SUDANS DAY 2017 – 7th October 2017.
'God is our refuge': the Sudans Study Day 2017at Shaftesbury School. 9.15-4.00pm.
Ian Woodward and Robert Hayward report on their recent visit, with stories about our Lent appeal. Tim Morris the former ambassador talks on “A Challenge for Diplomacy”, and
Tish Mason talks about the Flame visit to Aweil. We have reports of link visits to Rokon and Khartoum, and an update on the work of Education and Medical link, and much more, including stalls from Charities working in the Sudans. This event is not to be missed - a great way to learn about the present situation in the Sudans, and how we link with our brothers and sisters there.
Booking: r
tel: 01963 23726 (numbers help us) or book on the day.
Sunday 5th November 2017 at 6.30pm in All Saints.
(Please note it is not at St.George’s this year!)
If you have a loved one you would like to be remembered during this service, please give the name to Linda Baker or any of the Churchwardens.
Robert Salkeld 01722 329457
Jane Greenaway 01722 328583
Helen Evans 01722 323720
Anthony Bird 01722 333695
or Parish Administrator: Linda Baker 07925 108856 or
Parish Website:
Sunday 1st October 2017
WELCOME! A special welcome if you are visiting, or a newcomer.
You are invited to receive communion with us. If you would prefer a prayer of blessing, please bring a book with you.
If you would like to receive communion in your pew please let a sides-person know before we begin.
Should you wish to support the church financially there are gift aid envelopes, or alternatively you may prefer to give to the collection during the offertory hymn. The money goes towards the work of the Parish. 5% of this collection will support other Christian charities.
O eternal God,
who crownest the year with thy goodness
and dost give us the fruits of the earth in their season:
give us grace that we may use them to thy glory,
for the relief of those in need and for our own well-being;
through Jesus Christ thy Son our Lord,
who liveth and reigneth with thee,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and forever. AMEN.
READINGS: 2 Corinthians 9.6-15 (P180)
Luke 12: 16-30 (P71)
Would you please PRAY for:
v Our local farmers and all food producers, and those who distribute it locally and overseas.
v the Diocese of the Southern Philippines.
v all the parishes in the Pewsey Deanery.
v the Diocese of Wau, and for the Rt.Revd.Moses Deng Bol, its bishop.
v Eco-congregations, sustainable living projects, Salisbury City Farm, Green Cafe, Green Drinks and Salisbury Transition City.
v Food producers and the Trussell Trust.
v the Salisbury Women’s Refuge.
v the various members of Churches Together in Salisbury.
v Connor Mehaffey being christened today.
v all who live in Norfolk Road and Essex Square .
v those who are sick, and all who care for them, especially John Rumens, Gary Turner, David Slater, Rachel Woods,
Tom, Revd. Becky Roberts, Carol Parker and Mark Baker.
v those who have died especially Ruth Stacey.
Sunday 29th October in the Memorial Hall at 12.30pm.
We would like to welcome you to a hot lunch. Caterers will be supplying the Main Course, but we would be grateful if you were able to bring puddings (As usual lists in church). Tickets for the lunch, to be paid for in advance will be £8.00 per person and available from Linda Baker.
For the main course you can choose from:
Chicken Chasseur.
Baked Cod with Pesto with a breadcrumb topping and cream sauce.
Stuffed Portbello Mushroom with sun dried tomatoes, peppers and mozzarella.
All the above served with rice or new potatoes, carrots and peas.
Menu selections must be given to Linda Baker when purchasing tickets so that we can tell the caterer. Thank you.
12.30pm Harvest Lunch in the Church Hall.
MONDAY – 2nd October 2017
9.30am 3B’s in the Church Hall.
11.00am Holy Communion at Willowcroft.
TUESDAY – 3rd October 2017
1.00pm Bible Study in the Meeting Room.
WEDNESDAY – 4th October 2017
9.30am St.George’s Toddlers in the Church Hall.
11.00am Holy Communion at Brympton.
THURSDAY – 5th October 2017
10.00am Communion at St.George’s.
10.45am Parish Prayer Group meeting at 20 Middle Street.
SATURDAY – 7th October 2017
10.00am Coffee at All Saints.
2.00pm TSSF in St.George’s.
SUNDAY – 8th October 2017
8.00am Communion at All Saints.
9.30am Communion at St.George’s.
3pm Messy Church in the Church Hall.
GREAT CARD SALE – Saturday 28th October, 10.00-12noon.
A wide selection of cards will be on sale in the Church Hall to raise funds for work of Salisbury Diocesan Medical Link. The Mothers Union will be serving coffee and home-made cakes in aid of the Women’s Refuge here in Salisbury. Scout Christmas Stamps will also be available at this event. An event not to miss!