January 9, 2008

Mrs. McKenney’s Preschool News

From the Teacher’s Desk

  • Happy New Year! It has been a wonderful first week back. Thank you to everyone for bringing in paper towels, fabric, egg cartons, milk jugs, and the other classroom supplies we have needed! We have begun to build the igloo. Everyone is very excited.
  • I have posted some important information on the bulletin board on our classroom website regarding recess and class expectations. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding these things.
  • We will be going on another field trip at the end of February. More details will follow soon!
  • Remember if you are interested in helping with any activities, field trips etc. during the rest of the school year please contact our room parents , Jodi Flohr (AM) and Carrie Dunn (PM).
  • We are working on the website! Past slideshows and new slideshows will be updated and posted in the next couple weeks.

Classroom Happenings

This week we began our unit about winter. During circle time we answered and discussed the questions “What did you do on your holiday break?”, “What do you know about winter?”, and “What do you like to do in the snow?” We also talked about being part of the Catherine Cook School community. As part of a school wide project, each child colored a mosaic tile to hang in the hallway with the rest of the students of Catherine Cook. I believe our tiles will be hung in the first floor hallway.

In addition to the mosaic tiles, we did several other art activities. We made doily snowflakes that were decorated with different white materials; we also painted pictures of our favorite snow activities using Q-tips. On Friday, we used green peppers to make snowflake prints.

Birthdays This Week

  • Dylan Flohr - January 2nd
  • Domenic Sacchetti - January 7th
  • Lauren Pearsall - January 8th
  • Blake Feurer - January 8th

Thank You!

Thank you to Natalie Sacchetti for coming to our class to celebrate Domenic’s birthday and bringing a great story and delicious cupcakes! Thank you Sarah and Alex Pearsall for coming to celebrate Lauren’s birthday with a special story and yummy cupcakes. Lastly, thanks to Blake the Feurer family for bringing amazing cupcakes to celebrate his birthday!

Preview of Next Week…

Next week we will continue to talk about winter. We will talk about hot and cold, and what kind of clothes we wear in the winter.