Course Description—

This course surveys the field of psychology. Throughout this course we will explore psychological methods, personality development, human development, feelings and emotion, abnormal behavior, gender differences, and other basic principles of psychology.


Mrs. Spann


Textbook—Thinking About Psychology

Curriculum Map—
All dates are subject to change at the instructor’s discretion

Fall Semester
Unit : / Topic: / Date: Every two weeks
1 / What is Psychology/Methods of Research / Standards 1-3
2 / Developmental Psychology / Standards 2-8
3 / Sensation and Perception / Standards 11-14
4 / Motivation and Emotion / Standards 15-16
5 / Cognitive Domain / Standards 8-11
6 / Psychological Disorders / Standards 17-19

Required Materials—

You will need these items every day:

Notebook: Because students will need to organize not only the course handouts and notes but also self evaluations, each student should have a three-ring notebook. Major tests will be given on Monday, Wednesday, or Friday. Students may use their own notebooks (notes, video questions, research, etc.) on each test and the final exam. Therefore it is important for students to take good notes and keep up with the notebook all semester!


Assessment and Grading—

The following breakdown will be utilized when determining the final grade:

  1. Assigned class work—constitutes 35% of a student’s grade and may include the following: participation, homework, seat work, note taking, quizzes
  2. Test scores ---35%
  3. Special projects—15%
  4. Final Exam —15%

Make-up Work—

Whenever you are absent, it is your responsibility to get your MAKE-UP assignments. This should be done at an appropriate time on the FIRST day of your return. Assignments will not be accepted more than ONE calendar week from the original due date.

Academic Integrity-

Cheating is considered a serious matter. Students involved in cheating (whether giving or receiving answers) will receive a grade of zero for the assignment and a grade of U in conduct. Cheating includes: helping, checking answers, sharing, plagiarism, etc. Students may only work together when it is expressly stated by the teacher.


Classroom Expectations—Student handbook policies will be followed.

/ Prepared:
Students are expected to come to class with all of their required materials
/ Respect:
Students will respect all school rules, as well as the rules of the Mrs. Spann. No sleeping in class. During class time all electronic communication devices
must be turned off (not placed on silent or vibrate).
/ Involved:
Students will be enthusiastic about all class activities. Participate, but talk when it is appropriate.
/ Dependable:
Students will remain on task, and turn in work at the assigned time. No standing at the door waiting to leave class.
/ Ethical:
Students will express tolerance when examining cultural issues. Intolerance is unacceptable.

A Note About Psychology—

Psychology is an elective course, and you are hopefully taking it because of your interest in the subject. Understand that many of the topics we cover can be very personal at times, and no student should be made to feel uncomfortable. Students should not feel the need to share any of their personal experiences pertaining to these topics, nor should students share information about LHS students in or out of our class. I hope that we can address these topics in a mature and responsible manner. Note, though I do have a degree that certifies me to teach psychology, I am NOT a licensed psychologist or counselor. Please feel free to share any personal anecdotes that supports in class discussions, but please address any personal problems to your school counselor.

Video Permission : Students should have their parents sign the video permission form and return to the teacher.