2- if the file found, then the file opened. Select the instruction (save) to save the modified.
after click on enter key, the editor of text in DOS appeared the file.
after writing in file.
3- Tree: graphically displays the directory structure of a drive or path.
4- Label: Creates, changes or deletes the volume label of a disk.
The Features Distinguish between MS-DOS and MS Windows
Belowthe features distinguish between MS-DOS and MS-Windows:
1-The operating system Ms-Dos is foundation on MS-Windows.
2- The operating system Ms-Dos is single tasking, while the operating system MS-Windows is multi tasking.
3-The operating system Ms-Dos isn’t graphics user interface, while the operating system MS-Windows is graphics user interface.
4- In the operating system Ms-Dos used keyboard to enter the date in computer, while in the operating system MS-Windowsused keyboard and mouseto enter the date in computer.
5- The operating system Ms-Dos command is replaced with a graphics user interface, which is much easier to learn than DOS. The windows desktop (the screen) serves as a graphical based work area. Files and folders are represented on the desktop by icons.