SUNDAY 16th November 2014 ISSUE 753 Birse and Feughside Church of Scotland Charity Number SCO18517
A warm welcome is given to all, especially any visitors amongst us. Please join us for refreshments after the service.
WED / JUNIOR CHOIR – 4 – 4.30pm in the Church
WED / Kirk Session Meeting at 7.30pm
Rev Anita Stutterwill conduct theServiceat 11am.
Door John Hector
Bell / Bible Nancy Davidson
Collection 1 Donald Farquharson
Collection 2 Malcolm Littlejohn
Audio Maureen McLellan & Malcolm Littlejohn
Tea Sheena Littlejohn & Mary Christie
Driver Lil
Christmas Shoe Box Appeal 2014
For 25 years the New Hope Trust have taken thousands of parcels to the desperately needy in Eastern Europe, particularly orphans. Birse and Feughside Church and the primary schools of Finzean and Strachan have generously supported this appeal and we hope this year people will again find it in their hearts to think of others less fortunate as Christmas time approaches. Please take a leaflet available at the door which gives instruction on how to pack your parcel and what to include in it. A donation of £2 towards the cost of transportation would be appreciated. As the leaflet explains there is a desperate need for toiletries and warm winter clothing. We will also accept these items which we will pass on with the shoeboxes.
All shoe boxes and any toiletries and clothing need to be returned to the church or Malcolm Littlejohn by Sunday 7thDecember . Thank You.
Susan ZappertWrites:-
I was intrigued by the following article about Iona in a recent email from the Church of Scotland’s Church and Mission team. “Dr James Kelly has self published a new book titled ‘The Iona Community and the Kirk: A History of the Christian Workers League and Industrial Mission’. The CWL was the youth movement of the Iona Community engaged in outreach to society through politics, pastoral work, management and trade unions. “
I realised I didn’t know very much about the recent history of Iona so I started by looking at articles on the Internet and thought others might be interested in a brief summary of my findings.
Iona and St Columba
Iona is a small Hebridean island off the west coast of Scotland, cradle of Christianity in Scotland, where in 563AD the Irish monk Columba established a monastic settlement that evangelised large parts of Scotland and the north of England and became an important centre of European Christianity. In the Middle Ages it became the site of a Benedictine abbey, and over the centuries it has attracted many thousands of people on their own pilgrim journeys.
Many early kings were buried here from Scotland (48), Norway (8), Ireland (4) and possibly also France. Most recently, John Smith of the Labour Party was buried on Iona in 1994.
Iona remains a centre for pilgrimage and tourism; the daily services of the Iona Community in the Abbey church and worship elsewhere on the island are open to all; many visitors come again and again. There is a year-round population of over 100; long-established island families as well as more recent arrivals, including those who work for the Iona Community in its centres as staff or volunteers. The abbey is now managed by Historic Scotland; the Iona Community remains in residence as a living, worshipping presence. The islanders, the Iona Community and Historic Scotland work together to maintain Iona as a place of welcome.
Founding of the Iona Community
The Iona Community was founded in Glasgow and Iona in 1938 by George MacLeod, minister, visionary and prophetic witness for peace, in the context of the poverty and despair of the Depression. From a dockland parish in Govan, Glasgow, he took unemployed skilled craftsmen and young trainee clergy to Iona to rebuild both the monastic quarters of the mediaeval abbey and the common life by working and living together, sharing skills and effort as well as joys andachievement. That original task became a sign of hopeful rebuilding of community in Scotland and beyond. The experience shaped – and continues to shape – the practice and principles of the Iona Community.
If this article results in anyone being interested in reading the book which I mentioned in the first paragraph above, I have ordered a copy and would be happy to lend it to anyone who would like to read it.
SUN / Hab. 1:1–4 (5–11) 12–2:1Matt. 23:13–24
MON / Hab. 2:1–4, 9–20
Luke 16:19–3
TUES / Hab. 3:1–10 (11–15) 16–18
Luke 17:1–10
WED / Mal. 1:1, 6–14
Luke 17:11–19
THURS / Mal. 2:1–16
Luke 17:20–37
FRI / Mal. 3:1–12
Luke 18:1–8
SAT / Mal. 3:13–4:6
Luke 18:9–14
If you are a visitor and wishing to make a donation to the church, please use the white envelopes found on the table at the door. If you pay Income Tax, please do fill in your details, that will allow us to claim back Gift Aid on what you have so generously given
Sing-A-Long Sessions Monday 17th November at 2.30pmin the church and then on the 3rd Monday of every month thereafter.
Forget Me Not News Just to let you know we are now having a regular Saturday Coffee Morning at Bennett House, 10 till12 - homemade scones & pancakes £4 - lovely!!!!
Walking in Pilgrimage – United in Faith