Core Math Class Syllabus

Mr. Estens (503) 394-3271 Room # 10

All components may be subject to change

Classroom Rules:

1) Please keep yourself and others safe at all times.

2) Please respect your learning in addition to the learning of others.

3) Please take the responsibility to come to class prepared and ready to learn.

4) Please ask questions if something does not make sense.

5) Please be patient with me, your classmates, and yourself; we will not always get it right the first time, and it is important to respect that as part of the journey.

6) For additional school rules and consequences please see the student handbook.


1) Pencils and erasers (absolutely no pens)

2) A clear and organized section in your binder dedicated to math (required) OR a 1 inch, 3-ring binder dedicated to math (highly recommended)

3) Hand-held, manual pencil sharpener with shaving catcher

4) A spiral-bound notebook dedicated only to taking notes in class

5) Lined loose-leaf notebook paper or graph paper dedicated to practice (perforated paper only; no spiral ripped edges)


Students will be issued a copy of their math textbook. The textbook must be covered with paper by the beginning of class on the first Friday. Please take good care of your textbook; fines will be issued if textbooks are lost or damaged.


Practice should be expected Monday through Thursday (none on Fridays). It will focus on the topics that we have covered in class, which are based upon the Common Core State Standards and the pace of the class.

Practice should always be done in pencil on a separate sheet of lined or graphing paper. Practice should always include the proper heading in the top right corner of the paper, including: name, date, class period. In the top left corner, include section from the book or title of assignment, and the questions that were attempted.

Practice should always be completed in the best possible handwriting, and each question should be organized in the following way:

1. Copy the question out of the book (or off of the worksheet)

2. Show steps as to how you solved the problem

3. Answer the question and put a box around the answer

Practice is worth 3 points. The first point is awarded if the heading is legibly completed. The second point is awarded if the practice is completed in pencil, legible, organized, and easy to follow. The third point is awarded if the practice is turned in on time (due at the beginning of the period on the following school day).

Classroom Procedures:

Students will be considered tardy if they are not sitting in their assigned seats, if they are socializing after the bell rings, or if they arrive to class unprepared.

Class will begin with students turning in practice from the day before. Additionally, there will be a warm-up that I have waiting for the students on the board. It is expected that while I take attendance, they are working quietly on the warm-up.

After we work out the warm-up on the board together, the new material will be presented. Students are expected to take notes in their spiral-bound notebook during this time. It is very important that good notes are taken so that students will have strong examples to learn from. At the end of the lesson (each section we make it through in the book), students will be given an exit ticket (quiz) to gauge their proficiency with the material.

Finally, students will be dismissed when the classroom is returned to the order they found it in, and they are all quietly sitting in their seats.

Work Samples:
At the middle level, work samples in mathematics are given for two main reasons: They are used as a way to get students familiar with the work sample process that they will be using in high school, and they function to provide a thorough demonstration of proficiency under a given domain of mathematics.

Work samples, which are completed in class under testing conditions, consist of a single question that students are asked to answer as thoroughly as possible. Students are asked to restate the question, show the process they use to answer the question, write the answer in a complete sentence, check their answer, and describe the entire process in words. Annually, students are required to complete at least one work sample in Algebra, one in Geometry, and one in Statistics.


Letter grades will be given at the end of each quarter. Missing assignment reports will be posted weekly in every classroom in the school. The grading scale will be as follows:

50% Academic Standards/Proficiency 100%-90% = A

50% Personal Management 89%-80% = B

79%-70% = C

69%-60% = D

59%-0% = F

I have received and understand the above information and agree to follow all

(your name here)

expectations. I also understand the consequences of my actions should I chose not to abide by them.

Parents/Guardians, please check one:

□ Yes, it is OK if photos of my child appear on the class’ password protected website.

□ No, I would rather my child not appear on the class’ password protected website.

Student signature date

Parent signature date

(Turn this form in to Mr. Estens no later than Friday of the first week of class. It counts as an assignment)

Parents/Guardians: In a million words (or less), please tell me anything you would like me to know about your daughter or son. You may attach more paper as needed or email me. J