CGU4U Discussion RubricTOPIC “HSETW” NovelName:
Criteria / Level 150–59% / Level 2
60–69% / Level 3
70–79% / Level 4
Knowledge and Understanding / (5-5.5) / (6-6.5) / (7-7.5) / (8-10)
•Facts and concepts / Limited under-standing of the relationship between facts and concepts / Some under-standing of the relationship between facts and concepts / Good understanding of the relationship between facts and concepts / Highly effective understanding of the relationship between facts and concepts
Thinking and Inquiry / (5-5.5) / (6-6.5) / (7-7.5) / (8-10)
•Point of view/bias
- Student agrees or
author comments
or thoughts? / Limited under-standing of point of view and bias in the presentation of arguments / Some under-standing of point of view and bias in the presentation of arguments / Good understanding of point of view and bias in the presentation of arguments / Superior under-standing of point of view and bias in the presentation of arguments
•Analysis and interpretation of text and themes (both written and verbal) / Limited analysis and interpretation of information presented / Some analysis and interpretation of information presented / Good analysis and interpretation of information presented / Superior analysis and interpretation of information presented
Communication / (5-5.5) / (6-6.5) / (7-7.5) / (8-10)
•Expression and organ- ization of ideas and information (e.g., clear expression, logical orga- nization) in oral, written, and visual form / expresses and organizes ideas and information with limited effectiveness / expresses and organizes ideas and information with some effectiveness / expresses and organizes ideas and information with considerable effectiveness / expresses and organizes ideas and information with a high degree of effectiveness
•Verbal fluency, expressiveness, and audibility / Ineffective use of verbal skills with limited fluency, expressiveness,
and audibility / Some effective use of verbal skills, at times fluent, expressive,
and audible / Effective verbal skills sometimes demonstrating fluency, expressiveness,
and audibility / Eloquent verbal skills demonstrating fluency, expressiveness,
and audibility
•Non-verbal expressiveness and eye contact / Limited non-verbal expressiveness
and eye contact / Some non-verbal expressiveness
and eye contact / Good non-verbal expressiveness
and eye contact / Highly effective non-verbal expressiveness
and eye contact
•Attentiveness when others are speaking / Limited attentiveness to others / Usually attentive to others / Attentive to others / Highly attentive to others and utilizes information later
Application / (5-5.5) / (6-6.5) / (7-7.5) / (8-10)
•Conclusions from ideas and arguments / Difficulty drawing conclusions from the ideas and arguments presented / Occasional ability to draw conclusions from some of the ideas and arguments presented / Good ability to draw conclusions from
the ideas and argu-ments presented / Superior ability to draw insightful conclusions from
the ideas and argu-ments presented
Total /40