7997 Vomac Road, Dublin, California94568


Tess Johnson, Principal December 16, 2011Lauren McGovern, Assistant Principal


12/16Minimum Day, Kindergarten 8:25 AM – 12:15 PM; Grades 1-5 8:25 AM – 12:30 PM

12/16HolidayToy Drive ends

12/19-01/02Winter Break

01/03Classes Resume

01/11Collaboration Day, Kindergarten 8:25 AM – 12:15 PM; Grades 1-5 8:25 AM – 1:50 PM

01/16NO SCHOOL, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

01/17Math-A-Thon Test





The Alameda County Fire Department , The Alameda County Fire Fighters Association and the City of Dublin invite you to join them in spreading holiday cheer for children and families in need! Your donation of new, unwrapped toys will make a world of difference and supplement local charities such as the US Marine Corps Toys for Tots, Tri-Valley YMCA, Tri-Valley Haven and Shepherd’s Gate of Livermore. Drop your toy donation off in the barrel inside the door of the school office by Friday, December 16th.


Help raise money that will stay right in your child’s classroom! Gather sponsors December 15th – January 16th (sponsor sheets will be sent home with your child), study with your student, and be prepared for the fun of the Math-A-Thon test on January 17th!

All money raised will be used by your child’s teacher for classroom supplies and materials. Your child’s teacher loves to receive this money in these tight budget times. This allows them to not have to reach so far into their own personal finances! All money raised will be used by your child’s teacher for classroom supplies and materials!


PFC has recently purchased a great math learning tool called IXL for every student to use. It is a fun interactive reward based math learning program. Students can master state math standards from pre-K all the way through algebra.

DublinElementary School staff is in the process of assigning all students to their respective classes and giving teachers an overview of how the program works. However this program is so intuitive and kids just love earning their on-line badges and awards that they can quickly pick up and begin using .

So here is how your son/daughter can start using IXL TODAY:

Have your child go to or just

Each child has their own user name: firstintiallastname@des (e.g. Carson Palmer would be cpalmer (mailto:cpalmer@des)

Each child has the password: sharks

Please go on your child's account and add your parent email (profile & settings), you will receive an email every time your child masters a skill or works for an hour on math.

If you have a hard time getting started or signing in, please email Mr. Hubbard at .


Our 5th grade students will be attending Outdoor Education Camp from Tuesday, April 17, 2012 through Friday, April 20, 2012. Approximately sixteen adult chaperones will be needed for the sleepover camp. Chaperones will be taken on a first come basis as completed paperwork is turned in and fingerprints are cleared. If you are interested in chaperoning please stop by the school office and pick up the paperwork needed to begin the chaperone process.


Keep clipping those box tops we are using the profits to go towards our new on line math program IXL. Please place them in a baggie and turn them into the PFC box located outside the office. This is an all school effort, when we reach our goal each student will receive an ice cream coupon!


Intra district transfers (changing schools within the district) for the 2012-2013 school year will ONLY be accepted from February 15, 2012-March 15, 2012. Early transfer applications will not be accepted.

Inter district transfers for students continuing in the same school are not required. If a student is transitioning from an elementary school to middle, or middle to high school a new application for the 2012-2013 is required. New inter district transfers requests for students requesting to go to school in our district will be accepted beginning April 1, 2012.


The GFWC Dublin/San Ramon Women’s Club will sponsor the 2011 STUDENT ART CONTEST. This is the 20th year of their sponsorship. The contest is open to all students in the cities of Dublin and San Ramon. The artwork and photography must be completed as an individual effort, and should be mounted on stiff poster board. The student art/photography may be exhibited to the community. Art/Photographs should be no larger than 24”x30”. Frames are NOT necessary. No entry with glass will be accepted.

Categories for this contest are as follows:


Grades K-1Grades 7-8

Grades 2-3Grades 9-12

Grades 4-6

Grades 7-8

Grades 9-11

Graduating Seniors

Special Education K-8

Special Education 9-12

  • Entries need to be in the school office NO LATER THAN 12 PM ON FEB. 2, 2012
  • All entries must have the following information on the REVERSE SIDE OF THE ART WORK: Student’s First and Last name, Grade Level, Teacher and School Name
  • All entries will receive certificates
  • Each 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place entries will receive a cash award and a ribbon presented at the Student Art Reception on March 25th. Families, teachers and friends of the student winners are invited to attend. A letter with details on the art reception will be mailed to the winners.
  • Winners move onto Mt Diablo District Competition held February, 9, 2012
  • All 1st Place Mt Diablo District winner s will be entered in CFWC State Contest in April 2012.
  • For the 2012 Student Art Contest there will be no specific theme and any medium, oil, watercolor, chalk, pencil, crayon, etc., can be used

For more information, please email Shirley Anderson at or call 925-828-5389.