Regional Telecommunications Review - Short Online Submissions
Full name: Therese Welsh
Date received:14 July 2015
Chapter 1: How does demand for telecommunications services inform the Review?
Please comment on how your reliance on telecommunications in regional Australia differs from urban areas.
As farmers in the current economic climate we are requiring ongoing training and communication whilst on the job. This includes the need for online banking , tax and accounting access to reliable internet without breaking the budget.
As a farmer's wife I have been forced to return to the workforce, plan my programs and complete research online and up skill through returning to tertiary study and in each case modern speedy and economical internet services would be appreciated. Instead we have to do with unreliable expensive internet and data services.
Chapter 2: How are telecommunications services in regional, rural and remote Australia delivered?
Please comment on the delivery of services for example over fixed networks, mobile networks or satellite.
We only have internet access via a portable wireless broadband device costing $160 per month for 25GB however it doesn't always work or goes slow. When our allowance is used up it them slows as well.
My husband and I also have Telstra network mobile phones with 2.6GB per month inclusive for me and 1 GB for him non transferable. included in phone package of $
Chapter 3: How are services being used in regional, rural and remote Australia?
Please comment on how telecommunication services are being used for example, interacting with government, education, health or running a business.
We run a mixed farming business in Central ranges NSW. My husband uses the internet to connect to weather apps, stock apps wool prices,
vendor price indicators,
I am studying for my Masters online through the University of Newcastle.
Our daughter is studying as a weekly boarder at red bend catholic College and uses Internet and phone services for study communication social media and research project each weekend and every holiday period.
We are building our business awareness through social media apps and adding on a business facebook page.
Internet is used for ATO, banking Medicare, government services, mental heath support through beyond blue and black dog institute. Contact with family in metropolitan areas and through social media apps and webpages
Chapter 4: Consumer safeguards
Please provide your views on current consumer safeguards and what should be considered in the future.
The modern telecommunications company cannot locate our property on any maps and refers to our address which was it's name over 40 years ago. Since the introduction of property numbering we have gone from being known as "Round Range" to 113 Avondale Lane yet Telstra cannot locate us .
Other comments
Please provide any other comments.
Australian telecommunications and national mapping really needs an overhaul as emergency services cannot locate properties and families because the telecommunications addresses and mapping which they are required to used are wrong. My husband suffers from severe depression and is on a C=PAP machine at night. I do worry that one day my husband will call from his phone and he won't be found.