Appendix Table 4. Comparative ACA cluster-to-factor mapping (2001-2005).
Cited Authors / Cluster # / Label by tf*idf / Label by LLR (p level) / ACA Factor Label in Zhao and Strotmann Figure 8BROWN JS / 0 / (7.69) knowledge management / knowledge management (0.0001) / Knowledge Management
DAVENPORT TH / 0 / (7.69) knowledge management / knowledge management (0.0001) / Knowledge Management
NONAKA I / 0 / (7.69) knowledge management / knowledge management (0.0001) / Knowledge Management
MACROBERTS MH / 1 / (2.77) international visibility / communication disorder (0.005) / Scientometrics
SEGLEN PO / 1 / (2.77) international visibility / communication disorder (0.005) / Scientometrics
ARUNACHALAM S / 2 / (16.3) social structure / editorial policy (0.0001)
SCHUBERT A / 2 / (16.3) social structure / editorial policy (0.0001) / Bibliometric Models and Distributions
KATZ JS / 2 / (16.3) social structure / editorial policy (0.0001) / Patent Analysis
NARIN F / 2 / (16.3) social structure / editorial policy (0.0001) / Patent Analysis
BRAUN T / 2 / (16.3) social structure / editorial policy (0.0001) / Scientometrics
GLANZEL W / 2 / (16.3) social structure / editorial policy (0.0001) / Scientometrics
KOSTOFF RN / 2 / (16.3) social structure / editorial policy (0.0001) / Scientometrics
MOED HF / 2 / (16.3) social structure / editorial policy (0.0001) / Scientometrics
VINKLER P / 2 / (16.3) social structure / editorial policy (0.0001) / Scientometrics
ALMIND TC / 3 / (27.73) extracting macroscopic information / web link (0.0001)
BHARAT K / 3 / (27.73) extracting macroscopic information / web link (0.0001)
BRIN S / 3 / (27.73) extracting macroscopic information / web link (0.0001)
CRAVEN TC / 3 / (27.73) extracting macroscopic information / web link (0.0001)
DAVENPORT E / 3 / (27.73) extracting macroscopic information / web link (0.0001)
BORGMAN CL / 3 / (27.73) extracting macroscopic information / web link (0.0001) / Children's Information Behavior
GARFIELD E / 3 / (27.73) extracting macroscopic information / web link (0.0001) / Scientometrics
MERTON RK / 3 / (27.73) extracting macroscopic information / web link (0.0001) / Scientometrics
VANRAAN AFJ / 3 / (27.73) extracting macroscopic information / web link (0.0001) / Scientometrics
BARILAN J / 3 / (27.73) extracting macroscopic information / web link (0.0001) / Undefined
BJORNEBORN L / 3 / (27.73) extracting macroscopic information / web link (0.0001) / Webometrics
CHAKRABARTI S / 3 / (27.73) extracting macroscopic information / web link (0.0001) / Webometrics
CRONIN B / 3 / (27.73) extracting macroscopic information / web link (0.0001) / Webometrics
EGGHE L / 3 / (27.73) extracting macroscopic information / web link (0.0001) / Webometrics
HARNAD S / 3 / (27.73) extracting macroscopic information / web link (0.0001) / Webometrics
HARTER SP / 3 / (27.73) extracting macroscopic information / web link (0.0001) / Webometrics
INGWERSEN P / 3 / (27.73) extracting macroscopic information / web link (0.0001) / Webometrics
KLEINBERG JM / 3 / (27.73) extracting macroscopic information / web link (0.0001) / Webometrics
KLING R / 3 / (27.73) extracting macroscopic information / web link (0.0001) / Webometrics
KOEHLER W / 3 / (27.73) extracting macroscopic information / web link (0.0001) / Webometrics
LARSON RR / 3 / (27.73) extracting macroscopic information / web link (0.0001) / Webometrics
LAWRENCE S / 3 / (27.73) extracting macroscopic information / web link (0.0001) / Webometrics
LEYDESDORFF L / 3 / (27.73) extracting macroscopic information / web link (0.0001) / Webometrics
OPPENHEIM C / 3 / (27.73) extracting macroscopic information / web link (0.0001) / Webometrics
ROUSSEAU R / 3 / (27.73) extracting macroscopic information / web link (0.0001) / Webometrics
SMITH AG / 3 / (27.73) extracting macroscopic information / web link (0.0001) / Webometrics
SULLIVAN D / 3 / (27.73) extracting macroscopic information / web link (0.0001) / Webometrics
THELWALL M / 3 / (27.73) extracting macroscopic information / web link (0.0001) / Webometrics
VAUGHAN L / 3 / (27.73) extracting macroscopic information / web link (0.0001) / Webometrics
SIMON HA / 4 / (5.38) network diagram / co-citation analysis (0.005) 2 / Bibliometric Models and Distributions
CHEN CM / 4 / (5.38) network diagram / co-citation analysis (0.005) 2 / Mapping of Science
MCCAIN KW / 4 / (5.38) network diagram / co-citation analysis (0.005) 2 / Mapping of Science
SMALL H / 4 / (5.38) network diagram / co-citation analysis (0.005) 2 / Mapping of Science
WHITE HD / 4 / (5.38) network diagram / co-citation analysis (0.005) 2 / Mapping of Science
PRICE DJD / 4 / (5.38) network diagram / co-citation analysis (0.005) 2 / Scientometrics
LOTKA AJ / 5 / (3.58) analyzing scientific productivity2 / british controversy (0.005) 2
BROOKES BC / 5 / (3.58) analyzing scientific productivity2 / british controversy (0.005) 2 / Bibliometric Models and Distributions
BURRELL QL / 5 / (3.58) analyzing scientific productivity2 / british controversy (0.005) 2 / Bibliometric Models and Distributions
BUCKLAND MK / 5 / (3.58) analyzing scientific productivity2 / british controversy (0.005) 2 / Users’ Judgments of Relevance
*EUR COMM / 6 / (4.97) patent citation / university-related patent (0.01)
*OECD / 6 / (4.97) patent citation / university-related patent (0.01)
MEYER M / 6 / (4.97) patent citation / university-related patent (0.01) / Patent Analysis
BAEZAYATES R / 7 / (27.33) document retrieval / document retrieval (0.0001)
BUCKLEY C / 7 / (27.33) document retrieval / document retrieval (0.0001)
FUHR N / 7 / (27.33) document retrieval / document retrieval (0.0001)
SAVOY J / 7 / (27.33) document retrieval / document retrieval (0.0001)
CROFT WB / 7 / (27.33) document retrieval / document retrieval (0.0001) / IR Systems
HARMAN D / 7 / (27.33) document retrieval / document retrieval (0.0001) / IR Systems
HAWKING D / 7 / (27.33) document retrieval / document retrieval (0.0001) / IR Systems
HEARST MA / 7 / (27.33) document retrieval / document retrieval (0.0001) / IR Systems
JONES KS / 7 / (27.33) document retrieval / document retrieval (0.0001) / IR Systems
LOSEE RM / 7 / (27.33) document retrieval / document retrieval (0.0001) / IR Systems
ROBERTSON SE / 7 / (27.33) document retrieval / document retrieval (0.0001) / IR Systems
SALTON G / 7 / (27.33) document retrieval / document retrieval (0.0001) / IR Systems
VANRIJSBERGEN CJ / 7 / (27.33) document retrieval / document retrieval (0.0001) / IR Systems
VOORHEES EM / 7 / (27.33) document retrieval / document retrieval (0.0001) / IR Systems
XU J / 7 / (27.33) document retrieval / document retrieval (0.0001) / IR Systems
COOPER WS / 7 / (27.33) document retrieval / document retrieval (0.0001) / Users’ Judgments of Relevance
CHEN HC / 8 / (5.38) document space
(5.38) kohonen network / document space (0.0001)
kohonen network (0.0001) / IR Systems
KOHONEN T / 8 / (5.38) document space
(5.38) kohonen network / document space (0.0001)
kohonen network (0.0001) / Mapping of Science
LIN X / 8 / (5.38) document space
(5.38) kohonen network / document space (0.0001)
kohonen network (0.0001) / Mapping of Science
SHNEIDERMAN B / 9 / (16.3) using interactive visualization / usability evaluation (0.001) 2
NIELSEN J / 9 / (16.3) using interactive visualization / usability evaluation (0.001) 2 / Children's Information Behavior
CHOO CW / 10 / (42.24) information behavior / conceptual framework (0.0001)
COLE C / 10 / (42.24) information behavior / conceptual framework (0.0001)
PASK G / 10 / (42.24) information behavior / conceptual framework (0.0001)
SOLOMON P / 10 / (42.24) information behavior / conceptual framework (0.0001)
TAYLOR RS / 10 / (42.24) information behavior / conceptual framework (0.0001)
BILAL D / 10 / (42.24) information behavior / conceptual framework (0.0001) / Children's Information Behavior
HSIEHYEE I / 10 / (42.24) information behavior / conceptual framework (0.0001) / Children's Information Behavior
LARGE A / 10 / (42.24) information behavior / conceptual framework (0.0001) / Children's Information Behavior
MARCHIONINI G / 10 / (42.24) information behavior / conceptual framework (0.0001) / Children's Information Behavior
CHATMAN EA / 10 / (42.24) information behavior / conceptual framework (0.0001) / Information Behavior
DERVIN B / 10 / (42.24) information behavior / conceptual framework (0.0001) / Information Behavior
ELLIS D / 10 / (42.24) information behavior / conceptual framework (0.0001) / Information Behavior
FORD N / 10 / (42.24) information behavior / conceptual framework (0.0001) / Information Behavior
KUHLTHAU CC / 10 / (42.24) information behavior / conceptual framework (0.0001) / Information Behavior
PETTIGREW KE / 10 / (42.24) information behavior / conceptual framework (0.0001) / Information Behavior
SAVOLAINEN R / 10 / (42.24) information behavior / conceptual framework (0.0001) / Information Behavior
VAKKARI P / 10 / (42.24) information behavior / conceptual framework (0.0001) / Information Behavior
WILSON TD / 10 / (42.24) information behavior / conceptual framework (0.0001) / Information Behavior
JANSEN BJ / 10 / (42.24) information behavior / conceptual framework (0.0001) / Undefined
SPINK A / 10 / (42.24) information behavior / conceptual framework (0.0001) / Undefined
BARRY CL / 10 / (42.24) information behavior / conceptual framework (0.0001) / Users’ Judgments of Relevance
BATES MJ / 10 / (42.24) information behavior / conceptual framework (0.0001) / Users’ Judgments of Relevance
BELKIN NJ / 10 / (42.24) information behavior / conceptual framework (0.0001) / Users’ Judgments of Relevance
BORLUND P / 10 / (42.24) information behavior / conceptual framework (0.0001) / Users’ Judgments of Relevance
FIDEL R / 10 / (42.24) information behavior / conceptual framework (0.0001) / Users’ Judgments of Relevance
HJORLAND B / 10 / (42.24) information behavior / conceptual framework (0.0001) / Users’ Judgments of Relevance
SARACEVIC T / 10 / (42.24) information behavior / conceptual framework (0.0001) / Users’ Judgments of Relevance
SCHAMBER L / 10 / (42.24) information behavior / conceptual framework (0.0001) / Users’ Judgments of Relevance
WANG PL / 10 / (42.24) information behavior / conceptual framework (0.0001) / Users’ Judgments of Relevance
WILSON P / 10 / (42.24) information behavior / conceptual framework (0.0001) / Users’ Judgments of Relevance
BERNERSLEE T / 11 / (3.58) electronic journal
(3.58) citation classic / electronic journal (0.0010)
citation classic (0.0010)
FOX EA / 11 / (3.58) electronic journal
(3.58) citation classic / electronic journal (0.0010)
citation classic (0.0010)
HARTLEY J / 11 / (3.58) electronic journal
(3.58) citation classic / electronic journal (0.0010)
citation classic (0.0010)
NALIMOV VV / 11 / (3.58) electronic journal
(3.58) citation classic / electronic journal (0.0010)
citation classic (0.0010)
HERNON P / 11 / (3.58) electronic journal
(3.58) citation classic / electronic journal (0.0010)
citation classic (0.0010) / Information Behavior
LINE MB / 11 / (3.58) electronic journal
(3.58) citation classic / electronic journal (0.0010)
citation classic (0.0010) / Information Behavior
NICHOLAS D / 11 / (3.58) electronic journal
(3.58) citation classic / electronic journal (0.0010)
citation classic (0.0010) / Information Behavior
BOOKSTEIN A / 11 / (3.58) electronic journal
(3.58) citation classic / electronic journal (0.0010)
citation classic (0.0010) / IR Systems
SWANSON DR / 11 / (3.58) electronic journal
(3.58) citation classic / electronic journal (0.0010)
citation classic (0.0010) / IR Systems
CALLON M / 11 / (3.58) electronic journal
(3.58) citation classic / electronic journal (0.0010)
citation classic (0.0010) / Mapping of Science
BLAIR DC / 11 / (3.58) electronic journal
(3.58) citation classic / electronic journal (0.0010)
citation classic (0.0010) / Users’ Judgments of Relevance
LANCASTER FW / 11 / (3.58) electronic journal
(3.58) citation classic / electronic journal (0.0010)
citation classic (0.0010) / Users’ Judgments of Relevance
TENOPIR C / 11 / (3.58) electronic journal
(3.58) citation classic / electronic journal (0.0010)
citation classic (0.0010) / Users’ Judgments of Relevance