

Info sources



  1. Student, faculty or staff?
  2. Gender
  3. If f/s
  4. How many years have you worked at Transy? (Round to nearest whole number)
  5. If student,
  6. Year of study (# of years at Transy or fresh, soph, jr, srequivilant?)
  7. Live on or off campus?
  8. Ky resident?
  9. Major area of study (narrow down the 38 majors into areas + design your own) - If you have more than one area of study, choose one. (or, give them the option to choose two.)
  10. Undecided
  11. Accounting
  12. Anthropology
  13. Art
  14. Biology
  15. Business
  16. Chemistry
  17. Classics
  18. Computer Science
  19. Drama
  20. Economics
  21. Education
  22. English
  23. Exercise Science
  24. French
  25. German
  26. History
  27. Math
  28. Music
  29. Philosophy
  30. Physics
  31. Political Science
  32. Psychology
  33. Religion
  34. Sociology
  35. Spanish
  36. Writing, Rhetoric & Communication
  37. Other

Information Sources

  1. What are your top three sources of information about campus events and/or activities? (open)
  2. Which statement most closely reflects how often you read the campus newspaper?
  3. I read every issue.
  4. I read most issues.
  5. I rarely read the paper.
  6. I never read the paper.
  7. (Any answer but d) Which statement most closely reflects how you read the paper?
  8. I read every article.
  9. I read most of the articles.
  10. I read the front page. For the rest of the paper, I scan the headlines and read only the articles that interest me.
  11. For the entire paper, I scan the headlines and read the only articles that interest me.
  12. I only scan the paper. I rarely read a full article.
  13. In a typical week, how often do you read Columns?
  14. 5 days a week or more
  15. 4 days a week
  16. 3 days a week
  17. 2 days a week
  18. 1 day a week
  19. Not at all
  20. Select the statement that best completes the statement. I ______listen to the campus radio station:
  21. Regularly
  22. Occasionally
  23. Rarely
  24. Never
  25. Select the statement that best completes the statement. I ______get information from the digital signage around campus.
  26. Regularly
  27. Occasionally
  28. Rarely
  29. Never
  30. Which statement most closely reflects your opinion about digital signage?
  31. There needs to be more. They are a great way of communicating with students.
  32. The ones that are in place are sufficient. I think they are well placed to provide information to students.
  33. We don’t need any more. I don’t think the ones that are in place are very effective, and adding more won’t help.
  34. The monitors should be repurposed. They are not an effective way of communicating with students.
  35. Other ______


  1. Which of the options below describes your level of concern about your carbon footprint, the amount of greenhouse gas released into the atmosphere as a result of your actions?
  2. Actively concerned
  3. Passively concerned
  4. Not too concerned
  5. Not concerned at all
  6. Which of the options below describes your level of concern about water pollution?
  7. Actively concerned
  8. Passively concerned
  9. Not too concerned
  10. Not concerned at all
  11. Which of the options below describes your level of concern about water shortages?
  12. Actively concerned
  13. Passively concerned
  14. Not too concerned
  15. Not concerned at all
  16. Which of the options below describes your level of concern about climate change?
  17. Actively concerned
  18. Passively concerned
  19. Not too concerned
  20. Not concerned at all
  21. Which of the options below describes your level of concern about the amount of solid waste being sent to landfills?
  22. Actively concerned
  23. Passively concerned
  24. Not too concerned
  25. Not concerned at all
  26. Which of the options below describes your level of concern about outdoor air quality?
  27. Actively concerned
  28. Passively concerned
  29. Not too concerned
  30. Not concerned at all
  31. Which of the options below describes your level of concern about indoor air quality?
  32. Actively concerned
  33. Passively concerned
  34. Not too concerned
  35. Not concerned at all
  36. Which of the options below describes your level of concern about your exposure to hazardous chemicals?
  37. Actively concerned
  38. Passively concerned
  39. Not too concerned
  40. Not concerned at all
  41. Please rate your level of agreement with the following statements. I engage in sustainable practices because . . . (Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree, Strongly Disagree)
  42. I believe it will make the world a better place.
  43. I find it personally rewarding.
  44. It’s what my family does.
  45. It’s what my friends do.
  46. It reflects my personal value system.
  47. It’s economically beneficial.
  48. To what extent to you agree or disagree with the following statement: Transylvania University has a responsibility to operate sustainably.
  49. Strongly agree
  50. Agree
  51. Neither agree nor disagree
  52. Disagree
  53. Strongly disagree
  54. To what extent to you agree or disagree with the following statement: Transylvania University has a responsibility to educate students (faculty, staff) about sustainability.
  55. Strongly agree
  56. Agree
  57. Neither agree nor disagree
  58. Disagree
  59. Strongly disagree
  60. To what extent to you agree or disagree with the following statement: Sustainability should be a high priority at Transylvania University.
  61. Strongly agree
  62. Agree
  63. Neither agree nor disagree
  64. Disagree
  65. Strongly disagree
  66. To what extent to you agree or disagree with the following statement: When I conserve energy, I contribute fewer greenhouse gases to the atmosphere.
  67. Strongly agree
  68. Agree
  69. Neither agree nor disagree
  70. Disagree
  71. Strongly disagree
  72. To what extent to you agree or disagree with the following statement: It is easy to recycle on campus.
  73. Strongly agree
  74. Agree
  75. Neither agree nor disagree
  76. Disagree
  77. Strongly disagree
  78. To what extent to you agree or disagree with the following statement: I have a positive impact when I recycle.
  79. Strongly agree
  80. Agree
  81. Neither agree nor disagree
  82. Disagree
  83. Strongly disagree
  84. To what extent to you agree or disagree with the following statement: I would support a trayless cafeteria in order to reduce food waste and conserve water.
  85. Strongly agree
  86. Agree
  87. Neither agree nor disagree
  88. Disagree
  89. Strongly disagree
  90. To what extent to you agree or disagree with the following statement: I know how I can conserve energy while I am on campus.
  91. Strongly agree
  92. Agree
  93. Neither agree nor disagree
  94. Disagree
  95. Strongly disagree
  96. To what extent to you agree or disagree with the following statement: It is easy to conserve energy while on campus.
  97. Strongly agree
  98. Agree
  99. Neither agree nor disagree
  100. Disagree
  101. Strongly disagree
  102. To what extent to you agree or disagree with the following statement: I have a positive impact when I take action to conserve energy while on campus.
  103. Strongly agree
  104. Agree
  105. Neither agree nor disagree
  106. Disagree
  107. Strongly disagree
  108. Climate change refers to an overall increase[AD1] in the Earth’s air and water temperatures as a result of greenhouse gases released into the air.
  109. Do you think climate change will be a major problem, a minor problem or no problem at all in your lifetime?
  110. Major problem
  111. Minor problem
  112. No problem at all
  113. Not sure
  114. Do you think climate change will be a major problem, a minor problem or no problem at all for future generations?
  115. Major problem
  116. Minor problem
  117. No problem at all
  118. Not sure
  119. On a scale of 1-7 with 1 meaning “very unimportant” and 7 meaning “very important”
  120. How important to you are the following sustainability-related programs at Transy?
  121. Recycling
  122. Energy conservation
  123. Water conservation
  124. Water quality protection
  125. Reducing Transy’s carbon footprint
  126. Waste reduction
  127. Reducing use of hazardous chemicals
  128. Sustainable food options
  129. In your opinion, what is the most important sustainability issue on campus? (open)
  130. What would be the single best way to encourage more recycling on Transy’s campus?
  131. More recycling bins in academic buildings
  132. More recycling bins in residential buildings
  133. More outdoor recycling bins
  134. Pairing a recycling bin with each trashcan
  135. More recycling outreach
  136. More clearly marked bins
  137. More housekeeping training
  138. Other (specify)
  139. What would be the single best way to encourage biking on and around campus?
  140. More bike racks
  141. More bike storage
  142. Improved bike loan program
  143. More bicycle signage
  144. Other (specify)
  145. What would be the single best way (water conservation, energy conservation[AD2])?
  146. If you wanted to engage in the following behaviors, how confident are you that you could:
  147. Use LexTran to run errands
  148. Print double-sided in the computer labs
  149. Print double-sided when using remote printing
  150. Set the energy conservation settings on my computer
  151. Reduce the amount of energy used for heating or air conditioning my room /office
  152. Reduce the amount of vampire energy (energy used by electronics when they are turned off) consumed in my room/office
  153. Run local errands on a bike
  154. Set double-sided as the default on my computer
  155. Reduce the amount of water I use on campus
  156. Recycle batteries
  157. Recycle glass
  158. Recycle paper, plastic, cardboard, and aluminum
  159. Recycle small electronics
  160. Edit a document on my computer instead of printing it
  161. Which of the following is MOST important in addressing the energy crises
  162. developing alternative energy such as solar or wind power
  163. developing technology that would make the mining and burning of coal better for the environment
  164. developing education and incentives to increase conservation
  165. Human activity is causing global climate change.
  166. Strongly agree
  167. agree
  168. disagree
  169. Strongly disagree
  170. It is possible to protect the environment and have a healthy economy.
  171. Strongly agree
  172. agree
  173. disagree
  174. Strongly disagree
  175. Knowing about environmental problems is important to me.
  176. Strongly agree
  177. agree
  178. disagree
  179. Strongly disagree
  180. My day to day actions have an impact on the environment.
  181. Strongly agree
  182. agree
  183. disagree
  184. Strongly disagree
  185. I am aware of sustainability related programs and activities when they happen on campus.
  186. Strongly agree
  187. Agree
  188. Disagree
  189. Strongly disagree
  190. It is important to me that I know when there are sustainability related programs or events on campus.
  191. Strongly agree
  192. Agree
  193. Neither agree nor disagree
  194. Disagree
  195. Strongly disagree


  1. When you hear the term sustainability, what is the first thing that comes to mind? (open)
  2. How would you define the term sustainability? (open)
  3. Which of the following has the most positive environmental impact?
  4. Reducing the amount of stuff I consume
  5. Reusing the things I have
  6. Recycling things when I am done with them
  7. All of the above are equally positive actions
  8. Does all rainwater that runs off lawns, roads and fields, go into a treatment plant?
  9. yes
  10. no
  11. Which of the following do you consider to be litter? (Select all that apply.)
  12. Plastic bottles
  13. Banana peels
  14. Cigarette butts
  15. Which of the following are NOT recyclable on campus? (Select all that apply.)
  16. Plastic bottles
  17. Cardboard
  18. Colored paper
  19. Napkins
  20. Paper coffee cups
  21. Magazines
  22. Glass
  23. Cardboard
  24. Plastic cups
  25. Batteries
  26. Small electronics
  27. Aluminum cans
  28. Plastic bags
  29. Which of the following are considered hazardous waste?
  30. Paints, acids and petroleum
  31. Glass and newspapers
  32. Building materials such as lumber and bricks
  33. Many electronics draw current from an outlet, even when they are turned off.
  34. True
  35. False
  36. To use less energy, lights should be turned off only if they will stay off for 15 minutes or longer.
  37. True
  38. False
  39. Name one way to use less energy when doing laundry. (open ended)
  40. A phone charger draws current from an outlet, even when it is not connected to a phone.
  41. True
  42. False
  43. What is a watershed?
  44. Which of the following are renewable resources?
  45. Iron and other metals
  46. Solar energy and trees
  47. Coal and oil
  48. What do you think is the most common source of water pollution in Kentucky?
  49. Factory waste
  50. Runoff from lawns and farms
  51. Household wastewater
  52. In which watershed is Transylvania’s campus located?
  53. Wolf Run
  54. Town Branch
  55. Elkhorn Creek
  56. West Hickman Creek


  1. How likely are you to engage in the following behaviors:
  2. Use LexTran to run errands
  3. Print double-sided in the computer labs
  4. Print double-sided when using remote printing
  5. Set the energy conservation settings on my computer
  6. Edit a document on my computer instead of printing it
  7. Reduce the amount of energy used for heating or air conditioning my room /office
  8. Reduce the amount of vampire energy (energy used by electronics when they are turned off) consumed in my room/office
  9. Run local errands on a bike
  10. Set double-sided as the default on my computer
  11. Reduce the amount of water I use on campus
  12. Recycle small electronics
  13. Recycle batteries
  14. Use CFLs instead of incandescent light bulbs
  15. Rate how frequently you recycle the following items when you are on campus: (Always, Usually, Sometimes, Rarely, Never)
  16. Cardboard
  17. Boxboard
  18. Steel cans
  19. Aluminum cans
  20. Plastic bottles and jugs
  21. White paper
  22. Colored paper
  23. Magazines
  24. Newspapers
  25. Glass
  26. Please indicate which of the follow things you have done in the last week. Mark all that apply.
  27. Turned off the water while brushing your teeth
  28. Recycled on campus
  29. Washed clothes in cold water
  30. Unplugged electronics to reduce “vampire” energy
  31. Walked to an off campus location
  32. Biked to an off campus location
  33. Carpooled
  34. UsedLexTran to get to an off campus location
  35. Reported a leak or other utility-related maintenance request[AD4]
  36. Edited a document on my computer instead of printing it
  37. Printed double-sided documents

Assessment of Transy

  1. To what extent to you agree or disagree with the following statement: Transylvania is doing a good job of operating sustainably.
  2. Strongly agree
  3. Agree
  4. Neither agree nor disagree
  5. Disagree
  6. Strongly disagree
  7. To what extent to you agree or disagree with the following statement: Transylvania is doing a good job engaging (students, faculty, staff) in sustainability.
  8. Strongly agree
  9. Agree
  10. Neither agree nor disagree
  11. Disagree
  12. Strongly disagree
  13. To what extent to you agree or disagree with the following statement: Transylvania University is meeting its responsibility with respect to recycling.
  14. Strongly agree
  15. Agree
  16. Neither agree nor disagree
  17. Disagree
  18. Strongly disagree
  19. To what extent to you agree or disagree with the following statement: Transylvania University is meeting its responsibility with respect to reducing the amount of waste sent to landfills.
  20. Strongly agree
  21. Agree
  22. Neither agree nor disagree
  23. Disagree
  24. Strongly disagree
  25. To what extent to you agree or disagree with the following statement: Transylvania University is meeting its responsibility with respect to water conservation.
  26. Strongly agree
  27. Agree
  28. Neither agree nor disagree
  29. Disagree
  30. Strongly disagree
  31. To what extent to you agree or disagree with the following statement: Transylvania University is meeting its responsibility with respect to protecting water quality.
  32. Strongly agree
  33. Agree
  34. Neither agree nor disagree
  35. Disagree
  36. Strongly disagree
  37. To what extent to you agree or disagree with the following statement: Transylvania University is meeting its responsibility with respect to providing sustainable food options.
  38. Strongly agree
  39. Agree
  40. Neither agree nor disagree
  41. Disagree
  42. Strongly disagree
  43. To what extent to you agree or disagree with the following statement: Transylvania University is meeting its responsibility with respect to renovating buildings to be more energy efficient.
  44. Strongly agree
  45. Agree
  46. Neither agree nor disagree
  47. Disagree
  48. Strongly disagree
  49. To what extent to you agree or disagree with the following statement: Transylvania University is meeting its responsibility with respect to reducing its carbon footprint (the amount of greenhouse gases released as a result of its activities).
  50. Strongly agree
  51. Agree
  52. Neither agree nor disagree
  53. Disagree
  54. Strongly disagree
  55. How confident are you that items placed in recycling bins at Transy are actually being recycled?
  56. Very confident
  57. Somewhat confident
  58. Not very confident
  59. Not at all confident
  60. Would you be willing to pay $5 more in student fees per semester to support sustainability programs on campus?
  61. Yes
  62. No

[AD1]Possibly eliminate


[AD3]Water conservation, watershed protection, energy conservation, recycling, getting involved

[AD4]Efficacy questions about maintenance requests