Northern Tier Career Center
120 Career Center Lane
Towanda, PA 18848
(570) 265-8111 Fax: (570) 265-3002
Please complete this information and return with your tuition payment to:
NTCC Adult Education Office
120 Career Center Lane
Towanda, PA 18848
Last First Middle
Street City State Zip
County of Residence______School District______
Phone______Cell Phone______
SSN______Date of Birth______
Driver’s License Number______Issuing State______
Highest Grade Completed: 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
If you did not complete high school, do you have a high school equivalency diploma? ______
Have you attended the Northern Tier Career Center Before? ______
Gender* ____ Male ____Female
Race/Ethnicity* ____American Indian/Alaska Native Are you* ____Single Parent
____Asian or Pacific Islander ____Displaced Homemaker
____Black (Non-Hispanic) ____Economically Disadvantaged
____Hispanic ____Educationally Disadvantaged
____White (Non-Hispanic) ____Limited English Proficiency
*Required for Pennsylvania Department of Education reporting
Please answer the following questions: Yes No
1. In the last ten (10) years, have you been convicted of a moving violation? ______
2. Have you ever had an alcohol-related traffic violation? ______
3. Have you ever refused a breathalyzer or blood-alcohol test related
to a DUI stop or pre-employment? ______
4. Has your driver’s license been suspended or revoked in the
last ten (10) years? ______
5. Have you ever been convicted of a felony or a misdemeanor/summary
offense? ______
6. Have you ever been convicted of the use, sale and/or possession of a
narcotic drug? ______
7. Do you have heart problems, high blood pressure, or diabetes? ______
If you answered “Yes” to any of the above questions, please explain:
Are you currently covered by health and accident insurance?______
If “yes”, type of coverage______
Policy Identification Number______
Method of Payment:
Cash:____ Student Loan:____ Other/Agency:____ Caseworker’s Name:______
How did you hear about the program? Newspaper____ Radio/TV Ad____ Friend/Relative____
Website____ Other______
I hereby certify that the information that I have submitted on this form is true and accurate. I acknowledge that I am applying to enroll in a training program for a “safety sensitive” position as defined by the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, and as such, am required to submit to testing for controlled substances prior to acceptance into the program. Additionally, I understand that a “Yes” answer to any of questions 1 – 7; an unstable work history; or physical, mental, or social problems may hamper my efforts to obtain employment as a Commercial Driver.
For NTCC Administrative Use Only
Enrollment Fee Received: Yes/No Amount______Check#______Date______
Tuition Received: Yes/No Amount______Check#______Date______
Act 34 Clearance Received: Yes/No Date ______
Act 151 Clearance Received: Yes/No Date ______
DMV Motor Vehicle Report Received: Yes/No Date ______
The Northern Tier Career Center is an equal opportunity education institution and will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex or handicap in its activities, programs or employment practices as required by Title VI and IX and Section 504. For more information, contact the Title IX and Section 504 Coordinator at 120 Career Center Lane Towanda, PA 18848-8095, (570) 265-8111.