8th Annual PNWAIAA Technical Symposium

November 1st, 2014 at Future of Flight, Paine Field, Everett, WA

Dear Prospective Sponsor,

Since the fall of 2007, professional and collegiate members representing the Pacific Northwest Aerospace industry have come together every fall for the Pacific Northwest American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Technical Symposium. Organized by the local section, this event seeks to further the national AIAA mission: To address the professional needs and interests of the past, current, and future aerospace workforce and to advance the state of aerospace science, engineering, technology, operations, and policy to benefit our global society.

The Pacific Northwest Section of AIAA is pleased to host the 8thAnnual Technical Symposium on November 1st, 2014 at the Future of Flight Museum at Paine Field in Everett, WA. The theme for this year’s program is Innovation at the Edge. It’s an exploration of breaking through the limits of our understanding to find new solutions to previously insoluble problems. The program will include technical and non-technical tracks with a range of presentations from industry and academia, along with expert panels and focus groups. The event is expected to be attended by more than 300 professionals and students from industry and academia interested in learning about active programs and research occurring in the Pacific Northwest.

Without the generosity and support of local companies and organizations, we would be unable to host such an event – one that brings together academic and professional members and non-members alike from across the region. Your support identifies your organization as an industry leader.

Please consider supporting this year’s event. Attachedyou will find the sponsorship levels and ways your organization will benefit as a sponsor. We also ask that you spread the word and promote the event to anyone who may be interested in participating as a presenter or attendee. Accordingly, a Call for Abstracts is also attached for your distribution amongst your organization.

Do not hesitate to call or email questions you may have and I look forward to speaking with you soon.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Patrick Remy

Pacific Northwest AIAA Technical Symposium Chair 2014

(206) 264-4360




My organization is pleased to support and take park in the Pacific Northwest American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Technical Symposium on November 3rd, 2012 with a sponsorship grant at the level indicated below.

Company/Organization Name:
Contact Name:
Phone Number:

Please indicate the sponsorship level:

  • Recognition on website with link as a Platinum sponsor
  • Logo placement on signage
  • Verbal recognition at general session
  • Full Page Advertisement in Symposium Program
  • 5 complimentary symposium registrations; $60 corporate rate for attendees over the first 5
  • Platinum sponsor recognition in symposium program along with company description
  • Exhibit table (please request)
  • Recognition on websitewith link as a gold sponsor
  • Logo placement on signage
  • Verbal recognition at general session
  • Half Page Advertisement in Symposium Program
  • 3 complimentary symposium registrations; $60 corporate rate for attendees over the first 3
  • Gold sponsor recognition in symposium program along with company description
  • Exhibit table (please request)
  • Recognition on websitewith link as a silver sponsor
  • Logo placement on signage
  • Half Page Advertisement in Symposium Program
  • 2 complimentary symposium registrations; $60 corporate rate for attendees over the first 2
  • Silver sponsor recognition in symposium program along with company description
  • Recognition on websitewith link as a bronze sponsor
  • 1 complimentary symposium registration; $60 corporate rate for attendees over the first
  • Bronze sponsor recognition in symposium program along with company description
Sponsor 2 students$100 ($50 per student)
  • Company recognition as a student sponsor in symposium program

For in-kind or non-traditional sponsorships please contact ______. Contact information is provided below.

Please choose the form of payment:

Payable to: PNW AIAA / Paypal?
Upon receipt of completed form, an electronic PayPal invoice will be sent from

Symposium Sponsorship Contact: Patrick Remy,
