C4C User Migration Service
User Guide
Version 1.0
For any issue regarding your C4C account migration, please contact your requestor.
Foranyissues regarding the C4C service access, pleaseusethefollowingdedicated Shell C4C Helpdesknumbers
Asia-Pac: +60 3 8317 7202
Europe, Middle East: +44 161 435 8027
Africa (Nigeria only): +234 80702 21010
US: +1 713 245 5314
Russia (Sakhalin users only): 800 700 9919
Alternatively you can contact C4C Shell Helpdesk functional mailbox
Amendment History:
Document Version # / Approval Date / Modified By / Section, Page(s)and Text Revised0.1 / August 2010 / Petra van der Raad / First Draft
0.2 / November 2010 / Jonathan Toh and KS / Updated as requested by KS and JT
0.3 / December 2010 / Jeffrey Tham (Shell) / Reviewed and updated
0.4 / January 2011 / Jonathan Toh / Updated correct URL links and document alignment
1.0 / 1 Mar 2011 / Liew Wei Pin / Updated with MyRequest details
1.1Introduction to C4C – “What is C4C?”
1.2 Migration From GI-D to C4C – The C4C Migration Service
1.3Requesting for the C4C User Migration Service
2.A Step-by-Step Guide
2.1Step 1: Requestor submits request for C4C Migration Service
2.1.1Downloading the Request Form
2.1.2Downloading supporting information
2.1.3Filling in the Request Form
2.1.4Submit the form to the HP ES Central Team
2.2Step 2: Users submit information for suitability check
2.2.1Sending/receipt of 1st Email Notification
2.2.2Fill & submit suitability information
2.3Step 3: HP ES Central Team validates user profile suitability
2.3.1Validation of suitability
2.3.2Requirements met – Send/receipt of 2nd notification (Confirmation) email
2.3.3Requirements NOT met - Send/receipt of 2nd notification (Rejection) email
2.4Step 4: HP ES Central Team sets up C4C account and orders OTP Token
2.4.1Account setup
2.4.2C4C Account details sent via email
2.5Step 5: Users register PC and OTP Token for C4C use
2.5.1Sending/receipt of 3rd Notification Email
2.5.2Setting up PC for C4C use
2.5.3Registering the PC
2.5.4Registering the OTP Token
2.6Step 6: Users log in to C4C and validate availability of applications and services
2.6.1Log in to C4C
2.6.2Validate availability of applications and services
2.7Step 7:Users submit post-migration survey
2.8Step 8:HP ES Central Team removes GI-D account and PC
2.8.1GI-D - Setting up Out-of-office auto-replies
2.8.2GI-D account termination and PC removal
Frequently Asked Questions
Glossary of Terms
1.1Introduction to C4C – “What is C4C?”
Client 4 Contractors (C4C) is a service developed by Shell to make your work experience as a Shell contractor more flexible.
As a C4C User, you will benefit from a new way of working, accessing your Shell applications and services through a secure VPN connection accessed via a web portal. Connections via C4C may take place wherever there is a an internet connection, either within or away from Shell offices.
C4C replaces your GI-D account and PC/Laptop. Instead of using a GI-D PC/Laptop and Shell e-mail account, you will communicate with both Shell and your own company using your company-provided laptop and e-mail account.
1.2 Migration From GI-D to C4C – The C4C Migration Service
Migrating existing GI-D users to C4C requires a number of steps. While these steps may be performed by anyone, there are benefits in having these coordinated and performed in part by a third-party.
The C4C User Migration Service is an optional service which assists existing GI-D users to migrate to C4C. The C4C Migration Service simplifies the process of migrating users from GI-D to C4C by doing the following on behalf of Shell requestors and/or users:
- Validates that a user’s required applications and services are available via C4C
- Triggers C4C Account Creation
- Orders and ensures the delivery of Vasco Tokens (which are required for secure log-in to C4C)
- Coordinates the assignment of required Shell applications and services to the user’s C4C account
- Captures user feedback of the migration experience for performance reporting and future improvements
- Coordinates the removal of GI-D assets (i.e. PC/Laptop) and the termination of GI-D user accounts
- End-to-end coordination of the steps above, and communicates with users to keep them appraised of progress and/or required actions.
1.3Requesting for the C4C User Migration Service
The C4C User Migration Service may be requested by any Shell user, but typically by Shell Line Managers who wish to secure assistance to migrate their contractors efficiently from GI-D to C4C.
Requests for the Service are submitted via the Shell MyRequest website, and further information about the service is available in the ITS Service Catalogue.
2.A Step-by-Step Guide
Migration from GI-D to C4C is a simple 4-stage process. The diagram below provides a high level overview of the end-to-end process:
In Stage 1, the service is requested and the user’s profile is validated to ensure that he/she is suitable for the C4C service.
In Stage 2, the C4C account is set up with the necessary applications and services required by the users, and an OTP Token is applied for and sent to the user.
In Stage 3, the user sets up his/her PC for C4C use, registers the PC and OTP token via the C4C portal, and then logs in for the first time to validate that all is in order.
Finally, in Stage 4, the user submits a post-migration survey to provide feedback for future improvements, the GI-D PC is removed and account terminated.
The sections below explain these at a greater (i.e. step-by-step) level of detail.
2.1Step 1: Requestor submits request for C4C Migration Service
As previously indicated, the C4C User Migration Service may be requested by any Shell user, but typically by Shell Line Managers who wish to secure assistance to migrate their contractors efficiently from GI-D to C4C.
In order to submit a request for the C4C Migration Service, the requestor needs to submit the relevant C4C request form.
2.1.1Downloading the Request Form
The request form may be downloaded by following the link “C4C Request Form” found on the left column of the C4C Web Portal home page located at
2.1.2Downloading supporting information
The Requestor may also need to refer to two documents while filling the Request Form. They are:
- C4C Registered Company List – Contains contractor company details
- Archetype/Resource Group List – Contains resources (e.g. applications) which may be required by the user.
The Companies and Archetype/Resource Group Lists may be found by following the link “Help Guidance” found on the left column of the C4C Web Portal home page. When the lists have been located, download and save them for reference.
2.1.3Filling in the Request Form
The Request Form is filled by entering the details for each user in each row of the spreadsheet which comprises the form. The three key types of information include:
- User details
- Company details – For these, refer to the previously downloaded Company List.
- Archetype/Resource details – For these, refer to the previously downloaded Archetype/Resource List.
The following table provides additional guidelines to assist in filling the request form correctly:
Column Name / StepGID User ID /
- Key in the Shell contractors’ User ID.
- The User ID may be found in the Shell GAL or Who’s Who.
Description / Key in the Shell contractor’s department name
Division / Key in Shell contractors’ division name( If any)
3rd Party Contractor Company (Master) Code / From the downloaded Company list:
- For 3rd Party Contractor Company (Master) Code, refer to Column B
- For 3rd Party Legal Entity (Child) Code, refer to Column E
- For 3rd Party Contract Base, refer to Column G
- For Current Shell Contract Expired Date, please refer to column F
- If you cannot find your company information, please contact your requestor (i.e. typically your Shell Line Manager).
3rd Party Legal Entity (Child) Code
3rd Party Contract Base
Do you need to order a OTP Token to contractor? / Indicate if a OTP (One-Time Password) token is required for the contractor. (Note that all C4C users require an OTP token to log in to C4C.) Enter Yes or No in this field.
Does contractor need Onsite Engineer? / The services of an Onsite Engineer may be made available to assist the contractor in migrating to C4C. (Note that this will incur additional charges.) Enter Yes or No in this field.
Archetype / From the downloaded Archetype/Resources Group List :
- Select the Archetype with the Resources that you require for your account by reviewing the AGvRG worksheet. Locate the value in column A “Archetype (AG Group)” to update this field in your request form.
- If you are unable to locate an appropriate Archetype, please contact your requestor.
- NOTE : Only one Archetype per C4C account may be selected.
Business / The business unit short code
Permission Transfer Required? / For folders permission transfer is required.
2.1.4Submit C4C User Migration List to C4C Migration Team (HP Central Team)
1.After completed the Request form, Requestor is required to raise a request via
C4C- Account – Migration (GID to C4C) Product in MyRequest link
2.In the C4C- Account – Migration (GID to C4C) Product page, requestor is required to provide the email address, company and location details.
3.Proceed to submit the request accordingly. Once request successfully submitted, Requisition ID will be provided. Kindly copy down the Requisition ID to be used in next steps
4.Compose an email and proceed to attach the completed C4C Migration Request Form file and place email subject as a “C4C- Account – Migration (GID to C4C) – [Please insert your Requisition ID here that you obtained from step 3]”.
5.Then send the email to respective business Functional Mailbox according to the list of contacts
2.2Step 2: Users submit information for suitability check
2.2.1Sending/receipt of 1st Email Notification
Upon receipt of the Request Form, an email notification will be sent by the HP ES Central Team to the end user. The email will contain the subject line “C4C User Migration Service will set you up for new way of working by using C4C Service” and will instruct the user to submit further information via the C4C End User Info Web Portal.
2.2.2Fill & submit suitability information
In this step, the user will be required to provide some additional information which will allow the C4C Migration Team to validate his/her suitability to use the C4C service.
The required information is captured via an End User Info Web Portal which may be accessed at .
The webform is a single-page form which can be filled by selecting the appropriate answers from the drop-down listboxes next to each question.
Once completed and checked for accuracy, clicking on the “Click to Review & Submit” button submits the form.
2.3Step 3: HP ES Central Team validates user profile suitability
2.3.1Validation of suitability
The data provided via the Data Collection portal will be analysed by the HP ES Central Team. This analysis will either confirm that:
1) The user meets the criteria for the service and all required applications are available via the C4C Service. The user will therefore proceed with the migration, or
2) The user did NOT meet one or more requirements, or not all required applications are available via the C4C Service. The migrated process will therefore stop here and the requestor will be notified.
If the user is deemed not to have met the requirements, one of the following reasons may apply:
- The user does not have a contractor company supplied non-Shell PC
- The user’s non-Shell PC does not have supported antivirus software
- The user works with highly Confidential documents
- The user’s non-Shell PC is not JavaScript-enabled
- The user’s application portfolio has not yet migrated to C4C.
To seek more information regarding the prerequisites for using C4C, please refer to:
2.3.2Requirements met – Send/receipt of 2nd notification (Confirmation) email
If all necessary criteria have been fulfilled, migration to C4C will commence. The user will receive a 2nd email notification with the subject “You meet the criteria for C4C User Migration Service!”.
2.3.3Requirements NOT met - Send/receipt of 2nd notification (Rejection) email
If requirements have not been met and C4C migration has been halted, the user will receive an email with the subject “C4C Data Collection result - You do not meet the criteria for the C4C User Migration”.
2.4Step 4: HP ES Central Team sets up C4C account and orders OTP Token
2.4.1Account setup
At this point, the following will be done to set up the user’s C4C account:
- A C4C Account will be created for the user
- An OTP Token will ordered for the user and shipped (if requested)
- Applications required will be assigned to the newly-created C4C account.
The user is NOT to try to use the account until confirmation is received that the account setup has been completed.
2.4.2C4C Account details sent via email
Within a short while, the user will receive an email with account details, sent to his/her provided personal email address. A C4C Password will be sent in a separate email for security reasons. These emails are to be kept safe.
Similarly, and OTP Token (if one was ordered), will be delivered to the user. This, too, should be kept safe in preparation for the next step.
2.5Step 5: Users register PC and OTP Token for C4C use
2.5.1Sending/receipt of 3rd Notification Email
Once the user’s C4C account has been set up, a 3rd notification email with the subject “Let’s proceed with your migration to C4C – we need you to work with us to make it happen!” will be sent to the user. The content of the email will prompt the user to perform the following steps below to complete his/her registration.
2.5.2Setting up PC for C4C use
The PC intended for use with C4C should be checked for the following requirements:
Security software – Check if the PC intended for use for C4C has supported Anti-virus, Anti-spyware, and Personal Firewall software installed, and that these are up-to-date. A published list of supported software may be found at
Administrative rights – Do verify that the intended C4C user has administrative rights to the PC. This is required to allow C4C to install the required components to function correctly.
Operating system – The PC should be using a C4C-supported operating system. Refer to the “C4C Pre-requisite Guide” at see what these are.
Unlocked PC – The PC should be configured to permit changes (i.e. installation of C4C components and running of ActiveX components).
Internet Explorer – Active Key should be enabled in Microsoft Internet Explorer
Java Runtime Environment – The latest version of JRE should be installed on this PC.
Javascript – Javascript should be enabled in Internet Explorer.
2.5.3Registering the PC
Having ensured that all technical requirements are met on the PC intended for C4C use, it should then be registered to the C4C service. Please note that only ONE PC may be registered for each C4C user account.
PCs may be registered or de-registered following instruction guides available at
Without going through this process, the user will be unable to access C4C Service. During the registration, the user is taken through a series of configuration steps to ensure that the corporate (non-Shell) PC and Web Browser are configured correctly.
2.5.4Registering the OTP Token
/ A Vasco hard token (pictured) is required to authenticate users along with their C4C username and password when accessing the C4C Service. The user will have an „emergency access‟ to the C4C Service via username and password for 7 days from account creation.Within those 7 days the user must register his/her Vasco token and begin logging on to the C4C Service using that token.
When the user’s token has been received, it should be registered by following the instructions in the document entitled “C4C First Time PC and Token Registration Process” available at
2.6Step 6: Users log in to C4C and validate availability of applications and services
2.6.1Log in to C4C
Once PC and token registration has been done successfully, the user should log in as soon as possible to C4C to validate that his/her account has been set up correctly.
To do so, please refer to the “C4C Access Guide” document at
If any problems are experienced while attempting to log in, the C4C Help Desk should be contacted. The contact details of the Help Desk may be found at the start of this document.
2.6.2Validate availability of applications and services
Once the user has logged in successfully, he/she should validate that access to each required application, as indicated in Step 1 above, has been assigned. The user should be able to see Pre-defined Bookmarks to each application on his/her C4C Home Page after log in.
Again, if problems are encountered, the Help Desk should be contacted.
2.7Step 7:Users submit post-migration survey
After the completion of account and token registrations, the user will be directed to the End User Survey URL link to perform the End User Survey. All migrated users will have to complete the user survey before the closure of the migration request.
Please note that this is a mandatory action; failing to do so may mean that the Migration request ticket remains unclosed and any concluding activities may not take place.
Once completed click on submit.
2.8Step 8:HP ES Central Team removes GI-D account and PC
2.8.1GI-D - Setting up Out-of-office auto-replies
Shell GAL and W=W (Who is Who) still reflect both GI and C4C accounts. Please set up your out-of-office auto-reply with new contact details in your GI account while you use C4C Account. Upon the completion of Step 3, Your GI account will be scheduled for deletion and you will be contacted by local support to retrieve your GI computer to store.
2.8.2GI-D account termination and PC removal
Finally, the user will be contacted to arrange an appointment when the GI-D PC may be removed. The user’s GI-D account will be terminated and the PC removed. The user should ensure that all necessary data is backed up prior to the removal of the PC, in accordance with information security guidelines.