Meeting minutes: 2/14/12
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Ashbrook Community Association
Minutes for Board of Directors Monthly Meeting
February 14, 2012 7:00 P.M.
Ashbrook Community Center
Call to order at 7:00 P.M.
Present: William, Sue H., Don, Bill, Sue P.
ACS West Lee Ann King
Quorum established
To approve the agenda as amended for 2/14/12
By Don , second by Sue. H.Motion carried
To accept the 1/10/12 minutes as amended
By Don , second by Sue P.Motion carried
Old Business
President’s report:
By William: No report
Vice President’s report:
By Sue H.: No report
Treasurer’s report:
By Don
For a detailed report of the finances, please contact Don directly
In checking account - $90,652.00
Beginning balance checking: $83,136.00
Ending balance checking: $90,652.00
Ending balance in money market: $20,549.00
Total available funds: $111,201.00
Going forward all financial statements from the management company will come via e-mail
Secretary report:
By Bill: No report
Board member report:
By Sue P.: No report
Management report:
By Lee Ann King, ACS West representative: Check received from attorney for $1,032.94
Past Due—2
Chapter 13—1
Filed suit—12
Warrant in debt—6
Garnishment prep—3
Garnishment return date—2
Pre litigation research—1
January 2012 violations
Trash cans—52
Basketball goal—1
Window A/C—1
Lee Ann also informed the board that when a home is being sold it is the buyers responsibility to request a disclosure package, and it is the sellers responsibility to pay for it.
Standing committee reports:
Safety and Security:
By William: Recent vandalism on picnic table in pavilion was turned over to police. The situation was amicably resolved. Parents of the juvenile have agreed to have damaged tables power washed an restored. The surveillance tapes are being watched and studied closely.
Motion made by William to pay $250.00 reward out of safety & security funds to the informant that supplied the info leading to the apprehension of the person who vandalized the tables. Second by: Don. Motion carried.
Social committee report:
By Sue H.: Movie night is Fri. 2/17/12. St. Patrick’s Day party Sat. 3/17/12. Easter Egg Hunt is Sun. 4/1/12.
Architectural Review committee:
By Sue Pulsifer for Buzz Pulsifer: For January there were 3 inspections of completed projects and there is 1 pending completion.
Buildings and Grounds committee:
By Bill Ruitenberg: We will be having KDC Roofing come by to check that there was no damage done to the new roof on the Community Center when some vandals were seen up there. We are going to look into having Molly Maid come in and clean the Community Center. We will be looking at some new ideas for the spring flowers. Three new motions to be made under new business.
Lake subcommittee:
By Don MacQueen for Mike Dalton: Lights on main fountain have been fixed. Both fountains have been cleaned and are working fine. Don will get pricing on redoing the lights to be more colorful.
There will be a special meeting on Wed. 3/7/12 @ 8:00 P.M. with Mr. McElfish from Chesterfield County regarding new regulations with flood insurance. There will be a 30 minute slide presentation. Letters will be sent to all lake front residents and property owners.
New Business
President: William has been walking the common grounds areas looking for any vandalism. The following is the police report for January 2012 as reported by our patrolman:
“No major issues to report for January other than the continued disregard for posted signage within the neighborhood. The worst offense locations are speed limit sign on Featherchase Dr., as well as the four way stop sign at Featherchase and Shady Banks Dr.
On the evening of Jan. 28th, I encountered 3 four wheelers in the new neighborhood behind Ashbrook (Shady Banks at Harpers Mill). When I attempted to stop these individuals, they fled through some of the wooded areas in that neighborhood and appeared to be trying to get back to the Ashbrook neighborhood. I was never able to identify these individuals, as there were safety issues with me attempting to get back to Ashbrook quickly enough to cut them off.
The issue with illegally parked vehicles has been rectified thru the issuance of parking citations. There have been no repeat offenders with this issue.
I will continue to enforce the speed limit and stop signs with zero tolerance until compliance has been met. I will also continue to keep in close contact with Mr. Megginson to have complaints and concerns dealt with as quickly as possible.”
Vice President:No report
Treasurer: No report
Secretary: Motion by Bill Ruitenberg to appropriate $645.00 for Quality Landscaping Solutions to remove the walking path at the end of the Fern Hollow Dr. culdesac. The path will be backfilled with topsoil to existing grade and sown with tall fescue grass seed. Second by: Sue H. Motion carried
Motion by Bill Ruitenberg to appropriate $1,285.00 for Quality Lanscaping Solutions to install two zones of irrigation on Shady Banks Dr. & Ashbrook Pkwy. Second by William. Motion carried.
Motion by Bill Ruitenberg to renew our contract with Quality Landscape Solutions for the next fiscal year for the same rates as this past year. Second by Sue P. Motion carried.
Board Member: Sue P. is suggesting that we use closet racks to install the microwave in the Community Center over the stove. After some discussion it was decided that his can probably work and we’ll proceed accordingly.
Member voice: None
Motion to adjourn by William. Second by Sue. Motion carried.
Adjournment at time: 7:51 P.M.
Respectfully submitted by:
Bill Ruitenberg, Secretary