On some anthracotheriid (Artiodactyla, Mammalia) remains from northern Greece; comments on the palaeozoogeography and phylogeny of Elomeryx.
Swiss Journal of Paleontology.
Authors: Dimitris S. Kostopoulos1, George D. Koufos1, and Kimon Christanis2;
1. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Department of Geology, 54124 Thessaloniki, Greece; 2.University of Patras, Department of Geology, 26504 Rio Patras.
Corresponding author: Dimitris S Kostopoulos: ;
Appendix II.
Description of characters used in the cladistic analysis.
Character 6 (Lihoreau and Ducrocq 2007). Upper canine morphology: strong with subcircular cross section (0); strong and laterally compressed (1); premolariform (2).
Character 7 (Lihoreau and Ducrocq 2007, modified). Lower canine morphology: premolariform (0); large (1).
Character 8 (Lihoreau and Ducrocq 2007, modified). Lower canine cross section at cervix: elliptical with a mesial and a distal crest (0); elliptical with concave buccal margin and a distal keel (1).
Character 9 (Lihoreau and Ducrocq 2007, modified). Accessory cusps on the mesial crest of lower premolars: none (0); one (1).
Character 12 (Lihoreau and Ducrocq 2007).Presence of a lingual accessory cusp on p4: no (0); yes (1).
Character 14 (Lihoreau and Ducrocq 2007). Number of mesial crests on P1-P3: one (0); two (1).
Character 16 (Lihoreau and Ducrocq 2007). Accessory cusp on distolingual margin of P3: one (0); none (1).
Character 17 (Lihoreau and Ducrocq 2007, modified). Upper molar mesostyle: simple (0); V-shaped and invaded by the transverse valley (1); looplike (2).
Character 18 (Lihoreau and Ducrocq 2007). Number of postprotocristae: one (0); two (0).
Character 20 (Lihoreau and Ducrocq 2007). Number of cristules issued from the metaconule: two (0); three (1).
Character 23 (Lihoreau and Ducrocq 2007). Postentocristid on lower molars: does not reach the posthypocristid (0); reaches the posthypocristid (1).
Character 24 (Lihoreau and Ducrocq 2007). Dimensions of lingual and labial cusps on lower molars: equal (0); different (1).
Character 26 (Lihoreau and Ducrocq 2007). Number of cristids issued from the hypoconid: three (0); two (1).
Character 27 (Lihoreau and Ducrocq 2007). Position of the preentocristid on lower molars: reaches the hypoconid summit (0); reaches the prehypocristid (1).
Character 29 (Lihoreau and Ducrocq 2007). Mesial part of looplike hypoconulid: open (0); pinched (1).
Character 34 (Lihoreau and Ducrocq 2007). c-p1 diastema: absent (0); present (1).
Character 35 (Lihoreau and Ducrocq 2007). p1-p2 diastema: absent (0); present (1).
Character 38 (Lihoreau and Ducrocq 2007). Morphology of the symphysis in sagittal section: elliptic (0); dorsally concave (1); ventrally concave (2).
Character 39 (Lihoreau and Ducrocq 2007). Maximal thickness of the symphysis in sagittal section: in the middle part (0); in the anterior part (1); in the posterior part (2).
Character a. Distal edge of the upper canines: no serrated (0); serrated (1).
Character b. Development of parastyle-metastyle on p4: absent or weak (0); moderately developed (metastyle stronger than parastyle; 1); strongly developed (2).
Character c. Development of labial cingulum on p4: weak (0); strong (1).
Character d. Transverse valley on M2, M3: blocked lingually (0); open (1).
Character e. Paraconule on upper molars: present (0); absent (1).
Character f. Hypoconulid of m3: uncompressed (0); buccolingually compressed (1).
Character g. Development of posthypocristid: weak (0); strong (1).
Character h. Mesiolingual entocristid on lower molars: strong (0); weak to absent (1).
Character i. Lingual cingulum on upper molars (in between the lobes): strong (0); weak (1)
Character j. Lingual postprotocrista: no developed (0); strong (1); weak (2)
Character k. Position of postprotocrista: distally directed, reaching the premetacristule (0); buccally directed, reaching the postparacristule (1)