Monday, September 24, 2007 (12:30pm – 1:30pm)
University Center Board Room UC 260
Members present: Steve Burnett, Antoinette Miller, Kathryn Kemp, Alexander Hall, Ron Jackson, Lari Arjomand, Margaret Thompson, Gary May, Lillian Parker, Betty Glenn, Christie Burton, Russell Porter, Melanie Poudevigne for Deborah Gritzmacher, Sherry King, David Williams, Byron Jeff, William Hong, Wendy Burns-Ardolino, Susan Henry, and Joan Taylor.
Non-members present: Sharon Hoffman, Leslie Moore, David Heflin, Linda Corva, Nathan Borchelt, Kevin Demmitt, John Campbell, Mark May, Benita Moore, Anthony Giovannitti, Jacob Chacko, Thomas Eaves.
Chair Porter called the meeting to order at 12:30pm
Approval of Minutes
1. A motion was made and seconded to approve minutes from 9/10/07, with Council
approval. Minutes can be viewed at Faculty Council web page:
2. Report from the President (Thomas Harden; No report – not present)
3. Report from the Provost(Sharon Hoffman)
- The firm of Coleman & Lew has been employed for the dean of the College of Information and Mathematical Sciences search. Coleman and Lew met with faculty of CIMS last week. An advertisement for the search is to be formulated by the chairman of the search committee, Jacob Chacko.
- The dean of the College of Professional Studies search has begun with Brian Haynes as chair and Coleman and Lew assisting the search.
- The dean of Arts and Sciences search has begun with Benita Moore as chair.
- A search for Director of International Education will be launched in the fall and a search committee has been formed. This will be a full time faculty appointment.
- Zi Wan and Bob Welborn are putting together a foreign student exchange program working with Hunan University of Technology in Hunan, China. Faculty and student exchanges will be scheduled for fall 2009.
- The external MBA program in PeachtreeCity is on the agenda for the October 9th BOR Meeting. Kevin Demmitt is obtaining adequate classroom space for the program in PeachtreeCity, with anticipated occupation by November 1, 2007 and will provide updates at the next Faculty Council meeting.
- Constitution Day was successful on all levels and the Provost offered her congratulations to the faculty and staff for their efforts.
- Faculty and Staff salary benchmarks are being examined in relationship to retention and recruitment and an external firm will assist in the next two months.
- Fall enrollment is 6,064 for undergraduates and 70 for graduate students. Standardized scores and GPA scores are down. A drop in undergraduate enrollment may be due to changes in HOPE regulations regarding GPA scores. The main feeder county for enrollment is now HenryCounty.
4. CAPC Report – Standing Committee (Wendy Burns-Ardolino)
- A motion was made, seconded and approved to adopt CAPC recommendations
for the following: 1. HFMG moved HSCI 2111/L from area F to upper division major requirements, 2. An HFMG Minor, 3. The School of Business removed its Business ethics course from the Business core courses, and 4. CRJU added an ethics course to its curriculum
5. UPC Report - Standing Committee (Susan Henry)
- Presented on-going information
6. Faculty Council Ad Hoc Web Site Committee
- Betty Glenn provided an update on the Faculty Council Web Site committee. Any interested faculty members are asked to join the committee.
7. Faculty Council Ad Hoc By-Laws Committee
- Russ Porter indicated a Faculty By-Laws review committee has been formed to review for discrepancies, headed by Christy Burton.
8. ClaytonStateUniversity Budget Presentation
- David Heflin, Vice President of Business & Operations, presented the ClaytonStateUniversity budgeting process entitled “Budgeting in a Brave New World.”
9. Russ Porter provided a review of announcements and information per a handout
including a request that colleges and schools conduct a phone tree trial for future use.
A motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 1:30pm
Next meeting will be October 8, 2007