Quarterly Cedars of Duvall HOA Board Meeting
Date: 12/12/2017
Location: 28306 NE 147th Court
Called to order at 7:05pm by Deb Alanis, President
Board Members Present
Deb Alanis
Jennifer Knaplund
Troy Scott
Erica Ojeda
Jack Ballard (appointed during meeting)
Community Members in Attendance:
Jack Ballard, Ron Darvie, Mark Cole, Reuben Alanis
Old Business
1)Upcoming Meeting Schedule
- January 30th, 2018 – Annual HOA Meeting
- March 13th, 2018 – Quarterly Board Meeting
- June 12th, 2018 – Quarterly Board Meeting
- September 11th, 2018 – Quarterly Board Meeting
- December 11, 2018 – Quarterly Board Meeting
- Plan going forward: Quarterly Board Meetings on 2nd Tuesday of each quarter (March, June, September, December). Annual Meeting last Tuesday in January. December board meeting will review and adopt budget and January annual HOA meeting budget will be “ratified”.
- Jennifer will schedule room for January 30th annual meeting. (Duvall Library meeting room is reserved for our meeting 7-9pm).
- Reviewed changes final changes: added to Bylaws that Directors shall serve 3 year terms and the terms shall be staggered, and that the Board shall endeavor to compose the Board with at least 5 directors. Omitted the reference to an odd number.
- Troy was assigned “Registered Agent” for Articles of Incorporation Document. The registered agent is the person designated to receive legal notices on behalf of a corporation and is often a board member, although could be a lawyer or management company.
- The Bylaws of the Association were unanimously adopted by the Board and signed by Deb Alanis (president) and Jennifer Knaplund (secretary).
- The Articles of Incorporation were also unanimously approved and Troy Scott (Treasurer and Registered Agent) signed the “Consent to Serve as Registered Agent” document.
- Jennifer will mail these documents to our attorney at Barker Martin.
- Follow up question for our attorney David Silver. Do we have to mail a paper copy of the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws to each lot owner or can we send a written notice with the Annual Dues invoice that the Articles and Bylaws are available on the website, and if requested a paper copy will be mailed.
- Low response rate to all solicitation of input for the directory.
- Discussion that possibly the directory is not needed and the Facebook group is a more accessible way for neighbors to connect.
- Suggestion that a lot map with owner name be made available – since that is something many find useful. This could be posted on the Facebook group since the lot owner information is public record.
- Completed!
- Troy will follow up on a broken link.
5)145th Court Mailbox “Hut” Repair
- Work party planned for April 14th if reasonable pricing for repair cannot be found
- Troy has a contact who may be able to repair the mailbox “hut” and the fence at a reasonable price.
6)CC&R Review & Revision – 4.5.4 Parking
- Jack Ballard shared an initial draft of the revised parking code.
- Feedback included needing more clarity on what constitutes a “commercial vehicle”, will refer to City code for street parking rules/enforcement, questions about current lots that are out of compliance – do we “grandfather them” or make “variances”.
- Concern raised about RV parking on street creating a nuisance/hazard – refer to City of Duvall code.
- We will continue to work on this at the Annual HOA meeting.
7)Open Board Member position
- Advertized on Facebook group prior to this meeting – no responses.
- Jennifer mentioned intent to step down in the coming months and is hopeful she has found a willing replacement.
- Jack volunteered to re-join the board.
- Jack Ballard was unanimously approved to join the Board and will become the Architectural Chair.
8)Financial Review
- Troy mentioned that 1 homeowner has outstanding dues – the homeowner has been contacted personally and is aware of the late fines accruing.
New Business
9)Fence Repair
- Via Facebook group, a homeowner (Dave Rezoski - Lot #1) mentioned the need for a fence repair along the community fence. No official contact with Board has been made.
- Troy will investigate and get a quote for this repair (see mailbox “hut” item)
- This opened discussion on future funding for fence replacement/repairs: should the HOA be responsible for replacing/repairing the fence or should the homeowner receiving benefit of the fence replace and maintain the fence. This question has been brought up repeatedly by members of the HOA (see 1/31/17 and 6/13/17 Minutes). Pros and Cons were discussed. Maintaining aesthetic continuity is important to our residents. Concern that once the fence is replaced/maintained by individual homeowners it will be contentious and difficult to enforce.
- Board will continue this discussion at the Annual HOA meeting and ask for an advisory vote from those in attendance. Depending on direction from the meeting attendees, Board may draft revision to CC&Rs to address the community fencing along Batten. Possibly setting guidelines for style, dimensions, materials, maintenance to be the responsibility of individual lot owners, rather than being replaced/maintained by HOA.
10)Budget Adoption
- Troy presented 2017 Treasurer’s Report / 2018 Proposed Budget
- No significant changes.
- Board unanimously adopted the budget and will present to HOA meeting in January to be “ratified”.
11)Invoice Mailing
- Announce January 30th Annual HOA Meeting (this satisfies notification requirement) – possibly provide tentative agenda?
- Articles of Incorporation / Bylaws – If they are ready in time, we could include this in the mailer or mentioned that they are available on the website or can request a paper copy (pending response from attorney)
- Reminder to ensure house numbers are visible (numbers on house properly lighted and possibly numbers painted on curb need touching up)
Executive Session
Meeting adjourned at 8:50 pm