Unit 10: Livestock

Lesson 14: Exploring Meat Goats – Teacher’s Guide

Estimated Time for Completion – approximately 90 minutes

Student Learning Objectives:

  • As a result of this lesson the student will…
  • Explore the meat goat industry in the U.S.
  • Examine meat goat production methods.
  • Understand meat goat breeds and their defining characteristics.

Purpose: When you think of a typical backyard barbeque, you likely picture steaks, pork chops, or chicken legs, but goat meat is probably not the first meat type that comes to your mind. Goat meat has not been a historically popular food item in the U.S., but trends are shifting in favor of goats. While it is not likely that goat meat consumption will soon pass beef or pork, the popularity of goat meat is rising, and it is interesting to learn why.

Directions:Go to the following website: Click on the Commodities and

Products, Livestock, Goats, Meat Goats. Use the information along with any other needed research to answer the following questions.

  1. A desire for healthy diets has driven a demand for goat meat. Why does goat meat provide part of a healthy diet?
  • First, select the “Commodities and Products” link.
  • Then, select the “Livestock” link.
  • Select “Goats”
  • Select “Meat Goats”
  • Look in the “Introduction” section to find the desired information.
  1. Another driving force behind the demand for goat meat is the growth of U.S. ethnic populations. What ethnic populations are creating this demand, and why do you think goat meat is important in their cultures?
  • First, select the “Commodities and Products” link.
  • Then, select the “Livestock” link.
  • Select “Goats”
  • Select “Meat Goats”
  • Look in the “Introduction” section to find the desired information.
  • Note: Students will be expected to rely upon their critical-thinking skills and conduct research outside of the AgMRC website to answer this question.
  1. Meat goats typically are typically fed on rotational grazing programs. Describe a rotational grazing program appropriate for meat goats.
  • First, select the “Commodities and Products” link.
  • Then, select the “Livestock” link.
  • Select “Goats”
  • Select “Meat Goats”
  • Look in the “Management” section to find the desired information.
  1. What kind of shelter is typically needed for meat goats?
  • First, select the “Commodities and Products” link.
  • Then, select the “Livestock” link.
  • Select “Goats”
  • Select “Meat Goats”
  • Look in the “Management” section to find the desired information.
  1. What is the primary difference between cabrito and chevon?
  • First, select the “Commodities and Products” link.
  • Then, select the “Livestock” link.
  • Select “Goats”
  • Select “Meat Goats”
  • Look in the “Production” section to find the desired information.

Reinforcement Activity: Meat Goat Breeds

According to the AgMRC website, Boer, Kiko, Nubian, Pygmy, and Spanish are the most popular meat goat breeds. For this activity, you will need to choose a breed, and put together an information inventory about that breed. At the end, your classmates will share the information about their breed, and you will have a complete set of goat breed information.

Boer / Kiko / Nubian / Pygmy / Spanish
What quality makes this breed stand out from other breeds?
What does this breed look like (coloring)
What is the typical growth rate of this breed?
What is the average adult male size?
What is the average adult female size?
What environment is this breed best suited for?