1)Mr. X had purchased the land Sy No.161/2 measuring 3.22 acres situated at Muchakhandi village through sale deed 16.02.2006.fromSri. B Krishnappa and sons.
2)Sy No.159/1 of 1.26 acres and Sy No.159/1 of 1.14 acres was purchased by Mr. X through sale deed dated 19.06.2006 from Sri. B. Krishnappa and from C Megharaj and others since both the lands are adjacent. In need of funds for their family necessity, they approached to sell this property to X. Hence, thsese lands were purchased by X by complying all rules and regulations at sub registrar office and tahasildar office and sub registrar office. He Mr. X has paid highest amount of sale consideration at that point of time. It was purely commercial transaction bought from land owners and duly signed the registered sale deeds. Thereafter all revenue records, RTC are stands in his name of X.
3)It may be noted that the same land is recently acquired by Town Development Authority during February 2017.
4)Suddenly the minor son (now major aged 19 years) of defendant No.7 who is grandson of seller B. Krishnappa (father of D7) thoughtgreedily that the huge compensation money is going to buyer( X). By knowing the fact of lands acquired by TDA. the original sellers have colluded themselves and filed a false OS No.104/2017 to stop the funds and blackmailing Mr X to get extra money. The contention of minor is that when sale of land took place he was minor, and his share has to be come to. Stating that his father has not given his share since it was his ancestral property of his grandfather. Anyhow, his father himself is colluded and filed such OS to ask money from X. In response to their suit, Mr. X has submitted WS.
In this context,. It is noticed that the case is neither moving further for the last 1 year, nor my funds released from TDA. To expedite the matter, what is the next course of remedies available to Mr. X?