- Hedreville M , Connes P, Romana M, Magnaval G, David T, Hardy-Dessources MD, Belloy MS, Etienne-Julan M and Hue O . Central Retinal Vein Occlusion in a Sickle Cell Trait Carrier after a Cycling Race. Med Sci Sports Exerc 41: 14-18, 2009. (2.864)
- Connes P , Uyuklu M, Tripette J , Boucher JH, Beltan E, Chalabi T , Yalcin O, Chout R, Hue O, Hardy-Dessources MD, Baskurt O. Sampling time after tourniquet removal affects erythrocyte deformability and aggregation measurements. Clin Hemorheol Microcirc 41: 9-15, 2009. (0.977)
- Racinais S, Blonc S , Oksa J, Hue O . Does the diurnal increase in central temperature interact with pre-cooling or passive warm-up of the legs ? J. Sci. Med. Sports 12: 97-100, 2009. (1.091)
- Antoine-Jonville S, Sinnapah S, Donnet JP, Hue O. Are diatery and energy expenditure affected by overweight in Guadeloupeans adults?West Indian Med. J. (Décembre 07, réponses reçues le 01 juillet, corrections envoyées le 18 juillet) (0.210)
- Sinnapah S , Antoine-Jonville S , Donnet JP, Hue O . Comparative study of dietary intakes and energy expenditures in Guadeloupeans originating and not originating from India. Scan. J. Med .Sci. Sports . 19: 222-227, 2009. (2.295)
- Tripette J , Connes P, Montout-Hédreville M , Saint-Martin C, Marlin L , Hue O , Hardy-Dessources MD. Pattern of exercise-related inflammatory response in sickle trait carriers . Brit. J. Sports Med. (Accepté en avril 2008) ePub le 22 Mai 08 (2.463)
- Sinnapah S , Antoine-Jonville S, Hue O . Is the leisure-time physical activity of Asian Indian Guadeloupean adolescents different from their island counterparts? Ethn Health . 19: 1-11, 2008. (1.378)
- Rodriguez-Marroyo JA, Garcia-Lopez J, Chamari K , Hue O, Villa JG. The rotor pedaling system improves anaerobic but not aerobic cycling performance. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 106: 87-94, 2009. (1.752)
- Blonc S, Perrot S ,Racinais S, Aussepe S , Hue O. Time-of-day effects on anaerobic training in a moderately warm environment. J . Strength Cond. Research (réponses reçues le 01 mars 07, réponses envoyées en mai, réponses reçues le 01 juillet, réponses envoyées le 20 juillet) (1.393)
- Hue O, Connes P, Romana M, Etienne-Julan M, Hardy - Dessources MD. Sickle cell trait carrier in sports: a medical consideration in Guadeloupe. Scand. J. Med. Sport. Sci. Proofs reçues le 18 mars 09. (2.295)
- Connes P, Tripette J ,Mukisi-Mukasa M, Baskurt OK, Toth K, Meiselman HJ, Hardy-Dessources MD, Hue O and Antoine-Jonville S. Reationships between hemodynamic, hemorheologic and metabolic responses during exercise. Biorheology , Proofs reçues le 24 mars 08 (1.488)
- Inamo J, Connes P, Barthelemy JC, Dan V, Coates T and Loko G . Pulmonary hypertension does not affect the autonomic nervous system dysfunction of sickle cell disease. Am J Hematol 84: 311-312, 2009. (1.949)
- Uyuklu M, Cengiz M, Ulker P, Hever T, Tripette J , Connes P, Nemeth N, Meiselman HJ and Baskurt OK. Effects of storage duration and temperature of human blood on red cell deformability and aggregation. Clin Hemorheol Microcirc 41: 269-278, 2009. (0.977)
- Alexy T, Sangkatumvong S, Connes P, Pais E, Tripette J ,Barthelemy JC, Fisher TC, Meiselman HJ, Khoo MC and Coates TD. Sickle cell disease: Selected aspects of pathophysiology, autonomic nervous system function and rheological considerations in transfusion therapy. Clin Hemorheol Microcirc , In press. (0.977)
- Baskurt OK, Boynard M, Cokelet GC, Connes P, Cooke B, Forconi S, Fulong L, Hardeman MR, Jung F, Meiselman HJ, Nash GH, Nemeth N, Neu B, Sandhagen B, Shin S, Thurston G, Wautier JL and Yedgar S. New guidelines for hemorheological laboratory techniques. Clin Hemorheol Microcirc , In press. (0.977)
- Connes P, Nemeth N, Meiselman HJ and Baskurt OK. Effect of tourniquet application during blood sampling on RBC deformability and aggregation: is it better to keep it on? Clin Hemorheol Microcirc , In press. (0.977)
- Tripette J ,Alexy T, Hardy-Dessources MD, Mougenel D, Beltan E, Chalabi T, Chout R, Etienne-Julan M, Hue O, Meiselman HJ and Connes P . Red blood cell aggregation, aggregate strength and oxygen transport potential of blood are abnormal in both homozygous sickle cell anemia and sickle-hemoglobin C disease. Haematologica , In press. (5.516)
- Connes P, Tripette J ,Chalabi T, Beltan E , Etienne-Julan M, Chout R, Hue O , Hardy-Dessources MD. Effects of streneous exercise on blood coagulation activity in sickle cell trait carriers. Clin Hemorheol Microcirc 38:13-21, 2008. (0.977)
- Monchanin G, Serpero Laura D, Connes P, Tripette J , Wouassi D, Francina A, Massarelli R, Gozal D, Thiriet P, Martin C . Plasma levels of adhesion molecules ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 in athletes with sickle cell trait with or without alpha-thalassemia during endurance exercise and recovery. Clin Hemorheol Microcirc , 40: 89-97, 2008 . (0.977)
- Mollard P, Woorons X, Antoine-Jonville S , Jutand L, Richalet JP, Favret F, Pichon A. 'Oxygen uptake efficiency slope' in trained and untrained subjects exposed to hypoxia. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 2008 Apr 30;161(2):167-73. (2.202)
- Boucher JH, Connes P . Hemorheopathy in exercising horses. Clin Hemorheol Microcirc 40: 73-75, 2008. (0.977)
- Marlin L , Connes P, Antoine-Jonville S, Tripette J, Montout-Hedreville M , Sanouiller A, Etienne-Julan M, Hue O . Cardiorespiratory responses during three repeated incremental exercise tests in sickle cell trait carriers. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 102-181-187, 2008. (1.752)
- Connes P, Hue O , Hardy-Dessources MD, Boucher JH, Pichot V, Barthélémy JC. Hemorheology and autonomic nervous system activity: is there a relationship? Clin Hemorheol Microcirc 38:257-265, 2008. (0.977)
- Connes P , Boisseau MR . [News in hemorheology]. J Mal Vasc , In press. (0.215). J Mal Vasc 33: 169-172, 2008.
- Antoine - Jonville S, Hue O . Cholesterol, statins and mortality. Lancet 371: 1163, 2008. (28.638)
- Hue O, Racinais S , Chamari K, Damiani M , Hertogh C, Blonc S . Does an eccentric chainring improve conventinal parameters of neuromuscular power ? J. Sci. Med. Sports. 11: 264-270, 2008. (1.091)
- Connes P, Hue O, Tripette J ,Hardy-Dessources MD. Blood rheology abnormalities and vascular cell adhesion mechanisms in sickle cell trait carriers during exercise. Clin Hemorheol. Microcirc . 39: 179-184, 2008. (0.977)
- Pruneau J, Phillipon B , Maillard F, Hue O . Sport et drépanocytose: le paradoxe dans l'itinéraire thérapeutique des adolescents drépanocytaire SS en Guadeloupe. Sciences Sociales et Santé 26: 5-32, 2008. (0.116)
- Galy O, Hue O , Chamari K, Boussana A, Préfaut C. Influence of the performance level on exercise-induced arterial hypoxemia during long duration submaximal exercise. Int. J. Sports Physiol. Perform. 3:482-500, 2008.
- Connes P , Reid H, Hardy-Dessources MD, Morrison E, Hue O . Physiological Responses of Sickle Cell Trait Carriers during Exercise. Sports Med 38: 931-946, 2008. (3.619)
- Hedreville M , Barthélémy JC, Tripette J , Roche F, Hardy-Dessources MD, Pichot V, Hue O, Connes P . Effects of strenuous exercise on autonomic nervous system activity in sickle cell trait carriers. Auton Neurosci 143: 68-72, 2008. (1.798)
- Connes P and Barthelemy JC. Comment on 'Abnormal autonomic cardiac response to transient hypoxia in sickle cell anemia'. Physiol Meas 29: L1-L2, 2008. (1.412)
- Hue O, Antoine-Jonville S ,Sara F . The effect of 8 days of training in tropical environment on performance in neutral climate in swimmers. Int. J. Sports. Med. 28:48-52, 2007. (1.524)
- Hue O , Chamari K, Damiani M , Blonc S, Hertogh C . The use of eccentric chainring during an outdoor 1-km all-out cycling test. J. Sci. Med. Sports 10:180-186, 2007. (1.091)
- Monchanin G, Serpero Laura D , Connes P, Tripette J , Wouassi D, Bezin L, Francina A, de la Peña M, Thiriet P, Massarelli R, Gozal D, Martin C . Effects of a progressive and maximal exercise on plasma levels of adhesion molecules in athletes with sickle cell trait with or without alpha-thalassemia. J Appl Physiol 102: 169-173, 2007. ( 3.632)
- Connes P , Hardy- Dessources MD, Hue O . Counterpoint: Sickle cell trait should/should not be considered asymptomatic and as benign condition during physical activity. J. Appl. Physiol. 103:2138-2140, 2007. (3.632)
- Connes P , Hardy- Dessources MD, Hue O . Last word on Point:Counterpoint: Sickle cell trait should/should not be considered asymptomatic and as benign condition during physical activity. J. Appl. Physiol. 103:2144, 2007. (3.632)
- Marlin L, Sara F , Antoine-Jonville S, Connes P , Etienne-Julan M, Hue O . Ventilatory and lactic thresholds during exercise in subjects with sickle cell trait. Int. J Sports Med . 28: 916-920, 2007. (1.524)
- Connes P , Caillaud C, Py G, Mercier J, Hue O , Brun JF. Maximal exercise and lactate does not change red blood cell aggregation in well trained athletes. Clin Hemorheol Microcirc. 36: 319-326, 2007. (0.977)
- Tripette J , Hardy-Dessources MD, Sara F, Montout-Hedreville M , Saint-Martin C, Hue O, Connes P . Does prolonged and heavy exercise impair blood rheology in sickle cell trait carriers? Clinical. J. Sports Med. 17: 465-470, 2007. (1.639)
- Robin N, Dominique L, Toussaint L, Blandin Y., Guillot A, Le Her M. Effects of Motor Imagery Training on Servive Return Accuracy in Tennis. The Role of Imagery Ability .Int. J Sport Psycho. 5. 2, 2007. (0.428)
- Racinais S ,Chamari K, Hachana Y, Bartagi Z, Blonc S, Hue O . Effect of an accute hot and dry exposure in moderately warm and humid environment on muscular performance at different time of day. Int. J. Sports Med. 27:49-54, 2006. (1.524)
- • Ninot G, Connes P, Caillaud C . Effects of Recombinant Human Erythropoietin Injections on Physical Self in Endurance Athletes. J Sports Sci 24: 383-391, 2006. (1.441)
- • Connes P, Martin C, Barthelemy JC, Monchanin G, Atchou G, Forsuh A, Massarelli R, Wouassi D, Thiriet P and Pichot V . Nocturnal autonomic nervous system activity impairment in sickle cell trait carriers. Clin Physiol Funct Imaging 26: 87-91, 2006. (1.000)
- Sara F , Connes P, Hue O, Etienne-Julan M, Montout-Hedreville M , Hardy-Dessources M. Lactate transport across red blood cell membrane is more efficient in sickle cell trait carriers. J. Appl. Physiol. 100:427-432, 2006. (3.632)
- Pichon A, Roulaud M, Antoine-Jonville S , de Bisschop C, Denjean A. Spectral analysis of heart rate variability: interchangeability between autoregressive analysis and fast Fourier transform . J Electrocardiol . 2006 Jan;39(1):31-7. (1.069)
- • Connes P, Yalcin O, Baskurt O, Brun JF and Hardeman M .In health and in a normoxic environment, VO2 max is/is not limited primarily by cardiac output and locomotor muscle blood flow. J Appl Physiol 100: 2099, 2006 (letter).(3.632)
- • Connes P, Monchanin G, Perrey S, Wouassi D, Atchou G, Forsuh A, Debaud J, Djoda B, Owona FX, Francina A, Banga PE, Massarelli R, Thiriet P and Martin C . Oxygen Uptake Kinetics During Heavy Submaximal Exercise: Effect of Sickle Cell Trait With or Without Alpha-Thalassemia. Int J Sports Med 27: 517-525, 2006. (1.524)
- Sara F , Hardy-Dessources MD, Marlin L , Connes P, Hue O . Lactate distribution in the blood compartments of sickle cell trait carriers during progressive exercise. Int. J. Sports Med. 27:436-443, 2006. (1.524)
- Hue O, Galy O , Le Gallais D. Exercise intensity during a multi-triathlon race in professional triathletes. Appl. Physiol. Nutr. Met. 31:250-255, 2006. (1.000)
- Hue O, Galy O , Blonc S, Hertogh C . Anthropometric and physiological parameters of performance in French West Indian monofin swimmers. Int. J. Sports Med. 27: 605-609, 2006. (1.524)
- Connes P, Sara F , Hardy-Dessources MD , Marlin L , Etienne F, Larifla L, Saint-Martin C, Hue O . Effects of short supramaximal exercise on hemorheology in sickle cell trait carriers. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 97: 143-150, 2006. (1.752)
- Hue O, Voltaire B, Hertogh C, Blonc S . Heart rate, thermoregulatory and humoral responses during a 9-day cycle race in a hot and humid climate. Int. J. Sports. Med. 27: 690-696, 2006. (1.524)
- Connes P, Racinais S, Sara F, Marlin L , Hertogh C, Saint-Martin C, Etienne-Julan M , Hue O. Does the pattern of repeated sprint ability differ between sickle cell trait carriers and healthy subjects ?. Int. J. Sports. Med. 27:937-942, 2006. (1.524)
- Connes P, Sara F , Hue O . Point-Counterpoint: Lactic acid accumulation is an advantage/disadvantage during muscle activity. J. Appl. Physiol. 101:1259, 2006. (3.632)
- Galy O , Hue O , Boussana A, Peyreigne C, Mercier J, Préfaut C. Blood rheological respo1,441nses to running and cycling: a potential effect on the arterial hypoxemia of highly train2,864ed triathletes ? Int. J. Sports. Med. 26:9-15, 2005. ( 1.524)
- Racinais S , Blonc S, Jonville S, Hue O . Time of day influences the environmental effect on force and c1,524ontractility. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 37:256-251, 2005. (2.864)
- Hertogh C , Chamari K, Damiani M , Martin R , Hachana Y, Blonc S, Hue O . Effects of preceding run-up ad1,524dition on performance, blood lactate, and heart rate in maximal intermittent vertical jumpi2,864ng. J. Sport. Sci. 23:937-942, 2005. (1.441)
- • Monchanin G , Connes P, Wouassi D, Francina A, Djoda B, Banga PE, Owona FX, Thiriet P, Massarelli R and Martin C . Hemorheology, Sickle Cell Trait, and alpha-Thalassemia in Athletes: Effects of Exercise. Med Sci Sports Exerc 37: 1086-1092, 2005. (2.864)
- • Kippelen P, Caillaud C, Robert E, Connes P, Godard P and Prefaut C . Effect of endurance training on lung function: a one year study. Br J Sports Med 39: 617-621, 2005. (2.463)
- Marlin L , Etienne-Julan M, Le Gallais D, Hue O . Sickle cell trait in French West Indian Sprint Champions. Int. J. Sports Med. 26:622-625, 2005. (1.524)
- Babel K , Hertogh C, Hue O . Influence of ethnic origin on predictive parameters of performance in sprint running at the pre-pubertal stage. Int. J. Sports Med. 26:798-802, 2005. (1.524)
- Galy O , Le Gallais D, Hue O , Boussana A, Préfaut C. Is exercise-induced desaturation activity-dependent in triathletes? Int. J. Sports Med. 26:719-726, 2005. (1.524)
- Racinais S , Blonc S, Hue O. Effects of active warm up and diurnal increase in temperature on muscular power. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 37:2134-2139, 2005. (2.864)
- Racinais S , Connes P , Bishop D, Blonc S, Hue O . Morning versus evening power output and repeated-sprint ability. Chronobiol. Int. 22:1029-1039, 2005. (3.771)
- Connes P, Sara F , Hardy- Dessources MD, Etienne-Julan M, Hue O . Does higher red blood cell lactate transporter (RBC) activity explain impaired red blood cell deformability in sickle cell trait carriers ? Jap. J. Physiol. 55:385-387, 2005. (1.042)