Descriptive Statistics - Numerical Measures
- Types of Variables & Descriptive Goals
- Descriptive Goals:
- one quantitative variable
- What patterns are there?
- shape
- center
- spread
- Are there "outliers"?
- Numerical Measures for Quantitative Variables
- numerical measures of CENTER/LOCATION
- sample mean
- How is it computed?
- by hand? [see page 38]
- by graphing calculator?
- using Minitab? [Statistics/basic/descriptive]
- Intuition: how is it located on a histogram? [See Fig 2.18 on p.40]
- Is it sensitive to outliers or resistant to outliers?
- EXAMPLE: sample from 2000 BayState Marathon dataset
- median
- How is it computed?
- by hand? [see page 38]
- by graphing calculator?
- using Minitab? [Statistics/basic/descriptive]
- Intuition: how is it located on a histogram? [See Fig 2.18 on p.40]
- Is it sensitive to outliers or resistant to outliers?
- EXAMPLE: sample from 2000 BayState Marathon dataset
- [see pages 40-41] How do the values of sample mean & median compare for a histogram which is...
- symmetric?
- skewed to the right?
- skewed to the left?
- EXAMPLE: sample from 2000 BayState Marathon dataset
- numerical measures of SPREAD
- range
- How is it computed?
- by hand? [see page 41]
- by graphing calculator?
- using Minitab? [Statistics/basic/descriptive]
- Intuition: how is it determined from a histogram?
- Is it sensitive to outliers or resistant to outliers?
- EXAMPLE: sample from 2000 BayState Marathon dataset
- InterQuartileRange (IQR)
- How is it computed?
- by hand? [see pages 41-42]
- by graphing calculator?
- using Minitab? [Statistics/basic/descriptive]
- Intuition: how is it determined from a histogram?
- Is it sensitive to outliers or resistant to outliers?
- EXAMPLE: sample from 2000 BayState Marathon dataset
- standard deviation
- How is it computed?
- by hand? [see page 48]
- by graphing calculator?
- look for something denoted by "s" or by "n1"
- Do NOT use something denoted by "sn" or by "n". [cf. page 52]
- using Minitab? [Statistics/basic/descriptive]
- Intuition: SORT OF an "average" distance of data from the sample mean; stay tuned for better interpretations
- Is it sensitive to outliers or resistant to outliers?
- EXAMPLE: sample from 2000 BayState Marathon dataset
- Boxplots[see pages 43-44]
- Boxplots are, basically, a graphical display of the 5-number summary.
- Boxplots may be drawn vertically (as in Fig 2.14 on p.34) or horizontally.
- Where is the bottom/left end of the box located?
- Where is the top/right end of the box located?
- Where is the box's line located?
- Boxplot rule for "outlier" status:any value whose distance to the box is more than 1.5IQR
- Where is the bottom/left "whisker" drawn?
- Where is the top/right "whisker" drawn?
- How are "outliers" portrayed?
- EXAMPLE: Discuss the thought question on page 34.
- Methods to obtain a boxplot:
- Be able to draw one by hand.
- Be able to get one from your graphing calculator. Many calculators offer two types:
- with no outlier identification
- with outlier identification
- using Minitab? [Graph/boxplot]
- EXAMPLE: sample from 2000 BayState Marathon dataset
- intro to ye olde Bell-Shaped Curve[section 2.7]
- This curve is one type of idealized model which turns out to fit many histograms rather well.
- Properties to know:
- It's a family of curves.
- All family members are bell-shaped (hence symmetrical).
- Where is the mean of a bell-shaped curve located?
- Where is the median of a bell-shaped curve located?
- Which values are "most likely"? Which are "least likely"?
- role of the standard deviation for a bell shaped curve
- What do the 3 parts of the Empirical Rule say? [see page 50 ff]
- What is the resulting relationship between standard deviation and range? [p.51]
- When will the Empirical Rule be accurate?
- CD applet: See page 53 and run the applet from your CD.
- EXAMPLE: sample from 2000 BayState Marathon dataset
- z-scores
- Be able to compute a z-score for any value relative to a given mean and standard deviation.
- Interpretation:
- for the sign of z:
- for the magnitude of z: