Gates County Planning & Development Services
PO Box 411 • Gatesville, NC 27938
(252) 357-2411 Ext. 1702
1:00 PM –May 19, 2015
Members Present:Foster Parrish
Dan Lang
Joe Greene
Kenneth Jernigan
Members Absent: Joseph Perry
Also Present:Jennifer Baptiste, County Planner
Larry Pressnell
Willie Hofler
Chairman, Joe Greenecalled the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m.
Mr. Greene led everyone in prayer and the pledge of allegiance was performed by all.
Roll was taken and a quorum established.
Mr. Lang made a motion to approve of agenda as presented. Mr. Parrish seconded the motion; motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Jernigan made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Mr. Lang seconded the motion; motion passed without opposition.
Mr. Greene reviewed the application submitted by Ms. Chavis regarding a Special Use Permit to operate an Indian Cultural Center on a parcel of land. Ms. Cheryl Eason expressed concerns about the wetlands on the property, fill being brought into the property, and additional flooding caused by the development on to her property. Ms. Eason also expressed a concern about the impact to wildlife.
Motion to enter Public Hearing was made by Mr. Jernigan and seconded by Mr. Lang. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Greene addressed some of Ms. Eason concerns by letting her know that if there are wetlands and floodplain on the property, the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers will come in and tell the applicant whether what she is planning to do is allowed and to what extent she can develop the property.
Mr. Jernigan stated that he was well familiar with the property and that there about three high ridges of land on the property that are above swamp level. Mr. Jernigan further stated that even though the property is over twenty (20) acres, the three high ridges are about the best areas on the property to develop.
Ms. Lee Garrett also owns property adjacent to the subject parcel and was concerned about access and right – of – way. Mr. Jernigan state that the right – of – way was with the property.
Motion to exit the Public Hearing made by Mr. Jernigan and seconded by Mr. Lang. Motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Greene called for a motion. Mr. Jernigan asked if it would be appropriate to only approve the Special Use Permit for the three high spots on the property. Ms. Baptiste stated that it would be extremely difficult to enforce and that a Special Use Permit is for a property and not for certain portions of a property.
Mr. Jernigan made a motion to approve the Special Use Permit with the conditions that all state and federal requirements are strictly taken into consideration. Motion seconded by Mr. Lang. Motion passed unanimously.
The next case on the agenda was announced by Mr. Greene. The applicant, Tyler Grant, requests a Special Use Permit to place a Singlewide Mobile Home on a property zoned AG – 1 until a house could be built.
Mr. Jernigan inquired if a time limit could be placed on how long the Singlewide could be on the property before a home had to be built. Ms. Baptiste stated that other permits that had been issued didn’t have time limits on them and that a time limit would cause the applicant to keep coming back if the time limit was not met.
A motion to approve the request with the conditions that all the rules and regulations for the county are meet was made by Mr. Lang and seconded by Mr. Parrish. Motion passed unanimously.
The next item for consideration was the election of a Vice – Chairman to the Board of Adjustment. Mr. Jernigan nominated Mr. Dan Lang. Hearing no other nominations or objections, Mr. Dan Lang was voted unanimously to the position of Vice – Chairman to the Board of Adjustment.
Lastly, Ms. Baptiste commented on the progress of the CAMA Land Use Plan. The Board of Adjustment initially had Mr. Greene and Mr. Hawkins as representative and alternate. Since Mr. Hawkins is no longer on the Board, Mr. Parrish volunteered to be the alternate.
A motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Lang and seconded by Mr. Jernigan.
Joe Greene
Chairman, Board of Adjustment