DPHS South Campus

Spanish I

Monica Johnston

Conference:Fifth period


Classroom: 1244

Phone: 832-668-7200 ext. 71244

Tutorials: 8:00-8:40 (Tuesdaysand Wednesdays)

Afternoons: By appointment only

There will be a Spanish tutor available after school in the

athletic wing (Mondays-Thurdays).

Course objectives

The main objectives are to introduce students to the language and culture of the Spanish speaking world and promote the development of students’ communicative competence in the target language. Following the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages’ (ACTFL) Proficiency Guidelines 2012, this course seeks to help students to perform at the Novice-Mid to Novice-High level by the end of the school year. The ACTFL Can Do Statements provide more precise details in regards to what students will be able to do when they have reached this proficiency level.


  • Blue or black pens
  • Notebook paper
  • 3 ring binder with dividers
  • Class contribution for in-class use (Kleenex, glue, color pencils, sanitizer, or color markers).

Grading Policy

Grades will be computed as follows:

  • Minor grades: 40
  • Major grades: 60

Dates for homework, quizzes, tests, and projects will be announced in class and will also be posted on the teacher’s website.It is the students’ responsibility to write down this information.

Academic Integrity:

All material turned in by a student must be a product of his/her own thoughts unless its ownership is referenced accordingly. Per DPHS policy, a zero is assigned to a student when this rule is broken, this includes misuse/abuse of on-line and electronic translators and anything that is not an original thought of that individual student. This applies to all assignments and assessments.

Late work:

NO LATE assignments (homework, daily work, projects, etc.) will be accepted

Make-up Work

A student is required to make up all work missed while absent. It is the responsibility of the student to ask the teacher what has been missed when returning from an absence. Work assigned when the student is absent is due within five days after his/her return to class. Class time will not be used to make up assignments. Students shall be responsible for obtaining and completing the make-up work in a satisfactory manner and within the time specified.

Retest/Redo Opportunities

Reteaching and retesting will be available to students who make a grade of 69 or below on a major assignment or periodic examination during the semester. Retesting is not an option for the semester examination. The highest grade a student can earn on a retest is a 70. During a nine-week period, a student may take advantage of the opportunity for reteaching and retesting on no more than three major assignments. Reteaching and retesting must take place within five days of receiving the original grade. Students may retest/redo each assignment only once. If the retest score is lower than the original score, the higher of the two will be used.

Classroom rules

  • Bring all needed materials to class.
  • Be in your assigned seat and ready to work when the bell rings.
  • Remain seated until the teacher dismisses the class
  • Respect and be polite to everyone.
  • Follow directions the first time they are given.
  • Raise your hand before speaking or leaving your seat.
  • Obey all school rules

If you choose to break a rule

First time:Warning and conference with the teacher

Second time:Parent contact

Third time:Office referral

Severe disruption:Student will be referred immediately to the office