Attachment 1
Queen ElizabethPool Infrastructure Assessment
Recommendation:That the September 1, 2004, Asset Management and Public Works Department report 2004PWL095rev be referred to the first Community Services Committee meeting after the October 18, 2004, municipal election so that the Committee can set a process to hear from the public on the results of the Queen Elizabeth Pool engineering report.
Motion on the Floor
MOVED R.Hayter – A.Bolstad (made at the June 29, 2004, City Council meeting):
That the Queen Elizabeth Outdoor Pool be closed based on engineering results of the infrastructure assessment undertaken to date.
Recommendation to be considered by the Community Services Committee:That the Community Services Committee recommend to City Council:
- That the Motion on the Floor be passed.
- That the September 1, 2004, Asset Management and Public Works Department report 2004PWL095 be received for information.
Report Summary
This report provides the geotechnical evaluation recently conducted on Queen Elizabeth Outdoor Pool.
Previous Council/Committee Action
At the June 29, 2004, City Council meeting, the above Motion on the Floor was referred to Administration to complete a geotechnical study and report to City Council no later than September 14, 2004.
- At the direction of City Council, the Asset Management and Public Works Department requested WaltersChambers and Associates Ltd. to engage EBA Engineering Consultants Ltd. to conduct a geotechnical assessment of the Queen Elizabeth Outdoor Pool to address concerns raised with the recent water leakage for the pool and cracks that have developed in the base of the pool tank.
- In the preparation of its report, EBA Consultants Ltd. conducted site evaluations, including sampling the concrete structure and drilling shallow bore holes in the base of the pool and deck to identify the subsurface stratigraphy and groundwater table conditions. In addition, a review of known soil stratigraphy of the area and review of previously conducted studies for the Lavigne Subdivision by EBA in 1986 was conducted.
- The report identifies that the Queen ElizabethPool is constructed on the south slope of the North SaskatchewanRiverValley where a very long (extending from 111 Street to 99 Street) ancient landslide has occurred. Although these slides originally took place hundreds or even thousands of years ago, the soil stability is very sensitive to any addition or removal of material. It is also sensitive to any changes in the height of the ground water.
- The report summarizes that based upon the information and data reviewed to date, it is considered that the movements observed at the Queen ElizabethPool are not related to slope movement but to frost heaving.
- Permitting the pool to operate in its current condition is not considered acceptable from a geotechnical and operational perspective. The extensive water loss is definitely having a negative impact on the stability of the slope. If water continues to leak from the pool, a major slope failure is inevitable. Notwithstanding, if it is directed that the facility must continue to operate in its current location, a major reconstruction of the pool would be required.
- The conclusions and concerns in the EBA Engineering Consultants report are consistent with and expand upon the conclusions of the Geotechnical report prepared by Shelby Engineering Ltd. as part of the 1998 report prepared by Larrie Taylor Architect Ltd.
Justification of Recommendation
Based on the findings of the geotechnical evaluation and the significant capital costs required to bring this facility to a useable condition for an outdoor pool, it is recommended that the Queen ElizabethPool be closed permanently.
Background Information Available on Request
EBA Engineering Consultants Report
Others Approving this Report
- D. Kloster, General Manager, Community Services Department
- J.Tustian, General Manager, Corporate Services Department
Routing:City Council
Delegation:W. D. Burn/L. Cochrane
Written By:J.Nicoll
September 1, 2004Asset Management and Public Works Department
File: 2004PWL095rev(Page 1 of 2)