Mrs. Ruckle’s Contract
1. Students are expected to be on time for class and in their seats by the ringing of the bell. However, it should be noted that class begins upon entering the room and appropriatebehavior is expected. Cooperative attitudes and social responsibilities are expected at all times. If a student is late 3 times to class,it will result in an after school detention.
2. It is the student’s responsibility to have the proper materials for class on a daily basis pencil, signed contract, headphones or earbuds, phone or electronic device to take photographs, and assignment books.
3. Students will be asked to put the Google Drive App on their device. This will be used to transfer photographs quickly. Students will be able to use this to see all their projects in all classes through Google drive.
4. Students will be asked to use their own device (phone, digital camera, or kindle, etc.) in class. If student does not have a device one will be suppled for them. The device is only to be used for a specific use for projects in class. Students should not be using it for other things such as; texting, snapchat, watching or taking video, games, etc. The student can lose privilege of using device in class.
5. Students full name must be on all papers!(First and last name and section).There are12 different sections each marking period.
6. Proper use and care of all lab equipment is essential. Students will work with computers and DSLR cameras in class.
7. All students will be responsible for all missed work. The student is responsible to ask the instructor for anything missed while absent (homework, worksheets, assignments, etc.). It is the student’s responsibility to hand in projects on due dates. Extra help will be available Tues. & Thurs. 7am- 7:55am. Or Mon.-Thurs. 3:03 pm-3:20 pm. Students must arrange with the teacher if they coming in for extra help.
8. All students will raise hand when answering a question. Calling out in class is not permitted.
I have read all the above rules. I understand and will abide by them. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action.
Print Student Name______
Student Signature______
Parent/Guardian Signature______