Employee Training


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WORK INSTRUCTIONIssue Date:18 August 2001

Authorised by:Marjorie Dickenson


The purpose of this procedure is to:

  • Identify the need for employee training.
  • Provide such training (especially that which may lead to quality improvement).
  • Maintain adequate training records.


This procedure applies to the training of all personnel that manage, perform or verify activities that may affect quality.


ISO 9000:2000 – Clause 6.2.2.

Form: 05-006 - Employee Performance Review.

Form: 05-007 - Job Description & Responsibility Statement.

Form: 05-008 - Application for Employment.

Form: 05-009 - Employee Induction.

Form: 05-010 - Employee Training Record.


It is incumbent upon SimuLab to ensure that all personnel are trained and experienced to the extent necessary to undertake their assigned activities and responsibilities effectively.

Managing Director /
  • Specify of selection criteria for job positions
  • Allocation of training resources
  • Employing new personnel
  • Liase with section managers to identify training needs

Laboratory Manager /
  • As required specify of selection criteria for job positions
  • Arrange for induction training
  • As required liase with section managers to identify training needs

Section/Line Managers /
  • Identifying and reporting training requirements

Human Resources /
  • Establishing and maintaining records


5.1.Prospective employees

Prospective employees will be asked to complete form “Application for Employment”. Where a person is short-listed for possible employment, checks will be carried out on references or claimed qualifications / experience. These checks will be recorded on the form.

5.2.Induction training

The Laboratory Manager will arrange for induction training to be undertaken by all new personnel employed. This induction training will include, but may not be limited to, the following issues:

  • Information about the company.
  • Quality Policy & Objectives.
  • Tour of laboratory site.
  • Communications (reporting, use of telephones, fax, etc.).
  • Employment issues (company policies, salary, leave, superannuation, hours of work, bundy clock procedures, performance reviews, etc.).
  • Occupational Health & Safety Policy, employee responsibilities, accident reporting mechanisms (hazardous substances, personal protective equipment, fire safety, first aid, non smoking environment, etc.).
  • Welfare issues (meals, parking facilities, etc.)

Each new staff member will receive a copy of the corporate “Staff Manual” which outlines company policies and procedures that impact on employees during their career within SimuLab. When a new employee signs their induction form they acknowledge that they are on a three (3) month probation period and that all the items ticked on the induction form have been fully explained and understood.

5.3.Job - specific training

The Managing Director, Laboratory Manager or their delegate will specify selection criteria for all job positions, and these requirements will be entered into a form "Job Description and Responsibility Statement".

Section managers will liase with the Managing Director or Laboratory Manager to discuss training needs for their personnel. This liaison may include discussion during the management review meeting, and periodic business planning meetings.

After due consideration, the Managing Director will make appropriate resources available for training (including any necessary finance), and ensure that adequate levels of training are maintained for all personnel with respect to their Job Description and Responsibility Statement.

5.3.1.Training Needs Analysis (TNA)

As part of SimuLab’s annual planning process section managers or supervisors are asked to identify the training and development needs of their section. The section below offers guidance on how to go about this.

How training needs arise

There are a number of potential triggers that generate a training need, these include:

(a)Hiring new staff.

(b)Internal promotion or transfer of employees.

(c)Introduction of new test methods.

(d)Purchasing of new equipment.

(e)Increases in workload.

(f)Introduction of new procedures / systems.

There a number of “indicators” that should alert managers / supervisors to the possible need for training, these include:

(a)Poor quality control data reports.

(b)Poor sample turnaround times.

(c)Customer complaints.

(d)Corrective and Preventative Action Requests.

(e)Probationary staff failing to meet performance expectations.

(f)High staff turnover.

(g)Increased staff grievances.

(h)High or marked increase in sick leave or absenteeism.

(i)High or marked increase in accident reports.

There are a number of external influences that should alert managers / supervisors to the possible need for training, these include:

(a)New legislation.

(b)Changes to legislation.

(c)Accreditation and /or certification body requirements.

(d)Changes to codes of practice.

When managers / supervisors have identified groups of staff or individuals that are affected by the potential triggers, indicators or external influences he/ she must then decide on the competency required to perform the job. The manager / supervisor should undertake an gap analysis, that is, determine the current level of competence and the level of competence required to adequately perform the job.

The sources of information available to managers / supervisors within SimuLab when assessing staff training needs include;

(a)Employee Performance Review documents.

(b)Employee Training record.

(c)Job Description and Responsibility Statement.

(d)Application for Employment.

(e)Training Matrix – identifies tasks associated with performing a “job”.

(f)Individual staff member requests.

(g)Internal and external audit reports.

When a training need has been identified decide on the training goals and on how to bridge the gap. There are a number of options available to managers / supervisors, these include:

(a)In-house on the job training or coaching.


(c)External training courses.

The manager in consultation with the employee should decide on the most effective training method. In-house training does offer some obvious advantages in that instruction will be specific to site work and facilities and training can be easily monitored the down side of in-house training is that it does require planning and commitment. Ultimately approval will be based on administrative criteria such as available budget, resources and the practicality.


An “Employee Training Record” will be established for each employee. This will include a skill summary, a record of training undertaken prior to joining the company, training undertaken during employment, and a schedule for any further training proposed.

A copy of such form will be maintained in their personnel file.
