Schrodt CV 1

Department of Communication Studies (972) 775-1882 (home)
Texas Christian University (817) 257-5674 (office)
PO Box 298045 (469) 658-6290 (cell)
Fort Worth, TX 76129 E-mail:

1. Name

Paul Schrodt

2. Place of Birth

Dallas, TX

3. Educational Background

Ph.D. / Communication Studies / University of Nebraska – Lincoln / 2003
M.A. / Communication Studies / University of North Texas / 2000
B.A., Summa Cum Laude / Communication / University of Texas at Arlington / 1997
A.S. / Mathematics / Trinity Valley Community College / 1994

4. Formal continuing education associated with professional development


5. Professional certifications


6. Present Rank


7. Year of appointment to the University and rank

2006, Assistant Professor

8. Year of last promotion

2014, Professor

9. Previous teaching and/or research appointments, other than at TCU

Assistant Professor / Communication Studies / University of Kansas / 2005 – 2006
Assistant Professor / Communication / University of Texas at Arlington / 2003 – 2005

10. Previous professional positions

Select Comfort Retail Sales Organization, Part-time Sales Consultant, 1996 – 2000

11. Courses taught

Graduate Courses / Undergraduate Courses
·  Family Communication
·  The “Dark Side” of Interpersonal Communication
·  Interpersonal Communication
·  Conflict Management
·  Communication for Educators
·  Communication Theory / ·  Family Communication
·  Interpersonal Communication
·  Conflict Management
·  The “Dark Side” of Interpersonal Communication
·  Exploring Human Communication Theory
·  Communication for Educators
·  Small Group Communication
·  Organizational Communication
·  Introduction to Public Speaking
·  Introduction to Communication Research Methods
·  Fundamentals of Human Communication

12. External support sought (include source and amount requested and/or received)

Not Received

$50,000 National Institute of Mental Health RAPID Grant – Healing New Orleans Evacuees: Pursuing Mechanisms and Benefits of Disclosure. M. R. Dennis and A. D. Kunkel, Co-Principal Investigators, P. Schrodt, Data Analyst

13. Internal grants sought and disposition of request


14. Graduate theses and dissertations directed

Theses Directed

Xi Tian, “The Theory of Motivated Information Management and Post-traumatic Growth: Emerging Adults’ Uncertainty Management Behaviors in Response to Adverse Life Experiences” / Texas Christian University / 2015
Jordan Young, “Family Communication Patterns, Parental Modeling, and the Intergenerational Transmission of Confirmation to Romantic Relationships” / Texas Christian University / 2014
Kaitlin Phillips, “Confirmation as a Moderator of Rivalry and Relational Outcomes in Young Adult Sibling Relationships” / Texas Christian University / 2013
Patricia Thompson, “Joint Family Storytelling as a Mediator of Family Communication Patterns and Family Strengths” / Texas Christian University / 2013
Morgan Bridge, “Family Communication Patterns and Privacy Orientations as Predictors of Students’ Perceptions of Instructor Disclosures in the College Classroom”
Jenna Shimkowski, “Young Adults’ Perceptions of Coparental Communication as Mediators of Interparental Conflict and Young Adults’ Mental Well-being”
Allyson McCurry, “Relational Uncertainty and Communication Efficacy as Predictors of Religious Conversations between Romantic Partners”
Jordan D. Hamon, “Parenting Styles as Moderators of Family Communication Patterns and Young Adults’ Mental Well-being”
Kristen Carr, “Tolerance for Disagreement, Emotional Contagion, and the Motivation to Sustain Serial Arguments: Implications for Relational Satisfaction and Closeness” / Texas Christian University
Texas Christian University
Texas Christian University
Texas Christian University
Texas Christian University / 2012
Tiffany R. Wang, “Students’ Emotional Intelligence and Contagion as Moderators of the Relationship between Instructor Nonverbal Immediacy Cues and Affective Learning,”
Kodiane A. Jernberg, “Students’ Perceptions of Learner Empowerment and Involvement as Functions of Students’ Expectations of Instructional Technology Use and Nonverbal Immediacy” / Texas Christian University
Texas Christian University / 2009

Committees Served


Megan Leite, Thesis Committee / Texas Christian University / 2015
Samuel Taylor, Thesis Committee / Texas Christian University / 2014
Gentrie Pool, Thesis Committee / Texas Christian University / 2014
Gretchen Bergquist, Comprehensive Exam / Texas Christian University / 2014
Sydney Summers, Comprehensive Exam / Texas Christian University / 2014
Eduardo Reyes, Comprehensive Exam / Texas Christian University / 2014
Cayce Jones, Comprehensive Exam / Texas Christian University / 2013
Katherine Fearer, Thesis Committee / Texas Christian University / 2013
Natalie Fech, Thesis Committee / Texas Christian University / 2013
Mariel Bongiovanni, Comp. Exam / Texas Christian University / 2013
Stephen Bailey, Comprehensive Exam
Bridget Bishop, Comprehensive Exam
Amy Keating, Thesis Committee
Cathleen O’Shaughnessy, Comp. Exam
Madeline Heine, Comprehensive Exam
Samuel Newton, Comprehensive Exam
Katherine Whitman, Comp. Exam
Benjamin St. John, Comprehensive Exam
Matthew Burns, Comprehensive Exam
Stephanie Jones, Comprehensive Exam
Megan Buxton, Comprehensive Exam
Lara Larson, Comprehensive Exam
Nikki Elledge, Comprehensive Exam / Texas Christian University
Texas Christian University
Texas Christian University
Texas Christian University
Texas Christian University
Texas Christian University
Texas Christian University
Texas Christian University
Texas Christian University
Texas Christian University
Texas Christian University
Texas Christian University
Texas Christian University / 2012
Emily Nash, Comprehensive Exam / Texas Christian University / 2008
Tracy Williams, Comprehensive Exam / Texas Christian University / 2008
Katie Glonek, Thesis Committee / Texas Christian University / 2007
Jennifer Kellie Ohrt, Comp. Exam / University of Kansas / 2006
Daniel Woodward, Thesis Committee / University of Texas at Arlington / 2005


Andrew Ledbetter, “Measuring Online Social Communication Attitude: Instrument Development and Associations with Online Relational Maintenance.” / University of Kansas / 2006

15. Presentation of scholarly and creative activities

A. Refereed publications (Students are bolded)

Schrodt, P., Witt, P. L., & Shimkowski, J. R. (2014). A meta-analytical review of the demand/withdraw pattern of interaction and its associations with individual, relational, and communicative outcomes. Communication Monographs, 81, 28-58.
Featured in The Wall Street Journal, Psychology Today, USA Today, the Chicago Tribune, and Self Magazine.
Koerner, A. F., & Schrodt, P. (2014). An introduction to the special issue on family communication patterns theory. Journal of Family Communication, 14, 1-15.
Schrodt, P., & Shimkowski, J. R. (2013). Feeling caught as a mediator of coparental communication and young adults’ mental health and relational satisfaction with parents. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 30, 977-999.
Witt, P. L., Schrodt, P., Wheeless, V., & Bryand, M. (2014). Students’ intent to persist in college: Moderating the negative effects of receiver apprehension with instructor credibility and nonverbal immediacy. Communication Studies, 65, 330-352.
Metts, S., Braithwaite, D. O., Schrodt, P., Wang, T. R., Holman, A. J., Nuru, A. K., & Stephenson-Abetz, J. (2013). The experience and expression of stepchildren’s emotions at critical events in stepfamily life. Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, 54, 414-437.
Morman, M., Schrodt, P., & Tornes, M. (2013). Self-disclosure mediates the effects of gender orientation and homophobia on the relationship quality of male same-sex friendships. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 30, 582-605.
Bridge, M. C., & Schrodt, P. (2013). Privacy orientations as a function of family communication patterns. Communication Reports, 26, 1-12.
McCurry, A., Schrodt, P., & Ledbetter, A. M. (2012). Relational uncertainty and communication efficacy as predictors of religious conversations in romantic relationships. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 29, 1085-1108.
Carr, K., Schrodt, P., & Ledbetter, A. M. (2012). Rumination, conflict intensity, and perceived resolvability as predictors of the motivation to sustain and likelihood of continuing serial arguments. Western Journal of Communication, 76, 480-502.
Hamon, J. D., & Schrodt, P. (2012). Do parenting styles moderate the association between family conformity orientation and young adults’ mental well-being? Journal of Family Communication, 12, 151-166.
Schrodt, P., & Ledbetter, A. M. (2012). Parental confirmation as a mitigator of feeling caught and family satisfaction. Personal Relationships, 19, 146-161.
Shimkowski, J. R., & Schrodt, P. (2012). Coparental communication as a mediator of interparental conflict and young adults’ mental well-being. Communication Monographs, 79, 48-71.
Schrodt, P., & Carr, K. (2012). Trait verbal aggressiveness as a function of family communication patterns. Communication Research Reports, 29, 54-63.
Finn, A. N., & Schrodt, P. (2012). Students’ perceived understanding mediates the effects of teacher clarity and nonverbal immediacy on learner empowerment. Communication Education, 61, 111-130.
Jones, A. C., & Schrodt, P. (2012). Students’ attributions of instructor credibility as a function of instructors’ out-of-class support. Basic Communication Course Annual, 24, 1-39.
Schrodt, P. (2011). Stepparents’ and nonresidential parents’ relational satisfaction as a function of coparental communication in stepfamilies. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 28, 983-1004.
Schrodt, P., & Braithwaite, D. O. (2011). Coparental communication, relational satisfaction, and mental health in stepfamilies. Personal Relationships, 18, 352-369.
Schrodt, P., Miller, A. E., & Braithwaite, D. O. (2011). Ex-spouses’ relational satisfaction as a function of coparental communication in stepfamilies. Communication Studies, 62, 272-290.
Wheeless, V., Witt, P. L., Maresh, M., Bryand, M., & Schrodt, P. (2011). Instructor credibility as a mediator of instructor communication and students’ intent to persist in college. Communication Education, 60, 314-339.
Schrodt, P., & Finn, A. N. (2011). Students’ perceived understanding: An alternative measure and its associations with perceived teacher confirmation, verbal aggressiveness, and credibility. Communication Education, 60, 231-254.
Wang, T. R., & Schrodt, P. (2010). Are emotional intelligence and contagion moderators of the association between students’ perceptions of instructors’ nonverbal immediacy cues and students’ affect? Communication Reports, 23, 26-38.
Schrodt, P. (2010). Coparental communication with nonresidential parents as a predictor of couples’ relational satisfaction and mental health in stepfamilies. Western Journal of Communication, 74, 484-503.
Koenig Kellas, J., Trees, A., Schrodt, P., LeClair-Underberg, C., & Willer, E. (2010). Exploring links between well-being and interactional sense-making in married couples’ jointly told stories of stress. Journal of Family Communication, 10, 174-193.
Schrodt, P., Ledbetter, A. M., Jernberg, K. A., Larson, L., Elledge, N., & Glonek, K. (2009). Family communication patterns as mediators of communication competence in the parent-child relationship. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 26, 853-874.
Thompson, B., Kellas, J. K., Soliz, J., Thompson, J., Epp, A., & Schrodt, P. (2009). Family legacies: Constructing individual and familial identity through intergenerational storytelling. Narrative Inquiry, 19, 106-134.
Schrodt, P. (2009). Family strength and satisfaction as functions of family communication environments. Communication Quarterly, 57, 171-186.
Koesten, J., Schrodt, P., & Ford, D. J. (2009). Cognitive flexibility as a mediator of family communication environments and young adults’ well-being. Health Communication, 24, 82-94.
Finn, A. N., Schrodt, P., Witt, P. L., Elledge, N., Jernberg, K. A., & Larson, L. (2009). A meta-analytical review of teacher credibility and its associations with teacher behaviors and student outcomes. Communication Education, 58, 516-537.
Schrodt, P., Witt, P. L., Turman, P. D., Myers, S. A., Barton, M. H., & Jernberg, K. A. (2009). Instructor credibility as a mediator of instructors’ prosocial communication behaviors and students’ learning outcomes. Communication Education, 58, 350-371.
King, P. E., Schrodt, P., & Weisel, J. (2009). The instructional feedback orientation scale: Conceptualizing and validating a new measure for assessing perceptions of instructional feedback. Communication Education, 58, 235-261.
Finn, A. N., Sawyer, C. R., & Schrodt, P. (2009). Examining the effect of exposure therapy on public speaking state anxiety. Communication Education, 58, 92-109.
Schrodt, P., Soliz, J., & Braithwaite, D. O. (2008). A social relations model of everyday talk and relational satisfaction in stepfamilies. Communication Monographs, 75, 190-217.
Ledbetter, A. M., & Schrodt, P. (2008). Family communication patterns and cognitive processing: Conversation and conformity orientations as predictors of informational reception apprehension. Communication Studies, 59, 388 – 401.
Schrodt, P., Witt, P. L., & Messersmith, A. S. (2008). A meta-analytical review of family communication patterns and their associations with information processing, behavioral, and psychosocial outcomes. Communication Monographs, 75, 248-269.
Schrodt, P. (2008). Sex differences in stepchildren’s reports of stepfamily functioning. Communication Reports, 21, 46-58.
Schrodt, P., Witt, P. L., Myers, S. A., Turman, P. D., Barton, M. H., & Jernberg, K. A. (2008). Learner empowerment and teacher evaluations as functions of teacher power use in the college classroom. Communication Education, 57, 180-200.
Schrodt, P., Braithwaite, D. O., Soliz, J., Tye-Williams, S., Miller, A., Lamb, E., & Marko, M. (2007). An examination of everyday talk in stepfamily systems. Western Journal of Communication, 71, 216-234.
Schrodt, P., Witt, P. L., & Turman, P. D. (2007). Reconsidering the measurement of teacher power use in the college classroom. Communication Education, 56, 308-332.
Schrodt, P., & Afifi, T. D. (2007). Communication processes that predict young adults’ feelings of being caught and their associations with mental health and family satisfaction. Communication Monographs, 74, 200-228.
Schrodt, P., & Ledbetter, A. M. (2007). Communication processes that mediate family communication patterns and mental well-being: A mean and covariance structures analysis of young adults from divorced and non-divorced families. Human Communication Research, 33, 330-356.
Schrodt, P., Ledbetter, A. M., & Ohrt, J. K. (2007). Parental confirmation and affection as mediators of family communication patterns and children’s mental well-being. Journal of Family Communication, 7, 23-46.
Schrodt, P., Baxter, L. A., McBride, M. C., Braithwaite, D. O., & Fine, M. (2006). The divorce decree, communication, and the structuration of co-parenting relationships in stepfamilies. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 23, 741-759.
Dennis, M. R., Kunkel, A. D., Woods, G., & Schrodt, P. (2006). Making sense of New Orleans flood trauma recovery: Ethics, research design, and policy considerations for future disasters. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, 6, 1-23.
Schrodt, P. (2006). A typological examination of communication competence and mental health in stepchildren. Communication Monographs, 73, 309-333.
Schrodt, P., & Turman, P. D., & Soliz, J. (2006). Perceived understanding as a mediator of perceived teacher confirmation and students’ ratings of instruction. Communication Education, 55, 370-388.
Turman, P. D., & Schrodt, P. (2006). Student perceptions of teacher power as a function of perceived teacher confirmation. Communication Education, 55, 265-279.
Witt, P., & Schrodt, P. (2006). The influence of instructional technology use and teacher immediacy on student affect for teacher and course. Communication Reports, 19, 1-15.
Schrodt, P. (2006). Development and validation of the Stepfamily Life Index. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 23, 427-444.
Schrodt, P. (2006). The stepparent relationship index: Development, validation, and associations with stepchildren’s perceptions of stepparent communication competence and closeness. Personal Relationships, 13, 167-182.
Schrodt, P., & Witt, P. (2006). Students’ attributions of instructor credibility as a function of students’ expectations of instructional technology use and nonverbal immediacy. Communication Education, 55, 1-20.
Schrodt, P. (2005). Family communication schemata and the circumplex model of family functioning. Western Journal of Communication, 69, 361-378.
Wahl, S. T., McBride, M. C., & Schrodt, P. (2005). Becoming “point and click” parents: A case study of communication and online adoption. Journal of Family Communication, 5, 279-294.
Turman, P. D., & Schrodt, P. (2005). The influence of instructional technology use on students’ affect: Do course designs and biological sex make a difference? Communication Studies, 56, 109-129.
Schrodt, P., & Turman, P. D. (2005). The impact of instructional technology use, course design, and sex differences on students’ initial perceptions of instructor credibility. Communication Quarterly, 53, 177-196.
Turman, P. D., & Schrodt, P. (2004). New avenues for instructional communication research: Relationships among coaches’ leadership behaviors and athletes’ affective learning. Communication Research Reports, 21, 130-143.
Afifi, T. D., & Schrodt, P. (2003). Uncertainty and the avoidance of the state of one’s family in stepfamilies, post-divorce single parent families, and first marriage families. Human Communication Research, 29, 516-532.
Afifi, T. D., & Schrodt, P. (2003). “Feeling caught” as a mediator of adolescents’ and young adults’ avoidance and satisfaction with their parents in divorced and non-divorced households. Communication Monographs, 70, 142-173.
Schrodt, P. (2003). Student perceptions of instructor verbal aggressiveness: The influence of student verbal aggressiveness and self-esteem. Communication Research Reports, 20, 240-250.
Braithwaite, D. O., McBride, M. C., & Schrodt, P. (2003). “Parent teams” and the everyday interactions of co-parenting in stepfamilies. Communication Reports, 16, 93-111.
Schrodt, P. (2003). Students’ appraisals of instructors as a function of students’ perceptions of instructors’ aggressive communication. Communication Education, 52, 106-121.
Schrodt, P., Cawyer, C. S., & Sanders, R. (2003). An examination of academic mentoring behaviors and new faculty members’ satisfaction with socialization and tenure and promotion processes. Communication Education, 52, 17-29.
Schrodt, P. (2002). The relationship between organizational identification and organizational culture: Employee perceptions of culture and identification in a retail sales organization. Communication Studies, 53, 189-202.
Schrodt, P., & Wheeless, L. R. (2001). Aggressive communication and informational reception apprehension: The influence of listening anxiety and intellectual inflexibility on trait argumentativeness and verbal aggressiveness. Communication Quarterly, 49, 53-69.
Wheeless, L. R., & Schrodt, P. (2001). An examination of cognitive foundations of informational reception apprehension: Political identification, religious affiliation, and family environment. Communication Research Reports, 18, 1-10.
Schrodt, P., Wheeless, L. R., & Ptacek, K. M. (2000). Informational reception apprehension, educational motivation, and achievement. Communication Quarterly, 48, 60-73.

B. Non-refereed Publications