Recovery Resource Guide

for the Gulf Coast

September 2010

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents

About This Publication

Section I: Federal Programs

Economic Recovery: Business and Industrial Loans

Economic Recovery: Coastal Impact Assistance Program (CIAP)

Economic Recovery: Coastal Resilience Networks “CRest” Grant Program

Economic Recovery: Community DevelopmentBlock Grants / Entitlement Grants

Economic Recovery: Community Development BlockGrants / Section 108 Loan Guarantee Program

Economic Recovery: Community DevelopmentBlock Grants / States Program

Economic Recovery: Community Facilities Directand Guaranteed Loan and Grant Programs

Economic Recovery: Community Services Block Grant

Economic Recovery: Community ServicesBlock Grant Discretionary Awards

Economic Recovery: Community-based Restoration Programs

Economic Recovery: Demonstration Projectsto Address Health Professions Workforce Needs

Economic Recovery: Disposal of Federal Surplus Real Property

Economic Recovery: Donation of Federal Surplus Personal Property

Economic Recovery: Economic Adjustment Assistance (ARRA)

Economic Recovery: Economic Adjustment Assistance Program

Economic Recovery: Economic DevelopmentSupport for Planning Organizations

Economic Recovery: Economic Development Technical Assistance

Economic Recovery: Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL)

Economic Recovery: Emergency Community WaterAssistance Grants (ECWAG)

Economic Recovery: EmploymentService/Wagner-Peyser Funded Activities

Economic Recovery: Environmental Quality Incentives Program

Economic Recovery: Farm Operating Loans

Economic Recovery: Farm Ownership Loans

Economic Recovery: Fisheries Disaster Relief

Economic Recovery: Fisheries Finance Program (FFP)

Economic Recovery: Fishermen’s Contingency Fund (Title IV)

Economic Recovery: Hazardous WasteWorker Health and Safety Training

Economic Recovery: Industrial Technologies Program

Economic Recovery: Intermediary Re-lending Program

Economic Recovery: Investments for Public Worksand Economic Development Facilities (ARRA)

Economic Recovery: Marine Fisheries Initiative (MARFIN)

Economic Recovery: Minority Business Enterprise Centers

Economic Recovery: Minority Business Opportunity Center (MBOC)

Economic Recovery: National Emergency Grant

Economic Recovery: Native American Business Enterprise Centers

Economic Recovery: Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM) Program

Economic Recovery: Renewable EnergyResearch and Development (ARRA)

Economic Recovery: Resource Conservation and Development

Economic Recovery: Rural Business Enterprise Grant

Economic Recovery: Saltonstall-Kennedy Grant Program(Fisheries Development/Utilization Research and Development)

Economic Recovery: Small Business Innovation Research

Economic Recovery: Use of Surplus Propertyfor Public Health and Homeless Purposes

Economic Recovery: Water and Waste Disposal Loans and Grants

Economic Recovery: WorkforceInvestment Act (WIA), Adult Program...... 43

Economic Recovery: Workforce InvestmentAct (WIA), DislocatedWorkers Program44

Ecosystem: Beach Erosion Control Projects

Ecosystem: Center for Sponsored CoastalOcean Research Coastal Ocean Program

Ecosystem: Coastal Impact Assistance Program (CIAP)

Ecosystem: Coastal Resilience Networks “CRest” Grant Program

Ecosystem: Coastal Zone Management Administration Awards

Ecosystem: Community-based Restoration Programs

Ecosystem: Conservation Technical Assistance

Ecosystem: Cooperative EndangeredSpecies Conservation Fund

Ecosystem: Earth System Observations and Modeling

Ecosystem: Emergency Community WaterAssistance Grants (ECWAG)

Ecosystem: Environmental Quality Incentives Program

Ecosystem: Environmental Studies Program

Ecosystem: Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (ARRA)

Ecosystem: Gulf of Mexico Bay – WatershedEducation and Training (B-WET) Program

Ecosystem: Land and Water Conservation Fund State Grant Program

Ecosystem: National Coastal Wetlands

Ecosystem: NIEHS Superfund HazardousSubstances Basic Research and Education

Ecosystem: Office of Research and Development ConsolidatedResearch/Training/Fellowships

Ecosystem: Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Program

Ecosystem: Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM) Program

Ecosystem: Resource Conservation and Development

Ecosystem: Silver Jackets Interagency Pilot Program

Ecosystem: Soil Survey

Ecosystem: Urban Park and Recreation Recovery Program

Ecosystem: Water and Waste Disposal Loans and Grants

Ecosystem: Water Pollution Control

Ecosystem: Watershed Surveys and Planning

Ecosystem: Wetland Reserve Program

Health and Human Services: Community DevelopmentBlock Grants / Entitlement Grants

Health and Human Services: Community Development BlockGrants / Section 108 Loan Guarantee Program

Health and Human Services: Community DevelopmentBlock Grants / States Program

Health and Human Services: Community Relations Service

Health and Human Services: Community ServicesBlock Grant Discretionary Awards

Health and Human Services: Comprehensive Community Mental Health Services for Children with Serious Emotional Disturbances

Health and Human Services: Demonstration Projectsto Address Health Professions Workforce Needs

Health and Human Services: Direct Loans for Disabled Veterans

Health and Human Services: EmploymentService/Wagner-Peyser Funded Activities

Health and Human Services: Extension ServicePost-Crisis Education and Assistance

Health and Human Services: Farm Operating Loans

Health and Human Services: Farm Ownership Loans

Health and Human Services: Federal-StateUnemployment Insurance

Health and Human Services: Food Distribution Programs

Health and Human Services: HOMEInvestment Partnerships Program

Health and Human Services: Indian Housing Assistance

Health and Human Services: Native AmericanHousing Block Grant (NAHBG) Program

Health and Human Services: Readiness andEmergency Management for Schools

Health and Human Services: Rural Housing ServiceSection 502 Direct and Guaranteed Loan Program

Health and Human Services: Rural Housing ServiceSection 504 Repair Grants and Loans

Health and Human Services: Section 8Housing Choice Voucher Program

Health and Human Services: Social andEconomic Development Strategies (SEDS)

Health and Human Services: Social and EconomicDevelopment Strategies (SEDS) – Special Initiative

Health and Human Services: Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

Health and Human Services: TemporaryAssistance for Needy Families

Health and Human Services: Use of Surplus Propertyfor Public Health and Homeless Purposes

Nonprofit Support: Corporation for National and Community Service

Nonprofit Support: Center for Sponsored CoastalOcean Research Coastal Ocean Program

Nonprofit Support: Coastal Resilience Networks “CRest” Grant Program

Nonprofit Support: Community Facilities Directand Guaranteed Loan and Grant Programs

Nonprofit Support: Community Relations Service

Nonprofit Support: Community Services Block Grant

Nonprofit Support: Community ServicesBlock Grant Discretionary Awards

Nonprofit Support: Community-based Restoration Programs

Nonprofit Support: Conservation Technical Assistance

Nonprofit Support: Disposal of Federal Surplus Real Property

Nonprofit Support: Donation of Federal Surplus Personal Property

Nonprofit Support: Economic Adjustment Assistance (ARRA)

Nonprofit Support: Economic Adjustment Assistance Program

Nonprofit Support: Economic DevelopmentSupport for Planning Organizations

Nonprofit Support: Economic Development Technical Assistance

Nonprofit Support: Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL)

Nonprofit Support: Emergency Community WaterAssistance Grants (ECWAG)

Nonprofit Support: Extension ServicePost-Crisis Education and Assistance

Nonprofit Support: Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (ARRA)

Nonprofit Support: Food Distribution Programs

Nonprofit Support: Gulf of Mexico Bay – WatershedEducation and Training (B-WET) Program

Nonprofit Support: Hazardous WasteWorker Health and Safety Training

Nonprofit Support: Intermediary Re-lending Program

Nonprofit Support: Marine Fisheries Initiative (MARFIN)

Nonprofit Support: Minority Business Enterprise Centers

Nonprofit Support: Minority Business Opportunity Center (MBOC)

Nonprofit Support: Native American Business Enterprise Centers

Nonprofit Support: Office of Research and Development ConsolidatedResearch/Training/Fellowships

Nonprofit Support: Renewable EnergyResearch and Development (ARRA)

Nonprofit Support: Rural Business Enterprise Grant

Nonprofit Support: Social andEconomic Development Strategies (SEDS)

Nonprofit Support: Social and EconomicDevelopment Strategies (SEDS) – Special Initiative

Nonprofit Support: Soil Survey

Nonprofit Support: Use of Surplus Propertyfor Public Health and Homeless Purposes

Nonprofit Support: Water and Waste Disposal Loans and Grants

Section II: Non-governmental and Corporate Giving Programs (National Scope)

3M Foundation

Abbott Laboratories Fund

Acorn Foundation

Alcoa Foundation

Alex C. Walker Foundation

Allbritton Foundation

Allen Foundation, Inc.

(The) Allstate Foundation

Ambrose Monell Foundation

American Cancer Society Foundation

American Express Foundation

American Public Transportation Association

American Red Cross Disaster Services Program

Americans for the Arts Emergency Relief Fund

(The) Andrew W. Mellon Foundation

Animal Welfare Trust

Annenberg Foundation

(The) Annie E. Casey Foundation

Arby’s Foundation, Inc.

Armstrong Foundation

(The) Arthur Vining Davis Foundations

Asbury-Warren Foundation

AT&T Foundation

AutoZone, Inc.

Aventis Pharmaceuticals Foundation

Bank of America Charitable Foundation

Baseball Tomorrow Fund

Ben & Jerry’s Foundation

Best Buy Children’s Foundation

Best Western for a Better World

Beyond Words: The Dollar General School Library Relief Fund

(The) Blackwell Foundation

Boat U.S. Foundation

Borders Books

Braitmayer Foundation

Brinker International Foundation

Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation, Inc.

Build-a-Bear Workshop Foundation

Burroughs Wellcome Fund

Captain Planet Foundation

Carnegie Corporation of New York

Caterpillar Foundation

CDC Foundation

Charles Stewart Mott Foundation Grants


(The) Coca-Cola Foundation, Inc.

Commonwealth Fund

(The) Conrad N. Hilton Fund for Sisters

Cooper Industries Foundation

Craft Emergency Relief Fund

Cruise Industry Charitable Foundation, Inc.

CRWRC Disaster Response Services

Darden Restaurants, Inc. Foundation

Denso Foundation

Doris Duke Charitable Foundation

Eaton Charitable Fund

Edna McConnell Clark Foundation

Edna Wardlaw Charitable Trust

The Fant Foundation

Farm Aid

FedEX Global Community Relations Program

(The) Fonda Family Foundation, Inc.

Ford Foundation

Foundation for Financial Planning

Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Foundation

Fund for Wild Nature

Genesco, Inc.

Georgia-Pacific Corporation (GP)

Georgia-Pacific Foundation, Inc.

Goldman Sachs Foundation

Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts

(The) Hagen Family Foundation

(The) Hanley Family Foundation, Inc.

(The) Hearst Foundations

Henry Luce Foundation, Inc.

Hill-Snowdon Foundation

(The) Home Depot Foundation

(The) Home Depot, Inc.

Islamic Relief USA

James M. Cox Foundation of Georgia, Inc.

(The) Jim Casey Youth Opportunities Initiative

J. M. Kaplan Fund

John A. Hartford Foundation

(The) John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation

Johnson Controls Foundation

JP Morgan Chase Foundation

J. Paul Getty Trust

Kodak American Greenways Awards Program

KPMG Foundation

(The) Kresge Foundation

Kroger Company Foundation

(The) Laura Jane Musser Fund

Lawrence Foundation

Lumina Foundation for Education, Inc.

Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.

Macy’s Foundation

Manor Care Foundation

MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger

McGraw Hill Companies Corporate Contributions

MetLife Foundation, Inc.

Michael and Susan Dell Foundation

Microsoft Unlimited Potential Grants

Monsanto Fund

Morris Communications Foundation

Motorola Foundation

National Endowment for the Humanities

National Fish and Wildlife Foundation

National Urban and Community Forestry AdvisoryCouncil Challenge Cost-Share Program

National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster

Nehemiah Community Foundation

No Other Foundation

(The) Office Depot Foundation

Patagonia Environmental Grants

PepsiCo Corporate Contributions

PepsiCo Foundation, Inc.

(The) Prudential Foundation

Public Welfare Foundation Environmental Grants

(The) Quiksilver Foundation

QuikTrip Corporate Contributions

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC)

Shell Oil Company Foundation

Sonoco Foundation

Southern Company Charitable Foundation, Inc.

(The) Starbucks Foundation

State Farm Companies Foundation

Surdna Foundation, Inc.

Target Store Grants

Toys R’ Us Corporate Philanthropy

Turner Broadcasting System, Inc.

Turner Foundation, Inc.

(The) UPS Foundation

U.S. Soccer Foundation

Verizon Foundation

W. K. Kellogg Foundation

Wallace Foundation

Wal-Mart Foundation

Waste Management Charitable Foundation

Wells Fargo Housing Foundation

Wild Ones: Otto Seeds for Education Program

William and Flora Hewlett Foundation

Section III: State Government Resources

State Government Resources (Alabama)

State Government Resources (Florida)

State Government Resources (Louisiana)

State Government Resources (Mississippi)

State Government Resources (Texas)

Recovery Resource Guide

for the Gulf Coast

About This Publication

The Recovery Resource Guide for the Gulf Coastcontains brief descriptions and contact information for programs from government, non-government, and corporate sources that may be able to assist local communities as they recover from the impacts of the Gulf Coast Oil Spill. This guide presents an array of programs that may be of assistance during disaster recovery – depending upon the circumstances, community needs, and available resources. Since each community’s needs during recovery from the Gulf Oil Spill are unique, this guide includes a broad listing of resources that may be of use to some communities as they work to re-invigorate their economies and local natural resources after the oil spill. Additionally, eligibility requirements may be more comprehensive or more restrictive than is detailed in this guide. Please verify the applicability and eligibility requirements of a particular program with the sponsoringorganization.

Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA)

The summaries of federal programs include the notation “CFDA Number.” This refers to the program number found in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance,the compendium of financial and nonfinancial programs throughout the federal government that provide assistance or benefits to the American public. The CFDA includes a comprehensive list of federal, regional, and local office addresses and telephone numbers that are also a useful reference for obtaining program information. The CFDA can be obtained from the Internet and U.S. General Services Administration (GSA)’s free CFDA website at However, if interested in purchasing the CFDA from the Government Printing Office (GPO), contact the Superintendent of Documents at 202-512-1800 or toll free at 866-512-1800, or reach GPO's online bookstore at:

Section I: FederalPrograms

Economic Recovery: Business and Industrial Loans

AGENCY: Department of Agriculture (USDA) / Rural Development (RD) / Rural Business-Cooperative Service (RBS)

RECIPIENTS: Businesses.

PURPOSE: To improve, develop, or finance business, industry, and employment and to improve the economic climate in rural communities, including abatement and control of pollution. Objectives are achieved through bolstering the private sector credit structure with guarantees on quality loans that will provide lasting community benefits.

ASSISTANCE PROVIDED: Guaranteed loans.

ELIGIBILITY: Businesses in rural cities and towns of fewer than 50,000 residents.



Rural Business-Cooperative Service

U.S. Department of Agriculture

1400 Independence Avenue SW, Room 5811

Washington, DC 20250-3201



CFDA NUMBER: 10.768 Business and Industry Loans

Economic Recovery: Community Development

Block Grants / Entitlement Grants

AGENCY: Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)/Community Planning and Development (CPD)

RECIPIENTS: Localities.

ACTIVATING MECHANISM: Previously approved Community Development Block Grants may be diverted to disaster response and recovery needs with the issuance of a waiver by the Secretary of HUD in the wake of a Presidential Disaster Declaration.

PURPOSE: To develop viable urban communities by providing decent housing and a suitable living environment, and by expanding economic opportunities – principally for low- to moderate-income persons.

ASSISTANCE PROVIDED: Formula grants to entitlement communities (metropolitan cities and urban counties). Disaster-related assistance is one of numerous areas in which community development-type activities may be eligible under the Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) program. The most appropriate disaster-related use of funds is for long-term recovery needs, such as: rehabilitating residential and commercial buildings; homeownership assistance, including down-payment assistance and interest rate subsidies; building new replacement housing; code enforcement; acquiring, constructing, or reconstructing public facilities and improvements; assistance to disaster-affected businesses to assist in retaining jobs; buying flood-prone properties and implementing other mitigation efforts to avoid repetitive loss; making relocation payments to displaced people and businesses; and other activities. Funds also may be used for emergency response activities – such as debris removal, clearance, and demolition. When a disaster occurs, a community may elect to amend its planned use of funds already awarded to use the funds instead for those disaster response and recovery activities that do not duplicate activities reimbursable by the Federal Emergency Management Agency or other available assistance. At least 70 percent of funds must be used for activities that principally benefit persons of low- and moderate-income; however, in the event of a Presidential Disaster Declaration, the Secretary of HUD may extend compliance of this requirement over a period of years to allow more flexibility in use of funds for response efforts.


ELIGIBILITY: Certain metropolitan cities and qualified urban counties. Grantees in designated major disaster areas may receive waivers of statutory and regulatory program requirements regarding the use of annual allocations of CDBG funds that recipients designate to address the damage. However, statutory requirements pertaining to nondiscrimination, fair housing, labor standards, environmental standards, and benefiting of persons of low- and moderate-income may not be waived. Additional grants are not available unless emergency supplemental CDBG funds are appropriated. HUD publishes Federal Register notices for the use of CDBG disaster recovery funds reflecting purposes and requirements of appropriations statutes, including waivers and alternative requirements to those of the annual CDBG allocations.

APPLICATION: An entitlement community must follow its citizen participation plan for substantial amendments to its action plan. HUD will review and respond quickly to questions about program requirements and requests for waivers. HUD notifies eligible governments receiving CDBG disaster recovery allocations that must then develop and submit an action plan for disaster recovery before receiving CDBG disaster recovery grants. The action plan must describe the needs, strategies, and projected uses of the disaster recovery funds.