Tender Document (No.AT/P/841/2017)
Bill of Quantities with Specification:
Sr# / Description of Equipment and Specifications / Qty1. Apparatus for Measuring Suction Coefficient of Soils (ASTM D5298.31794)
Aluminium cup dia 75x50 mm with cover. Set of 6 / 8
Heavy plastic sample bag 40x70 cm / 100
Electronic analytical balance 210 g cap. 0,1 mg, sensitivity. 110-230V/50-60Hz/1Ph. / 1
Forced convection laboratory oven with digital,thermo-regulator and 2 shelves. 250 l capacity.220-240V/50-60Hz/1Ph / 1
Laboratory thermometer 0 + 50°C / 1
Desiccators 210 mm dia / 1
Silica gel with indicator. 1000 g / 1
2. Torsional Ring Shear Apparatus for Fully Softened Strength of Soils (ASTM D-7608-10)
Torshear Digital BromheadRing Shear Apparatus 110-230 V, 50-60 Hz, 1ph / 1
Matched Pair of Load Cell 1 kN Cap complete with adopter for ring shear machine / 1
Linear Potentiometric Transducer , 10 mm Travel, with 6 pin lumberg connector complete with mounting block / 1
Ring Shear Geo-analysis software for MS Excel conforming Standard 1377:7 / 1
Matched pair of Provng Ring 1 kN complete with dial gauges / 1
Dial Gauge 10 mm x 0.002 mm / 1
Weights sets 50 kg : 4 x 10 kg , 1 x 5 kg , 1x2 kg, 3x1 kg / 1
Stand for shear apparatus
Pair of porous Rings for Torshear
Pair of Porous Stones ( ASTM D 7608-10)
Sample Preparotor for reconstituted soil / sand sample to beused in tri-axial test imported from M.S Control, ELE or equivalent manufacturer for Geotechnical Equipment. / 2
3. Core Trimmer and cut off Machine with Accessories ( ASTM D 4543)
Power 1100 watt min, speed 3000 r.p.m, dimensions 730 x 1050 x 590 mm, / 1
4. Coring Machine and Bits with Accessories ( ASTM D 4543)
Laboratory coring machine with water inlet 230 V , 50-60 Hz, 1 ph. Power unit 1800 W, coring speed 1450/ 2750 r.p.m coring range 6-60 mm, clamping device with max dia 100 mm, drill bits and spigot adopters / 1
5. Specimen Grinding and specimen verification (ASTM D4543)
Specimen grinding machine 220 V, 60 Hz, 3 Ph. 775 x 280 mm, wheel dia. Min 300 mm, vertical daylight 145 to 350 mm, Max. specimen size 200 x 200 mm, grinding wheel speed min 1350 r.p.m, grinding spindle motor power Min. 1850 W, feed motor 110 W, Pulp motor 100 W, Total power 2200 W with all accessories including 1 abrasive sectors, diamond impregnated sectors, connecting aspirator for dry grinding, clamping device for 50-160 mm diameter.
Sample verification apparatus 135 x 170 x 250 mm, column height 200 mm, V-block 45 x 45 x 100 mm , dial gauge 5 x 0.001 mm / 1 each
6. Training
Foreign Training of two engineers from MUST at the source of Equipment Manufacturer for Residual Shear, Ring Shear, Triaxial Shear , Resonant Column and Unconfined Tests . / L.S
1. The scope of the project is to supply of lab equipment of Civil Engineering with complete installation at Mirpur University of Science & Technology (Mirpur Campus of the University. Following requirements define the scope of work of this tender.
2. The Selected Bidder will be responsible for the supply, installation, Integration, testing, commissioning, maintenance and spare parts and Service provision (one year FOC) for all equipment/entities at MUST designated sites.
3. Selected Bidder must ensure that the supplied equipment’s are fully operational, new and perform properly and meet RFP's Technical Specifications.
Terms and Conditions
Rs: 1000/- is required as tender fee (non-refundable), bank draft or deposit slip in account of treasurer MUST HBL main Branch Mirpur AJK
1. TENDER OPENING (Date and Venue):
Interested firms who meet the criteria mentioned in tender documents are invited to submit their sealed bids/tenders on or before 05June, 2017 (Monday) at 10:00 AM in the office of the under signed. Tender will be opened on same day at 10:30 AM in the office of the Treasurer in presence of Tenderer/their representatives.
The Tender Document will be available on University web site www.must.edu.pk within two days of the publication of tender notice.
Please quote unit price for each item on F.O.R basis MUST MIRPUR and bidder may also quote price on C&F basis with all terms and condition.
Please mention the delivery time after placing the Purchase Order for each item.
MUST shall not provide extension in delivery period in any case, unless any emergency occurs. Suppliers are advised to provide delivery period considering time required for custom clearance or any other factors. We shall only provide extension on deduction of 2% of Purchase order as fine.
1. If you fail to supply the material in the above specified period, MUST reserves the right to blacklist you for future business or forfeit the security money or may impose any other financial penalty as deemed fit.
2. An affidavit to the effect that the firm has not been blacklisted by any Government/Semi Government organization.
Equipment will be installed / commissioned by the trained engineer (s) of supplier / contractor at Mirpur University of Science and Technology, Mirpur AJK, free of charge / are including in the cost and supplier/ contractor also provide training if required.
Please indicate the warranty period and terms & conditions of the warranty for each item clearly. We only accept onsite minimum one-year warranty.
Single stage – one envelope procedure. -
Each bid shall comprise one single envelope containing, separately, financial and technical proposal. All bids received shall be opened and evaluated in the manner prescribed in the bidding document.
1. Financial/Commercial Offer: Bidders are directed to construct financial offer as per following Performa:
Serial # as per Tender Document/ BOQ / Item Name / Country of Origin / Model / F.O.R. Rates1
2. Accessories or optional Items: If Bidder found anything or part which is important and missing in specification settled in BOQ, in such case bidders are directed to add price of that part in final price. We shall not allow quoting optional accessories price separately. If anything is less important and its addition may enhance performance of equipment, such items may be quoted in technical offer with price only.
11. Brand or Model: If this Tender Document contains any Model or Brand Name is just for a reference “Or Equivalent” word should be considered for such cases and any bidder may quote for that brand.
- On Bid opening only Financial Rates, Model and Country of Origin will be announced.
2. The bidder is required to submit Bid in Single package. The bids shall be submitted in a sealed package or packages in suchmanner that the contents are fully enclosed and cannot be known until duly opened.
3. During opening of the tenders, the names of Bidders who have submitted their offers will be read out together with the final quoted total amount as it appears at the time of opening.
4. Bidders may send their bids through courier at given address and at proper time but university takes no responsibility for delay, loss or non-receipt of tender at given address or any other case.
5. Bidders shall submit a signed letter with Official stamp affixed on it as per the format given in Form I as a cover letter to the Bid/Proposal. Bids/Proposals submitted without this cover letter may not be accepted and bids will likely to be rejected straightaway.
6. Bidders shall provide Company profile, Authorization & relationship with principal firm(s), location of branch offices, company experience in related field, technical staff details (branch-vise), project completed, major clients' list. NTN –GST and Registration under companies’ ordinance 1984.
7. Equipment's technical details (brochures, data sheets etc.) mentioning compliance and properly highlighting all the compliance specification as requested/ Exceededusing florescent highlighter of quoted hardware/equipment and material with their make, model, part number, etc.
8. Bidders are required to fill and sign all pages of submitted proposal, and submit it as Financial Proposal.
9. Bidders are required to submit their financial proposals in PAK Rupees (PKR) on FOR Basis.
10. Rates quoted in the Bid should be containing all the applicable Govt of AJK taxes.
11. University reserves the right to reject any or all tenders with recorded reason.
12. University also reserves the right not to accept the lowest rates quoted by the tenders, university will evaluate and award contract or place purchase order at “whole life cost” bases.
13. Bidders are requested to visit the site, if they feel it is necessary to do so.
14. Bids submitted via email or fax will not be entertained.
1. All bids shall be evaluated on following criteria; 30% bids evaluate financially while 70% bids shall be evaluated on technical grounds. 70% weight will be given to technical specifications of each product while remaining 30% weight will be given to supplier’s technical skills, relevant experience, financial position and authorized certificates etc.
2. Bidder is bound to provide GST & Income tax certificates with proof of “Filer”.
3. Bidders also bound to Provide Company Registration Certificate if Claim being registered under Company ordinance/Act 1984.
4. The bidding documents are and shall remain the exclusive property of the university without any right of the bidder to use them for any purpose except bidding and for use by successful bidder with reference to the work.
5. The details as called for in the bidding documents shall be filled and completed by the bidders in all respect and shall be submitted with requisite information.
6. All bids shall be written in English.
7. The complete bid shall be signed by the bidder on each page.
8. Bidders are strictly restricted to quote optional items.
9. Bidders shall clearly indicate their legal constitution and the person signing the bid shall state his capacity as also the source of his ability to bind the bidder.
10. Bids must be submitted by the time and date mentioned in schedule covered in the notice inviting tender.
11. The bids shall be signed by a person legally authorized to enter into commitment on behalf of the bidder.
12. In case of services delay or unsatisfactory service delivery /non-complying the terms & conditions CDR will be forfeited.
1. All Bidders who submit their tenders shall also submit a letter confirming their having read all the conditions of the Tender Document and that they accept them in total. This letter shall be provided on the respective letter heads of the bidders along with their correct and complete address, the name of the signatory and his/ her designation in the organization.
2. Bidders shall submit a signed letter with Official stamp affixed on it as per the format given in Form I as a cover letter to the Bid/Proposal. Bids/Proposals submitted without this cover letter may not be accepted and bids will likely to be rejected straightaway.
- Any bid not accompanied by an acceptable Bid Security shall be rejected by the MUST as non-responsive firm.
- If firm could not provide tender fee on time, firm will be declared non responsive.
- If CDR is missing.
- If firm could not submit bid in prescribed manner, bid should be rejected.
- Conditional bids shall also be rejected.
- If firm quoted optional items, all such bids shall be rejected.
- If firm is not registered with Sales and Income Tax Department.
- Bids are liable to be rejected if; they are not conforming the terms, conditions and specifications stipulated in this Tender Document.
1. A demand Draft/ CDR equals two 2% of the bid value is required as earnest money in favor of the “Treasurer MUST”.
- The bid securities of unsuccessful bidders will be returned upon award of contract to the successful bidder or on the expiry of validity of Bid Security whichever is earlier.
- The Bid Security of the successful bidder will be returned when the bidder after successful delivery of the contract/purchase order.
- The Bid Security may be forfeited: if bidder withdraws his bid during the period of bid validity; or in the case of a successful bidder, if he fails to delivery as per agreement/ contract/ purchase order.
Bid shall remain valid for acceptance for a period of 120 days from the last date of submission of the bid / revised bid any. The bidder shall not be entitled to modify, vary, and revoke his bid during said period; the validity of the bid shall be extended as and when required for the period as requested by the University in writing and agreed to by the bidder under rules.
The bidder shall bear all direct and indirect cost associated with the preparation or delivery/ submission of their bid, participating in discussion etc. including costs and expenses related with visits to the site and university offices. University will in no case be responsible or liable for reimbursement of those costs and expenses regardless of the outcome of the bidding process.
These Rates will be valid for the period whole year up to 30-06-2017 and the selected suppliers are bound to supply each repeat purchase order of required items on approved rates during Fiscal Year.
1. No payment shall be made in advance to selected bidder/vendor as mobilization advance.
2. 90 percent cost of items shall be payable to the Contractor within one month upon successful installation and inspection of supplied items, 10% withheld amount will be released after one year or completion of warranty period.
3. Taxes will be deducted at source as per government rules at the time of payment irrespective of the date of invoicing.
4. Quantity may be increased/ decreased at the time of agreement/supply order.