Families First case study
- Mother and four children aged 13,6,3 and 2.
Presenting issues
- Child A is physically abusive towards younger siblings and mother.
- Mother has problems with budgeting, small amount of debts but does meet basic needs of the children.
- Mental health – mother has a diagnosis of depression.
- The family is isolated due to moving area after experiencing anti social behaviour.
- Family had to be moved into homeless families due to the windows in the house being smashed.
- Emotional well being of children as they experience violence from child A.
- Concerns around attachment and relationships within the family.
- Lack of consistent boundaries and routines in place within the home.
- LowSchool attendance
- Mother struggling to cope with children’s behaviour.
- Family subject to child protection plan due to neglect. Child A at risk of being accommodated due to his behaviour and the concerns around safeguarding this presents.
- Concerns around cleanliness of home and mother’s ability to make the environment suitable for the children.
- Family living in a two bedroom house provided as emergency accommodation
- High frequency of planned home visits to the property.Times of visits varied, including out of hours.
- Three and six weeks reviews took place during the intervention to look at goals and progress.A total of 41 hours over 22 sessions/home visits took place.
- Core group meetings attended to update other professionals on engagement and progress.
- Referrals made to Domestic Violence support for Child A to help reduce risk of physical and emotional harm to mother and other children.
- 1:1 work with mother around routines and boundaries.
- 1:1 work with mother to look at changes needed, several tasks completed with mother, using sets of tools, two of which were “strengths cards” to remind about how she has managed to rise above difficulties in her past, and “values cards” to remind of what mother’s core beliefs are – what are the most important things.
- Work with mum around personal hygiene and home conditions.
- Mother is actively participating in the support plan, keeping to the conditions of children’s services and contributing to the positive changes within the house.
- Family moved from two bedroom house to a four bedroom flat provided by Homeless families.
Ongoing issues
- After the 6 weeks intervention the Families First transition worker made several referrals on behalf of the family to support with complex needs. Referral to Children's Domestic Abuse Worker and Fire Fly project for Child A has been made and they are now on waiting lists for these services.
- Case is now receiving support from Family Intervention Project (FIP).
- Families First worked with the family to promote independence and ensure the family do not become agency dependent and are empowered to continue to facilitate positive changes.
- Families First actively contributed to child protection plans and supported the work of the allocated social worker.
- Mother continues to access further support by working with FIP worker.
- CAMHS referral made for Child A and B to undertake relationships work, also to access family therapy via CAHMS.
Outcome so far
- Mother was always willing to work with Families First and was extremely polite and welcoming at every session.
- Regular contact was maintained between the Family and FF worker which established a positive working relationship.
- During the six weeks mother attended all of the arranged sessions. Mother explored feelings, relationship, values and change during sessions.
- Mother feels things have improved and is determined not to let things revert back to how they were.
- Mother has identified routines for bedtime and mealtimes that she would like to establish. Mother has started to work towards these goals. Reward charts have been put in place for child A and B. House rules are clearly displayed on the wall in the living room.