Volume 125Comments Submissions Form

PLEASE FILL OUT THIS FORM AND UPLOAD IT AS A SEPARATE DOCUMENT WITH YOUR COMMENT SUBMISSION.Your answers will be used for administrative and statistical purposes, not for an evaluation of your submission. Please e-mail Managing Editors Elizabeth Ingriselli () or Charles Bridge () with any questions. Thank you!

Please fill out BOTH parts of this form, even if you are re-submitting your work for consideration.

Part I: Administrative Information

  1. Name:______
  1. Phone Number:______
  1. Email Address:______
  1. Class Year:______
  1. Comment Title:______
  1. Word Count (including footnotes) of your submission (not including your preemption memorandum): ______
  1. Please indicate any professors with whom you have worked on this Comment and explain in what capacity you worked with these professors.


  1. The Comments Committee sometimes finds it necessary to consult with faculty members on a Comment before deciding whether to accept it for publication. Please indicate whether you give permission to the Comments Committee to consult with:

____: Any faculty member

____: Any faculty member except the following:

____: No faculty members

  1. If your Comment is not accepted for publication, please indicate if you do not want to be contacted by a Comments Editor as part of the Comments Development process.

____: Please do not contact me.

  1. Subject Area of Your Comment (please highlight as many as apply): Administrative/Civil Procedure/ Federal Courts/ Commercial Law/ Bankruptcy/ Comparative/ Contracts/ Corporate Law/ Contracts/ Corporate Law/ Securities Regulation/ Criminal Law & Procedure/ Critical &/or Feminist Theory/ Environmental Law & Policy/ Family Law/ Immigration Law/ International Law/ Intellectual Property/Cyber Law/Law & Economics/Law & Philosophy/ Legal History/ Property/ Constitutional Law/ Tax Law & Policy/ Torts/ Admiralty (Maritime) Law/ Entertainment Law/ Health Law/ Employment Law/ Military law/ Education Law/ Legislation/Other

Part II: Statistical Information

Please fill out the following statistical survey. The Comments Committee will not have access to this information when deliberating. Your responses will in no way affect the Committee’s decision, but they are helpful to the Committee in understanding the makeup of the submissions pool.

  1. What is your Student ID number?______
  1. On which drop date did you submit your piece?______
  1. Did you write this paper as part of a class?Yes / No

If so, please list the class: ______

  1. Is this the first time you have submitted this paper to the Journal?Yes / No
  1. If you are resubmitting your piece, how many times have you submitted this piece in the past? (Do not include this submission in your count.) ______
  1. If you are resubmitting this piece, why did you resubmit? Please elaborate.

__ Promising Revise & Resubmit Letter

__ Encouragement from Comments Development Editor

__ Encouragement from Faculty

__ Other. Please elaborate.


  1. If you are resubmitting this piece, how many Comments Committee Editors voted:

__ Accept the Comment in its current form

__ Likely to accept the Comment if the recommended changes are made

__ Possible to accept the Comment if the recommended changes are made

__ Unlikely to accept the Comment unless fundamental changes are made

__ Cannot foresee accepting the Comment

Please note that few people receive high scores and that many Comments are accepted after initially getting lower scores than “Accept” or “Likely to accept.”

  1. Did you work with a Comments Development Editor on your submission?Yes / No
  1. If you worked with a Comments Development Editor, how helpful was your experience?

__ Very helpful

__ Somewhat helpful

__ Unhelpful

__ N/A

Please note anything that you felt was especially helpful, and/or an aspect that you felt could have been improved upon.


  1. Approximately how many hours did you spend preparing your submission packet (including your Preemption Memorandum)? Please estimate to the nearest half-hour (for example: 1.5, 2.0, etc.).


  1. What is your gender?______
  1. What is your race/ethnicity? Please select all that apply.

__ White/Caucasian

__ Black/African-American

__ Asian/Pacific Islander

__ Hispanic/Latino

__ Native American

__ Other (please specify): ______

  1. What was your pre-college household income?

__ $10K-$50K

__ $50K-$75K


__ $100K-$200K

__ Over $200K

__ Prefer not to respond

  1. How would you describe your political views? Please select all that apply.

__ Conservative

__ Democrat

__ Liberal

__ Libertarian

__ Moderate

__ Progressive

__ Republican

__ I prefer not to respond

__ Other: ______

  1. Did you attend any YLJ events explaining the process of writing a Comment (e.g., “How to Write a Comment”)?

If so, list the event(s): ______

  1. What class year are you?

__ 1L

__ 2L

__ 3L

If you have a joint-degree student, please specify the non-law program in which you are enrolled: ______

  1. Please add any additional comments, suggestions, or criticisms of the Journal’s student submissions process.
