Eastern Kentucky University

Staff Council


Meeting of January 11, 2005

Call to Order

Chair Laird called the meeting to order on Tuesday, January 11, 2005 at 10:05 a.m. in the Teleconference Room of the Student Services Building.

Members present were: Crystal Barger, Beverly Burrus, Denise Conner, Anne Cross, Stephanie King, Lisa Laird, Donna Lazzara, Jey Marks, Carol Thomas, Hossein Vaez and Staff Regent David Williams.

Chair Report

Welcome and Orientation

As two new members of the Council were recently elected, Chair Laird had

the entire Council introduce themselves. The Chair then provided a brief orientation to the new members of the Council and will provide each with information for their review.

Copies of the recently amended Staff Council By Laws were given to each Council member.

Council Member Jey Marks

Chair Laird discussed the Council position of Jey Marks as he has recently been appointed interim Assistant Director of Alumni Affairs which is in a different representation area from his position in Student Affairs. However, she reported that in discussions with the Executive Committee it was determined that as his position is an interim position and he is still considered a Student Affairs employee, he would be able to keep his seat on the Council for up to one year or until such time as the position in Alumni Affairs becomes permanent. If he remains in the interim position for one year, at that time the Council can hold an election for a new Student Affairs representation. At this time, Mr. Marks will continue his representation of the Student Affairs personnel and the Council will notify the constituents that he will remain their representative.

Election of Officers

As per the By Laws, officers of the Staff Council are to be elected annually. Nominations were solicited for the office of Chair with one nomination being received for Lisa Laird. She was reelected Chair by unanimous vote.

There was one nomination received for the office of Vice Chair for Stephanie King. She was reelected Vice Chair by unanimous vote.

There was one nomination received for the office of Secretary/Treasurer for Beverly Burrus and she was reelected by unanimous vote.


Chair Laird reported that she felt the University was beginning to respond to staff concerns thanks to the work and recognition of the Staff Council. Recently the Provost had emailed concerning the scheduling of both spring break and class scheduling in the future.

She also reported that there will be a community discussion on free speech held on campus on January 19 in Walnut Hall of the Keen Johnson Building at 3:00 p.m. and she has been asked to serve on the panel.

It was also announced that Governor Fletcher would be on campus on Friday at 9:00 a.m. in the auditorium of the Student Services Building.

Chair Laird asked that Council members attend as many such events as possible on campus as we must remain well informed of all events and make our presence known on campus.

Old Business

Issues and Benefits Committee

Hossein Vaez, Chair of the Issues and Benefits Committee was asked to report on both the Holiday and Vacation report this committee had prepared as well as the Staff Emeritus proposal. It was reported that the University Benefits committee had the Holiday and Vacation report for review and the Staff Emeritus proposal was currently in the hands of Gary Barksdale to review for any minor revisions necessary. The Staff Council will ask that Human Resources send the proposal to them again after review.

There was a question brought as to whether the Holiday and Vacation comparison report should be placed on the Staff Council Web Site. It was agreed that it would not be placed on the Web site, but could be placed on Blackboard for the Council only to review.

Academic Calendar

Chair Laird reported she had spoken with the Provost regarding the academic calendar for 2005-2006. She indicated that the majority of the Staff Council would prefer keeping the President’s holiday rather than an additional day in the fall for fall break as this would allow several months between holidays for the staff in the spring. Ms. Laird indicated that if we were to receive a floating holiday in addition to the fall break that this could be used in the spring. She also said the Provost indicated that Spring Break in the future would probably be the second or third week of March rather than the first week.


Secretary Burrus reported that the Minutes of the meeting of November 9, 2004 had been approved by email.

New Business


Chair Laird recommended that all Staff Council members serve on the Issues and Benefits Committee. This committee meets the first Wednesday of each month from 10:30 until noon in Library 201. Hossein Vaez will continue to serve as chair.

The Elections and Credentials Committee will remain the same as last year with Jey Marks continuing to serve as chair.

Stephanie King will chair the Staff Recognition and Professional Development Committee. New additional members will be Denise Conner, Anne Cross, and Donna Lazzara. Don DeLuca has agreed to continue to serve on this committee as a volunteer.

Stephanie King will chair the Communications Committee. Donna Lazzara has also agreed to serve on this committee. Mr. DeLuca will no longer serve on this committee. In addition, Elizabeth Forbes, Melanie Bentley, Gene Kleppinger, and Richard Tussey serve as volunteers.

The Executive Committee is comprised of the officers of the Staff Council and Staff Regent David Williams.

Suggestions for Changes to the Bylaws

Mr. Marks suggested the Council might consider a friendly amendment to the Bylaws for officers to serve two-year terms rather than one year to provide consistency in the leadership. It was agreed that this recommendation would be taken under advisement for further discussion.

Ms. Burrus also suggested that the Bylaws be further specified as to the selection of chairs for the standing committees. This too will be taken under advisement for further discussion.

It was also suggested that we look further into the vacancy issue of the Bylaws to cover all possible issues.

Issues and Benefits Committee

Chair Vaez reported that the Issues and Benefits Committee had several issues that needed consultation with the Provost in some cases and with Virginia Underwood in others. Dr. Chapman has been invited to attend a meeting and Ms. Underwood will be invited at a later date.

Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer Burrus gave a Treasurer’s Report, which is included as a part of these Minutes.

New Issues

New issues brought before the Council for further discussion include dress code for the University, use of personal credit cards for travel, and privacy issues to include whether a supervisor can demand access to an employee’s email password.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at noon.

Respectfully submitted,

Beverly G. Burrus


Eastern Kentucky University

Staff Council

Treasurer’s Report

January 11, 2005

BEGINNING BALANCE – January 1, 2004 $1,614.00

Printing Expenses for Election $170.77

ENDING BALANCE – January 11, 2005 $1,443.23