3 Shell Careers - GM IT Delivery, Downstream
Duration: 1:20 minutes
Melanie, General Manager IT Delivery in Downstream at Shell, talks about her role. Dealing with Chemicals, Alternative Energy, and Function divisions Melanie's IT role is something she discovered as an unexpected passion. Helping the business through IT has lead her to many new roles where learning new skills and growing her career happen every day.
3 Shell Careers - GM IT Delivery, Downstream Film Transcript
[Background music]
Bright, uplifting guitar/pop music.
[Split screen]
Footage of Melanie laughing.
Squares of red and yellow.
[Video footage]
Interview with Melanie.
I'm the General Manager of IT delivery
[Text displays]
General manager, IT delivery, downstream
to our Downstream businesses,
Chemicals, Alternative Energies and the functions.
I came into Shell thinking I would work for a few years
[Split screen]
People working at a computer.
Close-up of bottle in a lab.
What looks like a cap for a fuel tank with a Shell logo on it.
Various shots of people working in offices.
in the IT organisation and then move into a business role
[Split screen]
Office workers.
Man wearing hardhat and googles.
and found I love IT
and how best to help the businesses through IT.
[Video footage]
Man with walkie-talkie sitting at desk with computers.
And so I've been at Shell now for 27 years.
[Video footage]
People working on computers.
I've had an interesting career within Shell,
[Split screen]
Diagram of area of land with contour lines.
Interview with Melanie.
Close-up of typing on a keyboard.
Shell logo.
Man working in a lab.
where I have done applications jobs, I've done infrastructure jobs,
[Video footage]
Person in room surrounded by computer screens.
I've done business-facing jobs.
[Split screen]
Person with hard-hat and googles.
Close-up of screen and joystick.
I've done support. I've done development.
[Video footage]
Woman with ear muffs and microphone, looks like she’s in a helicopter.
[Split screen]
Computerised image of a mountain range..
Close-up of a digital scale.
I've done quite a range,
[Split screen]
Interview with Melanie.
Something dissolving in water.
Two people with hardhats and high visibility jackets on.
and what I've always looked for in every job and assignment is
it's going to help me grow and learn.
I'm a strong believer
[Split screen]
Computer screen with various boxes and figures.
Interview with Melanie.
Man delivering a talk.
that the more senior you want to be in the organisation,
[Split screen]
Interview with Melanie.
Close-ups of various people.
the more breadth of opportunities and jobs you should take.
[Video footage]
People working with large pieces of machinery.
I think a Shell career in IT gives you that wide spectrum.
[Video footage]
Close-up of keyboard.
People working in office.
You won't learn everything over night
[Video footage]
Person oiling machinery.
Sped up images of people working with lab equipment.
so be patient and pragmatic with yourself,
and recognise where the company may need you
and where you want to go
[Video footage]
Man looking out over sea from a drilling platform.
has to come together as a fit in the organisation.
[Split screen]
People working on machinery.
Drilling platform at sea.
Red formula one car with Shell logo.
But keep in the end that vision of where you want to be,
[Split screen]
Interview with Melanie.
Man looking through microscrope.
and keep that in your forefront at all times. �
Still of Melanie smiling.
Squares of red and yellow flashing around.
White background.
[Text displays]
Shell logo
[Text displays]
Copyright shell International 2012