Unit Theme:Being Puerto Rican Through Folktales 7.1Week:#4
Teacher: Subject: English Grade: 7th Date:From ______to ______20______
Desired ResultEnduringUnderstanding
EU1. Our home country influences who we are through its language, culture, and customs.EU2. The setting of our lives shapes who we are by providing novel experiences.
EU3. Folktales provide entertainment, but also share local wisdom or lessons to be learned.
Assessment Evidence
SummativeEvaluation (Performance Task(unit projects, exams, etc.)2- Presentation of a Puerto Rican Folktale ( Create a folktale to share with peers and family)
Learning Plan
Suggested Learning Activities:
Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5
Standards / Reading / Reading / Reading / Reading, / Reading and Writing
Expectations / 7.R.1- Read to explain cultural identity, support analysis and conclusions
7.R. 5L- Analyze and contribute to development of folktale. / 7.R.1- Read text to explain details and process of a proverb
7.R.5L- Analyze proverbs in culture / 7.R.2L- Determine a proverb with details.
7.R.3L- Describe proverb according to culture, wisdom and beliefs. / 7.R.2L- Determine proverb with details
7.R.3L- Describe proverb using humorous dialog.
7.R..6L- Explain development of proverb through narration / 7.R.1- Read text of proverbs
7.W.4- Develop and strengthen writing process
Academic Strategy
Instructional Strategy and Phase
Objective / The studentshares cultural proverbs and wisdom of family members’ experiences accurately. Oral conversations and comprehension of proverbs of family members experiences / The student discusses proverbs from Puerto Rico to identify culture and beliefs with examples developed in groups effectively.. / The student selects a proverb or creates his/her own lesson that shares an important part of Puerto Rican culture or other countries beliefs to his/her classmates. / The student will add humorous dialogue and magic or unreal events that lead to solution of the problem. / The student will peer edit and self-assess published work using rubric ( Attachment 7.1 Writing Tool- folktale Rubric)
Depth of Knowledge (DOK) / ___ Recall / Memory
___ Skill / Concept
___ Strategic Thinking
___ Extended Thinking / ___ Recall / Memory
___ Skill / Concept
___ Strategic Thinking
___ Extended Thinking / ___ Recall / Memory
___ Skill / Concept
___ Strategic Thinking
___ Extended Thinking / ___ Recall / Memory
___ Skill / Concept
___ Strategic Thinking
___ Extended Thinking / ___ Recall / Memory
___ Skill / Concept
___ Strategic Thinking
___ Extended Thinking
Initial Activities / The teacher will complete routine activities and review previous class. Introduction of cultural proverbs sharing experiences with examples. / The teacher completes routine activities and reviews previous class. An introduction of culture and beliefs through Proverbs is given through a matching of parts of proverbs for students to complete and discuss cultural beliefs ( proverbs used are to develop awareness of cultural beliefs of country or countries)
Websites with Puerto Rican proverbs.
. / The teacher completes routine activities and reviews previous class. Instructions for writing proverbs with cultural identity through examples are to be discussed. / The teacher will complete routine activities and review previous class. Instructions of integrating humorous dialogue and magic or unreal events. / The teacher will complete routine activities and review previous class. Instructions with rubric on peer editing given in attachment 7.1
Development Activities / A discussion and comparison of cultural proverbs and wisdom with family members experiences through Proverb guide questions:
(Questions are to be related to proverbs- for example:
- What advice does the proverb give?
- How does the proverb relate to your country?
- How does the proverb relate to other countries?
- How does proverb relate to family experiences?
- Compare country and other countries with proverb given to each student or in pairs.
- Does the proverb relate to country?
- What is the cultural identity of proverb?
Closing Activities / The student reviews proverbs and importance to cultural identity with family experience examples / The student will discuss orally and review proverbs.
/ Discuss proverbs written by students and integration of cultural awareness and beliefs / The student will revise work to include elements of proverb, beliefs, culture awareness, and humorous events. / The student will discuss peer editing rubrics to gain insight on beliefs and culture of Puerto Rico.
Formative Assessment – Other evidence / Activity Proverb examples from family experiences.
( Attachments of folktales and proverbs for importance of cultural identity to be used or others by teacher) / Attachment 7.1 Proverbs in Sample Lessons / Performance Task In Class– Create Proverb of Puerto Rican culture / Performance Task In Class - Create Proverb of Puerto Rican culture adding humorous dialogue and events / Performance Task- Editing and self -assessment with rubric- writing tool for Folktales.
Differentiated Instruction Strategies
___ Special Education
___ Section 504
___ Gifted
Teacher Reflection