Center for Oceans Law and Policy
KoGuan Law School, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
The Center for Oceans Law and Policy at KoGuan Law School of Shanghai Jiao Tong University(“COLP-SJTU”)is a team headed by KoGuan Law School professors Kuen-chen FU (law of the sea), ZHAO Jinsong (admiralty law), WANG Xi (marine environment and resources law). It is established against the backdrop of the nation’s overall development in ocean affairs and the establishment of Shanghai’s International Shipping Center, and drawson the academic resources from the financial law and insurance law arenas. The COLP-SJTU’s Director is KoGuanChair Professor of LawKuen-chen FU, and its Deputy Director is ProfessorZHAO Jinsong. In addition to undertaking theoretical research and nurturing professionals in the field, the COLP is dedicated to solving the various legal and policy issues facing government agencies, NGOs, and related entities in the fields of law of the sea, maritime law, marine environmental protection, and the like.
Based in COLP-SJTU, the China Oceans Law Review (“COLR”) is a cross-strait collaborative project among Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Xiamen University, Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Taiwan Sun Yat-sen University. The journal’s goal is to combine the wisdom of oceans law scholars, and promote the development of ocean affairs in China. As the only Chinese-language oceans law publication, the COLR (ISSN: 1813-7350) is one of the first professional publications invited by China National Knowledge Infrastructure中国知识基础设施工程(“CNKI”) to join theChinese Elite Legal Academic Journals Full-Text Database《中国优秀法律学术论文集全文数据库》. Some prominent Chinese institutes have also included this journal in their list of highly acknowledged academic periodicals. Publications by their young faculty members in this journal will be taken into account for any promotion or grant applications.COLR is a semi-annual journal published in Hong Kong S.A.R., China, with KoGuan Chair Professor of Law Kuen-chen FU as its Editor-in-Chief.
In addition to publishing the COLR, the COLP-SJTU at KoGuan Law School has also been hosting a series of advanced study programs, which will have profound significance in the formation and development of a sense of ocean rights in China. The COLP-SJTU will provide world-class services in upholding the nation’s ocean rights, helping to build Shanghai’s International Shipping Center, and training Chinese experts in oceans law and policy. The Center for Oceans Law and Policy will serve as the best platform in Asia for the overall development of the area’s ocean’s law studies.
Center Personnel
Academic Advisors:
Prof. Erik Frankx
Professor, Vrijie Universitei Law School, Belgium
Hon. GAO Zhiguo
Judge, United Nations International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
Prof. HUANG Shuolin
Vice President, Shanghai Ocean University, China
Prof. John N. Moore
Professor, University of Virginia, United States
Prof. MUO Shijian
Dean, China University of Political Science and Law College of International Law
Professor Ted L. McDorman
Professor, University of Victoria School of Law, Canada
Dr. WU Shicuen
Director, China South Sea Research Institute, Haikou
Prof. ZHANG Xinping
Professor, National Chengchi University, Chinese Taipei
Prof. ZHOU Zhonghai
Professor, China University of Political Science and Law College of International Law
Prof. ZOU Keyuan
Harris Professor of Law, Central Lancashire University, United Kingdom
Professor FU Kuen-chen
Director, Center for Oceans Law and Policy
KoGuan Chair Professor of Law, Shanghai Jiao Tong University KoGuan Law School
Professor FU Kuen-chen is KoGuan Chair Professor of Law at Shanghai Jiao Tong University Law School, Adjunct Professor and PhD Supervisor at Xiamen University Law School, Academic Advisor for China Review in Hong Kong, and Editor-in-Chief of the China Oceans Law Review. He received his B.L. and LL.M. from National Taiwan University School of Law, and received his S.J.D. from University of Virginia in the United States in 1986.He has been a researcher at The Hague Academy of International Law, and a visiting scholar at University of Washington School of Law (Seattle, United States) and City University Law School (Hong Kong).
Prof. FU specializes in international law, law of the sea, international arbitration law, and Anglo-American contract law. He has also taught courses in private international law, constitutional law, administrative law, international business law, introduction to Anglo-American law, etc. He is an arbitrator for CMAC, CIETAC,Shanghai, Xiamen, Quanzhou, Wuhan and Russian far eastern Region. In Taiwan, he has served as a National Assemblyman, Legislator, Advisor to the Executive Yuan, Advisor to the Legislative Yuan, and a Director of the Overseas Fisheries Development Council. He has published 30 books in Chinese and English, includingInternational Law of the Sea – A Theory of Equitable Boundary Delimitation, Research on the Legal Status of the South (China) Sea,Special Studies in Law of the Sea, A View of Both Sides of the Strait from Xiamen and Taipei, Equitable Ocean Boundary Delimitation, Vessel-source Pollution and Coastal State Jurisdiction, Recent Developments in the Law of the Sea and China, Protection of Under-Water Cultural Heritage under International Law, and The Essence of American Contract Law.
Professor ZHAO Jinsong
Deputy Director, Center for Oceans Law and Policy
Shanghai Jiao Tong University KoGuan Law School
Professor ZHAO Jinsong received his Ph.D. from the University of Southampton, United Kingdom, and his M.Sc. from Dalian Maritime University. He is a Professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University KoGuan Law School, an Arbitrator at the China Maritime Arbitration Association and at the Shanghai Arbitration Court for International Shipping, a Professorial Research Fellow at the China Ocean Development Research Center, a Guest Research Fellow at the Beijing University Law School Center for Maritime Law Research, an Adjunct Professor at Dalian Maritime University, a Guest Professor at Shanghai Maritime University, and a Visiting Professor at the University of Queensland Marine and Shipping Law Unit (MASLU) of Australia. He is also a Legal Consultant for the China Classification Society, Member of the Journal of International Maritime Law Editorial Board (United Kingdom), a Director of the China Ship Fund, and an Independent Director of the Shenzhen CSC RoRo Logistics Corp. Ltd.
Professor ZHAO has served as a deck officeron ocean going vessels.He has worked at leading shipping law firms in London and Hong Kong, and also in Shenzhen and Shanghai, where he practiced maritime, admiralty, and insurance law under the laws of United Kingdom, Hong Kong Law, and ofChina.Professor ZHAO has served as the Director of the China Shipowners Association Legal Center, and has a wealth of teaching, research, and practical experience in navigation technologies at sea, ship finance, maritime law, admiralty law, and insurance law.He has published over 80 articles, including 8 SCI Journal and EI articles, and 1 CSSCI Journal article.A representative academic publication is When do the Collision Regulations Begin to Apply, published in the Journal of Navigation in 2008.
Professor WANG Xi
Shanghai Jiao Tong University KoGuan Law School
Professor WANG Xi teaches and studies environmental resources law. He is currently the Director of Environmental Resources Law Research Institute, Chair of Environmental Resources Law, and Ph.D. Advisor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University KoGuan Law School. He also serves as a member on the National Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (“CPPCC”). He is a Member of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Commission on Environmental Law, and a Member of the Governing Council of IUCN Academy of Environmental Law (representing East Asia). He is a Board Member of the Chinese Council on Sustainable Development (under Ministry of Science and Technology of PRC) and a Board Member of International Council on Environmental Law (Germany). He serves as the Co-Editor-in-Chief for Oxford University Press’s International Environmental Law Yearbook, and an international editor on the editorial boards of Asian Pacific Environmental Law Magazine andMcquarie International and Comparative Environmental Law Review (Australia).
He received his B.A. from Wuhan Normal College (1981), his LL.M. from Wuhan University (1984), his LL.M. from Washington University, U.S.A. (1987), and his PHD. from Wuhan University (2000).
Professor XU Donggen
Shanghai Jiao Tong University KoGuan Law School
Professor HU Jiaxiang
Shanghai Jiao Tong University KoGuan Law School
Professor WANG Guangxian
Shanghai Jiao Tong University KoGuan Law School
Professor XIAO Kai
Shanghai Jiao Tong University KoGuan Law School
Dr. XU Xiaobing
Lecturer, Shanghai Jiao Tong University KoGuan Law School
Adjunct Researchers:
Professor FU Tingzhong
Professor, Qinghua University Law School
Mr. Lui Wenzheng
Researcher, National Oceans Bureau Second Marine Research Institute
Member, United Nations Continental Shelf Boundaries Committee
Professor ZHANG Haiwen
Deputy Director, National Oceans Bureau Ocean Strategy Research Institute
Mission and Research Focus
- Offer related courses and provide educational and training services on topics related to oceans law and policy within Shanghai Jiao Tong University (under appropriate circumstances, recruit international students and offer bilingual instruction);
- Provide specialized educational and training services, at the request of domestic and international public and private entities;
- Research topics related to oceans law and policy (with particular focus initially on the horizontal topics related to maritime shipping);
- Publish the bi-annual China Oceans Law Review with the concept of a "greater China;
- Provide educational and training services on topics related to oceans law and policy to developing countries (with particular focus initially on Asian Pacific countries);
- Host advanced summer training programs on topics related to oceans law and policy which recruit internationally (e.g., the Marco Polo – Zheng He Academy);
- Provide research and consulting services on topics related to oceans law and policy to developing countries (with particular focus initially on Asian Pacific countries);
- Host domestic and international conferences and fora on ocean law and policy research;
- Establish a post-doctoral research focus on oceans law and policy;
- In collaboration with other colleges, publish popular materials and host larger-scale regional public events, in order to instill in the public a passion for the ocean; and
- Establish a College of Marine Science and Graduate Institute of Oceans Law, within the University’s tradition.
Research and Consulting Subjects
- Analyze and explain rules of domestic and international oceans law
- Plan strategies for the development of ocean economy and technology
- Strategize on ocean and shoreline management
- Design marine environmental protection construction projects
- Draft relevant treaties or contracts
- Draft relevant legislation
- Draft relevant policy documents
- Provide legal services for relevant litigation or arbitration
- Provide ocean-related training courses