Pre-AP Chemistry Syllabus (2017-2018)
Mr. Tilton
School Contact Number: (832)668-7200 ext. 72265
Conference: 1st period
Remind: Text @tiltonchem to 81010
Welcome to Pre-AP Chemistry! Pre-AP Chemistry is a course designed to prepare you for the rigorous standards of AP Chemistry. In short, it is taught at a faster pace and at a greater depth than a regular chemistry class. This will be a challenging course, but it should also be rewarding. From this course, you will gain the problem solving and critical thinking skills necessary to succeed in future AP courses while learning about matter, energy, and their interactions. This course is another step in your development to becoming informed citizens and young scientists.
About Myself:
I grew up in Deer Park and am an alumnus of Deer Park High School. I graduated from The University of Texas at Austin and hold a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering and a minor in Mathematics. My goal is to spend this year with you encouraging academic independence, stimulating critical thinking skills, and fostering life skills. I hope to help you develop the ability to not only ask questions pertaining to course content, but also the world around you.
Semester 1 / Semester 2Unit 1 / Matter and Measurement in Science / Unit 6 / Atoms and Electrons
Unit 2 / Nomenclature / Unit 7 / Periodicity
Unit 3 / Moles / Unit 8 / Bonding
Unit 4 / Reactions / Unit 9 / Solutions
Unit 5 / Stoichiometry / Unit 10 / Acids and Bases
/ / / / Unit 11 / Gas Laws
/ / / / Unit 12 / Thermochemistry
/ / / / Unit 13 / Nuclear Chemistry
/ / / / Unit 14 / Kinetics and Equilibrium
Grading Procedure:
Lab Reports, Quizzes, In-Class Assignments, Participation—20%
Quizzes in this class will be announced and given at the beginning of class. Generally, quiz questions will cover recent homework, including videos or texts that were assigned, or recent laboratory work, but they may also cover content previously covered in the course. Chemistry may be learned in units, but the development of connections between these units is the only way to fully develop an understanding of the depth and breadth of content.
The experiments completed in this course will be useful in further developing the material discussed in class with the added benefit of working with real data. Laboratory skills are a necessity in the sciences, and the labs in this class will help you ingrain safe laboratory practices, data collection skills, and data analysis skills.
Lab safety is a necessity in this class and will be required at all times while working in the lab. Should any student cause issues in the lab—such as horseplay, negligent mishandling of materials, or disregard for safety rules—that student will receive a zero for that lab grade. Serious or repeat offenders may be barred from participating in labs. Lab participation is a privilege and I will not hesitate to remove you from the lab if you cannot respect the lab or the equipment. A lab safety quiz will be given at the beginning of the year, and a minimum score of 80 is required to participate in the lab.
Exams will be given at the end of each unit. Most exams will consist of multiple choice and free response questions. Exams will be cumulative and students should expect to see content from previous units.
Homework will be assigned throughout the course and may consist of handouts, readings, or watching a video online to prepare you for a new topic. For all homework problems, you must write out all work that is required to complete the problem. I can only grade what you show me. Skipped steps, leaps in logic, etc. will not earn you credit on homework problems. Homework will be graded on completion as a 100, 70, 50, 20, or 0. Homework must be 100% complete, or a 50 will be given at best. A 20 will be given if it is turned in the next day still incomplete (see Late Work Policy).
Late Work Policy:
If you are absent or not in class the day work is due, it is your responsibility to turn it in the day you return. Late assignments must be turned in directly to me. Late work will incur a deduction of 30 points the first day, resulting in the grade of a 70 if the assignment is 100% complete. If the assignment is late and incomplete, the student earns a grade of 20 on the assignment. If the assignment is not turned in on the following school day, the student will receive a 0 for the assignment.
As some students best display their knowledge outside of tests, projects will also be given periodically throughout the year. Most projects will be structured and have a specific set of requirements. In addition, most projects will be extra credit opportunities.
Extra Credit:
Extra credit may be offered during the year at the teacher’s discretion, but it should not be expected. If extra credit is offered, it will be a class-wide opportunity. Most projects assigned in the class will be extra credit opportunities. These opportunities will begin during the 2nd 9-week grading period. The student should not ask for additional or outside extra credit opportunities. Mole Money will be given out for various reasons, and all students have the opportunity to accrue Mole Money. The student may not use Mole Money on an assignment that was not turned in or exams.
Academic Integrity:
I will have zero tolerance for copying, plagiarizing, or cheating. Academic dishonesty also includes electronics usage or notes usage during an exam or quiz, talking or disrupting the classroom during an exam or quiz, or other means of cheating. Homework assignments should be completed in your handwriting and by your own work. Students who display academic dishonesty will receive a zero for the assignment, quiz, lab report, project, or exam with no opportunity to make it up. In addition, they will be referred to an assistant principal. Every exam, each individual student will be required to read and sign an honor statement before beginning the exam.
Should a student be absent when an assignment is assigned, that student has five days from the day they return to turn in their work or before the end of the grading period, whichever is sooner (see Late Work Policy for information about turning in assignments when returning). The student is responsible for obtaining missed work. Students are responsible for scheduling any missed labs, quizzes, or tests before or after school with me. If absent due to ISS, the student should inform me beforehand so that I can give them their work, which will be due upon returning to class. If a student is going to be absent due to school activities, it is that student’s responsibility to get their assignments from me before going, which will be due when they return from activity if the due date has passed.
Retest Policy:
Students who make below a 70 on the initial exam can retest up to a maximum grade of a 70. Should the student perform worse on the retest than on the initial exam, the highest score will be utilized. To schedule a retest, the student must complete a remediation assignment correctly and turn it in. Retests must occur within five days of receiving the initial exam grade. If a student schedules a retest and then does not show up, a no show will be counted as the student’s retest opportunity, and he or she will forgo the ability to raise his test grade from the initial exam grade. The student may only retest twice per 9-week grading period. There are no retests for the midterm exam and final exam.
I will be available most mornings from 8:05 AM to 8:40 AM. I am also available after school by appointment Monday through Thursday. If you feel like you need additional help with anything, please come to me and request help. I want you to succeed, and I want to help you achieve your goals, but it will also require effort on your end. Additionally, after school tutorials are available Monday through Thursday from 4:15 – 5:15 where a science teacher is available to help. A late bus is available for transportation.
Schedule Change Policy:
As per school policy, before requesting a change from a Pre-AP Chemistry to a regular Chemistry class, the student’s guardian must have a face-to-face meeting or telephone conference with a teacher in order to discuss the student’s situation. The counselors will not make a schedule change until a parent-teacher conference takes place.
Cell Phone Policy:
Cell phones and other electronics are only permitted when I have stated they are allowed. I should not see them out. I will take them up and hand them over to the AP office, as per school policy. There are times where I will allow cell phones, and I will indicate when they are appropriate. Otherwise, do not have them visible.
Classroom Expectations:
1) Work hard and be nice.
2) Be prepared with all needed supplies, work, and your ID on.
3) Be on time and on task.
4) Always ask if something is not clear.
5) Leave the room as clean, if not cleaner, than you found it.
6) Always respect laboratory equipment.
7) Refrain from horseplay or negligent handling of equipment in the lab.
Consequences: Any/all steps 1-4 can be skipped at teacher’s discretion; dependent on severity of the incident.
1) Verbal warning.
2) Student conference with teacher.
3) Parent(s)/Guardian(s) contacted.
4) Parent/teacher/student conference.
5) Referral to Administration.
Study Techniques:
Studying for classes involves more than just "cramming the night before a test." The following are suggestions to improve your learning and grade in Pre-AP Chemistry:
1. Write all assignment due dates in a planner.
2. Read over/rewrite/reorganize your notes soon after you have written them.
3. Do every single assignment to the best of your ability. This includes all warm-ups, homework, worksheets, study questions, etc.
4. Keep your handouts, lecture summaries, and study questions organized in your notebook and binder.
5. Always read/watch videos assigned for homework and make a graphic organizer to help you summarize main ideas.
6. Participate in class.
7. Study frequently and in small doses.
8. Set up a study group and study with friends.
9. If you are having trouble with the material, get help early!
I am looking forward to spending a wonderful, safe, science-filled year with you all!
Cody Tilton