Essex LEA Xporter installation guide
Please download the installer from the following link:
Please run the Installer, by double clicking on the ‘LA881_GroupcallXporter4_setup.exe’ file downloaded.
This will bring up the prompt below. Please click ‘Next’.
Please select ‘Next’ on the screen below.
Please enter the contact details for the school IT in the screen displayed below and click ‘Next’
Please select ‘Capita SIMS.Net’ from the list below and click ‘Next’
The next screen will prompt for login details to connect to SIMS. Please enter the login details where required and press ‘Login’. The ‘Connected To’ section will turn green if successfully connects. Please ensure the SIMS login has the following permissions:Personnel Officer, School Administrator, Senior Management Team and Third Party Reporting
The following screen usually is prepopulated with the information from SIMS for the school. If this information is correct, please press ‘Next’. If the information is incorrect, please edit and then press ‘Next’
Please click ‘Install’ on the following screen:
Please tick the box to ‘Start Xporter Service’ and click ‘Finish’ on the screen below.
There will now be a new icon on your desktop. Please double click this icon and it will open the Xporter software.
Once the software is open, please click on ‘Jobs’ in the list on the left panel of the window.
In the centre panel, there will be a list of jobs. Please right click each of the jobs listed below and select ‘Run Job now’These jobs will return to ‘Idle’.
Please select ‘Services’ from the left panel of Xporter and look in the list for ‘Groupcall Xporter’
Please right click on the ‘Groupcall Xporter’ service and select ‘Restart’. Once this service has restarted, please go back into the list of jobs by clicking ‘Jobs’ from the left panel.
Please right click the following job and ‘Run job now’:
If there are any issues when running through these steps, please call Groupcall Support on
0208 506 6100 or email