Basic Decision Support System for Management of Urban Streams
Part B Software Manual
Dr. John R. Anderson
Centre for Coastal Management
Southern Cross University
Table of Contents
Executive Summary………………….………………………………………………………………..iv
2Obtaining the Software......
2.1Stand-Alone Package......
2.2Application of Microsoft Visual Foxpro (version 5 or 6)......
2.3User Support......
3.1Setting the Default Disk Drive and Directory and Network Considerations......
4Description of the Software Package......
4.1User Interface......
4.2Major Components......
4.3System Design Concepts......
4.3.1Audit Function and Decision Support......
4.3.2Sampling Design – The ‘Homogeneous Stream Section’......
4.5Provision for Multiple Surveys......
4.5.1Multiple Surveys in the Different Catchments/ Sub-Catchments......
4.5.2Multiple Surveys in the Same Catchments/ Sub-Catchments......
5Running and Exiting from the Software Package......
5.1System Requirements......
5.2Running an Application of Visual FoxPro......
5.3Running a Stand-Alone Application......
5.4Exiting from the Package......
6Basic Setup......
6.1Selecting from the Short-cut List......
6.2Basic Set-up using Basin and Survey Number......
6.3Set-up Using Formula......
6.4Selecting Databases to Include......
6.5Setting up a Data Set for a New Catchment......
6.6Creating a New Short-cut......
6.7Implementing the Choice of Catchment or Sub-Catchment......
7Home Form (‘Entrymain’)......
7.1Data Preparation, Processing and Analysis Steps......
7.2Allocating Sites to Sections and Checking Number Codes......
7.3Data Entry......
7.3.1Entry of Data into Common Fields......
7.3.2Grouping Fields and Derived Data Fields...... Fields...... Rating Fields......
7.3.3Switching Between Databases......
7.3.4Displaying Sequential Records......
7.3.5Selecting Various Pages on the Entry Forms......
7.3.6User Defined Field Names......
7.3.7Specific Instructions for Each Datasheet...... or Partially Completed Sites...... Description...... Environs...... Habitat...... Sections...... Condition...... and Bar Condition...... Habitat......, Recreational and Conservation Values...... Features and Modifications...... and Water Quality...... Classification / Natural Channel Design...... and Opportunities......
7.3.8Sub-section Database......
7.3.9Editing Data During Data Entry......
7.3.10Storing Data......
7.3.11Preparing to Enter the Next Site......
7.3.12Entering Data for a Different Catchment......
7.3.13Completing a Data Entry Session......
7.3.14Entering Sub-Section Data......
7.4Editing and Displaying Data......
7.4.1Control Buttons...... between Databases...... Sequential Records...... New Records...... the Databases...... Records...... the Database and Rebuilding the Indexes...... to Different Records and to Other Databases...... to the Home Page...... between Pages on the Displayed Form Set...... Short-cuts...... a Edit Session......
7.5Verify or Fix Data......
7.5.1Change Site Numbers......
7.5.2Change Section Numbers......
7.5.3Check Site Number in Databases......
7.5.4Check for Unrealistic Values......
7.5.5Blank all Ratings......
7.5.6Blank All Section Ratings......
7.5.7Check Sub-section from the Site Database......
7.5.8Generate Sub-sections from the Site Database......
7.5.9Transfer Sub-section Numbers from the Site Database to All the Other Databases......
7.5.10Transfer Data to Unsurveyed Sections......
7.5.11Calculate Overall Ratings......
7.5.12Generating Output Files for GIS......
7.5.13Updating from Old to New Formats......
7.5.14Add New User Names File......
7.6Show Catchment Groups......
7.7Analyse Data/ Generate Reports......
7.7.1Select a Single Database to Process or All Databases......
7.7.2Entering a Heading for the Outputs......
7.7.3Site Based or Section Based Report......
7.7.4Report and Analysis Options......
7.7.5Types of Reports...... Reports for Individual or All Components...... Card...... Stack Diagram Summaries...... Output for GIS......
7.8Skeleton Map Plots......
7.8.1What are Skeleton Maps?......
7.8.2Creating a Skeleton Map...... the start option...... the Start Position for the Display......
7.8.3Preparation a Map......
7.8.4Mapping Options......
7.8.5Creating a New Map...... a Tributary Branch...... and Editing Details for a Section...... the Entire Map...... to an Existing Map...... Printing Problems...... the ‘Skeleton’ Map...... the Map...... the Window Frame......
7.8.6Hierarchical Numerical Coding System for Developing Links between Sections using the Drainage Network. at Tributaries...... Links to Sub-catchments......
7.8.7Displaying Condition and Habitat Type Ratings Using the Skeleton Maps...... Display Options...... Category Ranges...... the Categories for the Selected Attribute......
7.8.8Displaying Raw Data......
7.8.9Building a Formula to Display Derived Attribute Data......
7.8.10Building a Selection Criteria to Display Derived Attribute Data......
7.8.11Demonstrations of the Use of Formulae and Selection Tests......
7.8.12Printing Skeleton Maps......
7.9Set up and Scale the Ratings......
7.9.1Setting up the Ratings......
7.9.2Scaling using the Maximum Value for the Catchment......
7.9.3Scaling using the Maximum Value for a Defined Area......
7.9.4Scaling using User-defined Maximum Values......
7.10Site and Section Lists......
7.11Make New Set of Catchment Groups......
7.12Packing the Databases......
Executive Summary
The overall aim of this study was to develop a software based classification system for management of urban waterways. A decision support system was required that used biologically important physical attributes to classify the streams and waterways in terms of asset value, capability for rehabilitation or enhancement, physical and environmental condition, and key constraints limiting restoration. This report provides a manual for the software package developed for the project. The software can be obtained from the author. This report describes the software system and its major components. It also provides instructions on how to install the package and operate its major components:
- Data Entry
- Data Editing
- Data Verification
- Data AnalysisandGeneration of Summary Parameters
- Production of Outputas Reports, Maps and Files for transfer to GIS and other packages.
- Decision Support Facilities
A demonstration package that illustrates how the package can be used to manage urban streams is available in a separate report in the same series (Report D)
DSS Decision Support System
GPS Geographic Positioning System
GISGeographic Information System
The aim of this study was to develop software based classification system for management of urban waterways. A decision support system was required that used biologically important physical attributes to classify the streams and waterways in terms of asset value and capability for rehabilitation or enhancement, physical and environmental condition and key constraints limiting restoration.
The methodology has been described in Anderson (1999a). The development and validation of the original precursor software which has been referred to as the ‘State of the Rivers’ and the ‘Riverine Habitat Audit Procedures’ and ‘Anderson’ methods are described by Anderson (1993 a,b,c). A number of reports have been described using these original methods (e.g. Anderson, 1998; Anderson and Raine, 1995; Carter, 1997; Phillips and Moller, 1995; and Telfer, 1995). These methods were developed for rural streams and catchments. The current project was based on modifying and extending these methods to provide for the specific needs of urban streams. A multiple-attribute classification system was developed as a Decision Support System for management of urban streams (Anderson 1999a).
Pilot studies using the new methods were conducted for six major catchments in Brisbane (Anderson (1999b). A software game has been developed to demonstrate the principles involved in using the methods as a Decision Support System, is described by Anderson (1999c).
The objective of this report is to provide a manual for the software system developed for the project. It provides information on the following aspects:
- Installation of the Software
- Description of the Software Package
- Running the Software
- Database and Software Design
- Creating Your Own System
- Data Entry
- Steps in producing a classifications system
- Data Verification
- Data Analysis
- Generation of Reports and other Outputs
- Output to a GIS
- Production of Skeleton Maps
- Production of Map Summaries
- Links through the Drainage Network and Catchment
- Trouble Shooting
- User Support
2Obtaining the Software
The full software package, including a demonstration data set is available on CD-ROM. The software can be supplied as a stand-alone package or as an application for Microsoft Visual Foxpro (version 5 or 6). The software package is subject to a copyright and license agreement, which is also included with the CD-ROM.
The software can be obtained by contacting:
Dr. John Anderson
P.O. Box 5024
East Lismore, NSW 2480
Telephone (02) 66 203009
Please identify which version of the software that is required.
2.1Stand-Alone Package
The ‘stand-alone’ version requires that the ‘Runtime’ version of Visual Foxpro is installed on the host machine along with a series of supporting system and library files. This run-time version of Visual Foxpro and the associated files are included in the package and are installed through the installation programs.
2.2Application of Microsoft Visual Foxpro (version 5 or 6)
This version requires that the user has their own licensed version of Microsoft Visual Foxpro installed on the host machine. The package is run as an application (‘project’) of this software package.
2.3User Support
User support for installing and running the software package can be obtained from the author.
The complete installation instructions are provided in the ‘Readme’ file on the CD-ROM. The ‘stand-alone’ version requires that the ‘Runtime’ version of Visual Foxpro is installed on the host machine along with a series of supporting system and library files. These files must be installed correctly for the program to run. The other version requires that Visual Foxpro (version 5 or 6) is installed on the host machine.
3.1Setting the Default Disk Drive and Directory and Network Considerations
Instructions for setting the default disk drive for both versions are included in the ‘Readme’ file on the CD-ROM. The software can be run through a network. Information for this is also included on the CD-ROM.
4Description of the Software Package
The software package has been developed as a database application system using data collected from specific purpose surveys and existing data sets. The collection and organisation of these data is part of the project (Anderson 1999a). The software package includes a set of databases that are accessed through various ‘forms’ or ‘screens’ that enable data to be entered, edited and used in various ways through a set of programs included in the software package. The software system is fundamentally a sophisticated database application system. This ensures that the data collected can be accessed and used for a variety of purposes. It also ensures that the system can be linked to a variety of other database systems and to a GIS. The development of these linkages was an integral part of the package (Anderson 1993a,b,c;1999a).
4.1User Interface
A simple user-interface has been produced using a set of linked ‘forms’ or ‘screens’. The package is operated via a set of ‘buttons’ which activate the various options and operations selected by the user. ‘Buttons’ are also used to open a hierarchical set of ‘forms’ for the various parts of the package. The starting point is the ‘Home Page’ which provides access to the various major components of the package.
4.2Major Components
A set of programs, run via buttons on the ‘Home Page’, allow the user to operate all aspects of the package. The major program elements are:
- Data Entry
- Data Editing
- Data Verification
- Data AnalysisandGeneration of Summary Parameters
- Production of Outputas reports, maps and files for transfer to GIS and other packages.
4.3System Design Concepts
4.3.1Audit Function and Decision Support
The package has been designed to provide audits of the physical and ecological condition of stream corridors for entire catchments and sub-catchments (Anderson 1999a). It has also been designed to classify stream sections into various types using different components. The classifications are multi-faceted and flexible rather than fixed and single. The decision support function is provided through the various classifications that can be generated. Users can also produce their own classifications using a set of formulae. An hierarchical set of data, derived ratings and classifications is produced that can be accessed as various layers in the system to meet various user requirements. There are several major target outputs for the system:
- the production of ratings and summary parameters that assess the physical and ecological condition or ‘health’ of the waterway corridors.
- the development of a sampling system that enables data collected for sites or ‘reaches’ to be applied to sections or other parts of the drainage network so that an audit can be produced in terms of the total length of stream over which the condition ratings are applied. What is required is a way of producing a condition or ‘health’ report that states for example, that 50% of the length of the stream corridor was rated in ‘Very Poor’ condition, 25% in ‘Good’ condition and 25% in ‘Excellent’ condition. This quantifies the size of the problem and rates its relative severity.
- the development of a set of reports and outputs that enable the various types of data to be summarised in various ways as tabulated data summaries, audit reports and maps, and also enable data summaries to be downloaded to GIS and other applications.
- The development of a decision support system as a multi-faceted classification system for urban streams which the user can use to address various management issues. A query system is included which allows the user to develop formulae and selection criteria to select, rate and rank the various sections in terms of their suitability for various purposes or their overall condition or ‘health’.
The fundamental way in which these products are generated is through a database system and a set of specific programs implemented via ‘buttons’ on the various ‘forms’ for the package. The derived ratings are produced by formulae included in the analysis programs. The ratings produced for each of the sections in the drainage network are stored in the databases once they have been calculated. The ratings can then be used to produce various data summaries and maps for each of the defined sections. The way the drainage network is subdivided into these sections is therefore at the heart of the package.
4.3.2Sampling Design – The ‘Homogeneous Stream Section’
The sampling design is based on identifying ‘homogeneous’ stream sections (Anderson 1999a). Data for these sections are complied by surveying one or more sites that are representative of the stream corridor type and the physical and ecological condition of the habitat within the sections. The data collected at the sites are then used to produce average ratings that are applied to the whole section. The length of the major stream in the sections is also measured so that data summaries can be produced based on length of stream within the entire catchment or sub-catchment. The local catchment for the section is also defined to provide a linkage with the land area draining into the section. Data summaries can also be generated in terms of the number of sites, or number of sections, within catchments or sub-catchments. The fundamental elements in terms of the sample design and summary outputs is therefore the ‘homogeneous’ stream section, the survey sites and the local sub-catchment element which form the fundamental element for the GIS.
Data are stored in a set of linked databases. There is a database for each of the datasheets used during the urban stream surveys (See Appendix 1):
- Site Description
- Reach Environs
- Channel Habitat
- Cross-sections
- Bank Condition
- Bed and Bar Condition
- Vegetation
- Aquatic Habitat
- Scenic, Recreational and Conservation Values
- Channel Features and Modifications
- Hydrology and Water Quality
- Waterway Classification/ Natural Channel Design
- Constraints and Opportunities
There is also a database for the section information. Several other databases used to run various parts of the package.
4.5Provision for Multiple Surveys
The software system is designed to cater for multiple surveys and data sets for different catchments, and for multiple surveys in the same catchment to be accommodated within the package. This means that a single application can be used for large number of studies. The first step when running the package is to identify the particular data set required for the session. This produces a software filter so that the various catchments are always handled exclusively and independently, including the various analysis steps. It is important that the user understands how to correctly define the set of reference numbers that are used for each catchment and for each independent survey in the same catchment.
4.5.1Multiple Surveys in the Different Catchments/ Sub-Catchments
A unique identifier is generated for each survey in each catchment or sub-catchment. This identifier is constructed from the:
- Catchment identification number – This is normally the Australian Drainage Divisions and Basins number, as defined by Australian Water Resources Management Committee (WRMC). However it can be any unique number defined by the user for a catchment or drainage basin. [e.g. 143 for Brisbane River]
- Sub-catchment Identification Number – This is defined using one of the grouping fields in the database system (more details provided later). This can be used to separate sub-catchments within a region that need to be dealt with as separate entities for data entry, analysis and reporting purposes. [ e.g. 1 for Kedron Brook, 2 for Norman Creek as tributaries flowing into Brisbane River]
- Survey Number – Each survey in a catchment or sub-catchment is identified by a unique number for the catchment/ sub-catchment combination. [ e.g. 1 for the first survey in Kedron Brook in 1996, 2 for follow-up surveys in 1999, etc.]
The use of these unique identification numbers allows many different surveys to be stored within the one system without interfering with each other. At the start of each session the user is asked to define the filter for the data records to be used during the session. This selects data for editing, analysing and for producing reports.
The package includes facilities for storing and accessing ‘short-cuts’ to particular data sets using names defined by the user. The selection of a particular data set to be used during a session is simply made by pressing a button linked to this name on the ‘short-cut’ form.
4.5.2Multiple Surveys in the Same Catchments/ Sub-Catchments
The system has been designed to accommodate regular follow-up surveys within the same catchment or sub-catchment. Such follow-up surveys can be designed to determine trends and rates of change and also to assess the improvements produced by rehabilitation initiatives or other management actions. The user creates a unique survey number for each survey within the catchment. The package has been designed for this replication. The location of the survey sites and the reach boundaries at each site, are carefully defined using GPS, map coordinates, site location descriptions and sketch maps. A new survey number is used for each follow-up or replicate survey.