Minutes of Piece and Plenty Quilt Guild

August 3, 2017

Meeting called to order by Jeanette Gregory at 7:06 pm.

She announced that extra photographs of guild activities may be picked by those who wish to have them. Scrapbooks have been updated and several photographs have been added. Through this and other activities, Jeanette’s theme for today was “Find joy in the journey”.

Judy Fox introduced Martha and Kenneth Hawley as guests. 58 members were present. She also mentioned that dues need to be paid in September.


Raffle quilt showings are August 11 in Salem, August 19 in Sullivan, September 9 in St. James and in Waynesville.

Minutes stand approved as written.

Treasurer’s report:

$13,506.42 in savings account

$4403.11 in checking account

$6000.00 paid for quilt racks

Martha also gave an accounting of the monies going out and coming in for the quilt racks. Below is the information.

Cookbooks, printing - $1656.60

Cookbook sales +$3405.00

Auction +$ 661.00

Donations +$ 195.00

2nd Hand Rose +1513.13


10,000 inches: Marilyn reported the receipt of 11 quilts in July, totaling 1760 inches. To date we have received 48 quilts, totaling 7685 inches.

Pillowcases: Received 28 today.

Sit ‘N Sew: Name badges will be made at workshop on August 23. Please sign up and pay for the materials. Donna Olson will be instructor.

Quilt Show: Boutique workshop will be on August 30 at First Baptist Church, noon to 5 pm. Bring your sewing machines.

Requested for those bringing consignment items. Two responded.

Quilt Made from leftovers of raffle quilt will be given to one with the largest ticket sales.

Flyers to be placed at businesses and other places are available. They may be placed around mid-August.

By Laws:

Taken from the July meeting:

Article VII – committees.

J. The quilt rack committee shall:

1. See that racks are stored in storage unit

2. Publicize information about rack rental

3. Be in charge of checking out and checking in racks for rental with contract

Article V

Section 4. The Board of Directors

(add) E. Shall have the authority to approve budget changes and additions up to a total of 5% of the operating budget for the fiscal year.

Mary Wilkerson made the motion to pass the amendment J relating to the quilt rack committee in the By Laws as written above and Mary Becker seconded it. Motion passed by show of hands.

Committee working on budget is looking for a “no” vote so that the above By Law Article V, Section 4 concerning budget changes may be placed in the “miscellaneous” category. Vote was called and “no” vote passed.

Jeanette called for present year’s committee chairs and officers. She thanked all for a job well done. She then called on the new officers and thanked them for accepting the jobs. Kathy introduced her board and committee members. The following are the officers and committee chairs for 2017-2018:

Board of directors

President: Kathy Stack

Vice President in charge of membership Judy Fox

Vice President in charge of programs Tina Paris

Secretary Lee Linebarger

Treasurer Laura Miller

Board member at large Loretta Phelps

Standing committees

Membership Judy Fox (VP membership)

Programs Tina Paris (VP programs)

Communications Lee Linebarger (secretary)

Budget Laurie Miller (treasurer)

Nominating Loretta Phelps(member at large)

History Joyce Darr

Library Brenda Barnhart & Robbie Perkins

Quilt show Mary Wilkerson

Raffle quilt construction Liz Rowden

Quilt rack coordinator Pat Morgan

Special committees

Special projects Vicki Burnett

Karen’s 10,00 inches Marilyn Fox

National quilt day baby quilt Linda Howell

Winder challenge Brenda Morton

Newsletter Cheri Quick

Website Theresa Weidner

UFO challenge Sharroll Stuckey

Russell House pillow cases Suzie Baldwin

Email Yvonne Meloy

Face Book Janet Rankin

Publicity Lee Linebarger, secretary

Yearbook Judy Fox, VP membership

All officers present were applauded.

Jeanette announced the change-over meeting/lunch on August 16 at First Baptist Church-Rolla. Also Martha gave names of quilt shops nearby.


Joyce Darr gave a history of quilts, which is a unit made up of three layers. The design elements were the same, but fabrics changed through the ages.

Show and Tell:

13 members showed their quilts, etc.

Meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Harriet Bain
