908 - Recreational Physical Education – Weight Training
(One Semester Course)
(0.5 Credits)
Teacher: Ben Householter
Course Goal: This course is offered to students who wish to improve their total body development. Emphasis is placed on increasing the strength, endurance, agility, and speed of the student through weight training, running, and other functional exercises. The course will prepare students for athletic competition, reduce chances of injury and improve on overall general health.
Students will be able to:
- Demonstrate proper weight training techniques.
- Display proper spotting techniques.
- Develop methods to improve agility and body movement skills.
- Reduce the risk of injury in sports and recreational activities.
- Acknowledge needless or dangerous training conditions.
- Instill proper weight room training etiquette.
- Decrease student athlete training time.
- Develop total body fitness including:
-Increased muscle contractile force.
-Increased tendon tensile strength.
-Increased bone strength
-Increased ligament tensile strength
-Increased muscle fiber size.
-Increased joint flexibility.
-Increased reaction time.
-Increased speed and power.
-Increased cardiovascular fitness.
Uniform: The standard Marian High School Physical Education uniform must be worn everyday and can be purchased in the bookstore. Socks and non-marking clean tennis shoes must be worn. Your name should be written in permanent black marker on the back of your shirt and on your shorts so it is easily identifiable to the teacher and other students. Your name on your uniform helps to prevent theft and mix-ups with other student’s uniforms. The instructor will check each day for the student’s name on their shirt and shorts. Students are not allowed to share uniforms and you should only wear your uniform. If you are caught wearing someone else’s uniform, you will be given a detention and a “no dress” for not having your uniform.
Dress Time: All students must be inside the gym on the floor before the tardy bell rings. If a student is not inside the gym on the floor, before the bell they will be sent to the attendance office.
Jewelry: No rings, watches, or bracelets may be worn during class for safety and so the jewelry will not get damaged.
Absences: The MarianHigh School absentee policy will be followed. A parent’s note may excuse you from one day of activity only. The note must include a phone number of where your parents can be reached to confirm the note. Serious injuries of more than one day require a doctor’s note. Additionally, serious injuries require a doctor’s note to return to activity. If you are absent, injured, or not participating in the daily activities you must complete one make-up assignment for each day you are not participating. The make-up assignment is due one week from the day missed and can be found on Mr. Householter’s teacher webpage. If you do not complete the make-up assignment, you will receive a “zero” or no points for that day.
Automatic Quarter Failure: Four “no dresses” in a quarter is automatic failure for the quarter. Physical education is a participation class and if you are not dressed you can not participate. If you can not participate, you will not be able to earn a grade.
Skills Performance – 40%
Functional Progression – 30%
Training Log – 10%
Written Tests – 20%
Grading: Each day’s activities will be assigned a point value. Your grade will be the cumulative points you have earned divided by the total points possible. Letter grades will be assigned according to the regular Marian grading scale and will count toward your GPA.
Class Rules:
- Be respectful of the teacher, other students, the weight room, and the equipment.
- Bring uniform and all materials to class and take care of all business before class, there will not be any passes out of class.
- Report all broken equipment and injuries to the class instructor. Broken equipment needs to be fixed or cordoned off so no one will injure themselves. Injuries need to be reported in order to get proper medical treatment.
- Safety precautions and spotting must be followed. Safety first. No horseplay in the locker or weight room. We want to avoid any unnecessary injuries.
I agree that I understand the entire syllabus and will follow the class rules:
Student Name______Date______
Parent Name______Date______