Personal and Social Mastery
Fasset’s two-day, hands-on workshop, entitled “Personal and Social Mastery” aimed to provide delegates with the skills required to act in an emotionally intelligent manner in the modern workplace – a vital competency of effective leaders and managers in the twenty-first century. It covered a wide range of learning areas, including social responsiveness and intelligence; differing personality types and their impact on employees; emotional intelligence and maturity; valuing diversity; social maturity, objective reality and social control; interpersonal relationships; goal setting; time management; delegation and stress management.
Managing and leading people, whilst interacting effectively with them and empowering the team, has to be one of the most challenging roles leaders must perform. People are unpredictable. They have emotions and feelings and cannot all be treated in the same way - this makes people management complicated. In order to assist managers and leaders address the daunting task of managing individuals, Fasset offered this workshop.
As a manager and leader, knowledge of interpersonal skills and an increased understanding of oneself is vital to building successful workplace relationships. Answers will always be required to the following questions:
- Am I a role model for my team?
- Am I responsive to my employees needs?
- Am I aware of my own leadership style?
- Is my style conducive to maximising employee motivation?
- Can I see the benefits of embracing and valuing diversity in the workplace?
- Am I emotionally mature?
- Do I strive to achieve the best interpersonal relationships?
- Do I give my employees opportunities to develop and grow through effective delegation and feedback?
- Do I manage my time appropriately?
- How do I deal with stress at the office – my own and that of my employees to ensure peak performance?
Outcomes of the Workshop
The programme aimed to empower delegates to be able to:
- Understand the changing world of work and the skills required in the modern workplace
- Appreciate their current levels of social awareness and the benefits of this
- Give peers and subordinates constructive feedback
- Identify their personality type and the impact this has on colleagues and work performance
- Appreciate the meaning of “EQ” and ascertain their EQ levels at work
- Analyse their attitudes towards diversity and assess their skill levels when relating to diverse individuals
- Understand what is meant by “social maturity” and the benefits of being socially mature
- Appreciate that there is no objective reality, only perception
- Identify if their locus of control is internal or external
- Define “social responsibility” and identify how individuals can be more socially responsible
- Describe the benefits of being socially responsible as an individual and an organisation
- Respond effectively to another person’s problems and help people to solve them
- Practice reflective listening skills
- Develop SMART goals (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-framed)
- Apply the seven step process in goal setting
- Identify the benefits of time management and the impact of poor time management
- Plan to improve their time management through prioritisation
- Appreciate what can and cannot be delegated
- Understand how to delegate tasks and then monitor and evaluate their progress
- Identify their personal sources and symptoms of stress
- Make plans to manage their stress levels
Throughout the workshop, focus was placed on Robin Sharma’s “The Top 200 Secrets of Success and the Pillars of Self-Mastery”, in order to encourage self-awareness and self-development.