ANNEX No. 1A(Annex no. 1A to the methodologicalnorms)
regarding vacant jobs
A. Identification and contact data of the employer:
A.1. Identification data of the employer:
1. Name......
2. Unique Registration Code......
3. CAEN Code ......
4. Property Form......
5. Organization Form......
6. Number of Employees......
7. Address......
A.2. Contact data of the employer:
1. Address ......
2. Contact Person......
3. Telephone/Fax ......
4. E-mail/website ......
B. Data regarding vacant jobs:
(YES/NO) / City and county of the job’s location / Minimum conditions for employment / Employment duration*5) / The labor contract” period / Work program*6) / Basic salary*7) / Other advantages *8) / Offer duration / Types of job applications*9) / Observations*10)
*1) / C.O.R Code (6 characters*2) / Occupation Name*3a) / C.O.R Code (6 characters *3b) / QualificationName that the apprentice will achieve
*3c) / Vacant
Due to termination of work reports / New created
job / Experience in the field / Studies / Other conditions *4) / DateStart / DateEnd
General manager
or other legal representative,
Report: date*11): ...... (dd/mm/yy)
--*1) Occupation’s name corresponding to vacant job. In case the job position is occupied through an apprenticeship contract the occupation name is according C.O.R Code” apprentice”.
*2) COR code according job position’s name from point no. 1).
*3) Only for apprenticeships contracts.
*3a) Occupation’s name
*3b) COR codeaccording to the jobs name mentioned in subpoint 3a.
*3c) Qualification Name that the apprentice will achieve
*4) Other conditionsfor getting the position. In case the job position is occupied through an apprenticeship contract, here it will be mentioned all special conditions for access the apprenticeship training programaccording art. 7 alin. (1) lit. b)-d) Law no. 279/2005,O.G. no. 129/2000.
*5) Undetermined/ determined period/ ...... months. In case of apprenticeships contracts, the duration of the apprenticeship contract, for each level ofqualification, established accordingLaw no. 279/2005.
*6) As following:
code: N/.....hours/day - in case of normal program (full time);
code: P/.....hours/day -. in case of partial program (part time);...... hours/day.
*7). Basic salary for the job (gross/monthly).
*8) Other bonuses included in the salary:(accommodation, transport, relocation’s costs, meal tickets, medical insurance, etc.).
*9) Types of appliance (CV, Letter, Fax,Phone, E-MAIL, preselection from the Public Employment Agency- AJOFM Arad).
*10) CodeDfor the vacant jobthat has been already communicated to the Employment Agency and hasn’t been occupied, codeN– for the vacant job that is communicated for the first time to the Employment Agency ).
*11) Calendaristic dateon which the report is communicated by the employer’s legal representative