a)No definitive way to explain why every protein folds the way it does
b)How do you go from 1D primary structure to a triple helical or globular structure of magnitudes much larger than you would have with a single subunit and how do you get to that particular point with fibrous or globular proteins? No definitive answers but many considerations
c) Folding of proteins is a major problem in modern health systems
- RNAase[S2]
a)First material studied with protein study was ribonuclease
b)small protein with 4 disulfide bonds
c)In picture the disulfide bonds are blue, yellow, green and pink
d)Number of AA is 124 from Amino terminus to C terminus
a)Chris Anfensen at NIH decided to study proteins and how they folded and they put them in B-mercaptoethanol and 8M urea
b) 8M urea is a chaotrophic solvent (promotes disorder) that denatures proteins
c)This is an example of denaturation, it is unraveled and all structure is lost
a)How do we renature? If they allowed the protein to be oxidized (they reduced it to denature it)
b) Allowed it to be oxidized to a certain extent and added B mercaptoethanol to help rearrange disulfide bonds and in a matter of seconds original structure was reestablished
c)Mathematically, you would expect the fully denatured protein to renature perfectly only 1% of the time but they got 100% activity back
a) Concluded that the native conformation of a protein is the state with the lowest Gibbs Free Energy
b) Everything that is spontaneous goes to a low free energy state
- If it goes to a state where there is no more energy to be lost and it is satisfied and it is stable then it will be preserved unless something else happens
c)Proteins follow unique paths to attain native state
d)Primary structure possesses sufficient information for proper folding
e)Most of these conclusions have been remodified over the years
a) Levinthol came back a few years later reiterated some of Anfensen’s conclusions and said
- if you take a small protein with 100 AA that can assume 3 positions (if a protein is denatured it can assume 100 different positions not a fixed protein and side chains can rotate).
- Then total possible structures 3100 = 5 x 1047
b) If you examine each structure for1 x 10-13s
c)Then total search requires 5 x 1034s
d)This is 1.6 x 1027 years, a period longer than the age of the universe!
e)So therefore proteins don’t go through every gyration possible. They follow a pathway to get to the native state.
a)In thermodynamics you have the Gibbs Free energy equation
b)ΔG = ΔH – TΔS
c)Where: ΔG = free energy, energy available for work
- if the sign of G is (-) the reaction has given off energy and does not require energy to proceed and is spontaneous
- if it is a positive then the reaction only went off because we added energy.
- Ideal thing for chemical reaction especially one dealing with biochemistry is to have delta G be (-) because you want something that provides energy.
d) ΔH = enthalpy, a measure of bond energy
- bond formation (-)
- measure of bond breaking (+)
e)T = temperature, K
f)ΔS = entropy,
- a measure of increasing chaos (+), chaos develops
- a measure of decreasing chaos (-), order is being established.
g)Natural thing is to have disorder being created
h)Want ΔH to be negative and ΔS to be positive so that chaos and disorder is forming and this makes reaction go nicely
- Ex. If you cleave a polypeptide chain into all of its amino acids. That is increasing disorder from one nice polypeptide chain to 2000 or so amino acids. This increases positive ΔS
- Want ΔG= +ΔH-TΔS and this would give you a --ΔG. This would be an optimal rxn.
- For a spontaneous process, ΔG must be (-)
- Is the folding of a protein a spontaneous process? YES. It does occur so you would expect ΔG to be minus
a)ΔG is (-), bond formation and/or an increase in disorder must predominate
b)To go from denatured protein to folded protein or to go from random coil to a nice organized globular protein like hemoglobin subunit you have to break some bonds with the environment.
- Bonds must be broken from polypeptide chain and all bonds with water must be broken.
- New bonds must form as protein folds in on itself.
c)When a protein folds on itself (globular protein) there isn’t a lot of space, the atoms occupy about 80-85% of the volume.
d)The change in ΔH is minimal. If anything it might be a little positive might be a little negative. No real supremacy of forming or breaking of bonds.
e)Thus, ΔS is the deciding factor. Basically you increase this order b/c all of the hydrophobic side chains in this polypeptide chain were organizing water. When they leave the water and go to the globular protein, water can be disorganized. It leaves the clathrate structures and you have the situation where ΔS is a positive because all the water molecules held together by the unfolded protein can roam around the folded protein.
f)This type of folding is ENTROPY driven. Driven because entropy is increasing in the medium in which the protein is folding. This is why the proteins fold spontaneously.
a) Heat Capacity upon denaturation of protein increases because water is more highly structured
b) Takes more calories to cause the molecules of water to bounce around when highly structured then when the water is free to move around by itself.
c)On refolding, heat capacity of water decreases because you have lost all the structure of the water that was available here and now the water molecules are free to move. I takes less energy to cause the water molecules to move and heat up once the protein has refolded
d)Also, if you take folded protein and add alcohol to the solution you decrease the differential between the inside of the protein, which is very hydrophobic, and the outside, which is hydrophilic because you add alcohol.
- You make the water less hydrophilic and the protein differential is not so great. So protein can begin to unfold. There is no driving force for protein to go and hide if the environment is becoming more hydrophobic on the outside. So protein will start to unravel.
a) With a fibrous protein such as collagen or myosin or fibrin, there is no collapse or folding back on itself like there is in a globular protein.
b)So those proteins essentially are not escaping water and in fact the primary structure of those proteins are such that there is no tendency at all to avoid water. Love aqueous environment.
c)They have a lot of side chains that are polar.
d) When the chains come together to fold and wrap around each other, the formation of tertiary structure is much different. New bonds are formed and the folding of these proteins is ENTHALPY DRIVEN.
- This is a matter of making new bonds, new hydrogen bonds, and new hydrophobic bonds which cause those particular molecules to fold
- This comes back to the dichotomy between fibrous and globular proteins.
a) When people talk about folding of protein think about whether it is fibrous of globular first!!!!
b) Most important message!
- ΔG on folding of a protein is really -5 to -15 kcal/mole
- In comparison, If you have a mole of methane gas and add a spark you will have ΔG of about 5000 kcal/mole
- Protein folding is a low energy producing system, not a very robust system. Proteins do not fold rapidly and with great energy and do not become quite stable.
c)Low energy involved in protein folding tells you the evolution of proteins has favored flexibility
d)Native proteins are on the borderline of denaturation
- Most collagen molecules that do not get incorporated into fibers simply unfold b/c of low energy of folding
e)Misfolding is a common occurrence
f)Only about ½ proteins synthesized actually get used, others are degraded in proteosome
g. Flexibility: hemoglobin needs it to move around and be functional. Therefore rigidity is not favored.
a) Molten globule: that tertiary structure or globular structure which almost is there but the last little bit of structure needs to be formed.
b) Can tell when a system is in this state v. final state by molecular via chromatography
c)As protein continues its folding process it becomes smaller and smaller until it levels off to a final globular state
d)In this picture it is still loosely structured and the final structure requires some alteration of the molten globular state.
a)Need chaperones!! This was totally not thought of in Chris Anfensen’s time.
b) Variety of proteins when being synthesized and finally folding need some help and this is done by structure called groell structure (in bacteria). We have another system that is analogous to the groell structure called TCP1 structures.
c)As a protein is synthesized on the ribosome, there is a danger that it will begin to complex and form aggregates with new protein coming from a neighboring ribosome, so proteins need to be protected in that area. This is done by the hsp70 system.
a) HSP= heat shock protein because the chaperones were first discovered as proteins which are made in abundance when a cell was shocked by heat or some other noxious agent.
- Protect newly synthesizing protein while being synthesized.
- When hsp70 proteins are released, if protein still needs to be folded properly it can go into chambers where it can be folded in private.
b)Folding is taken care of very diligently by proteins in cell called foldases.
a)Picture of cell cylinder in which protein folding takes place
- unfolded protein enters in and is seen by the yellow parts of the cylinder (yellow parts are the really hydrophobic agents that enable protein to be completely unfolded so it can fold again)
- ATP comes in and the configuration of cylinder changes and protein is allowed to refold properly unencumbered by sides of cylinder
- After this, in a matter of seconds ATP is converted to ADP and new ATP molecules are added to the bottom part of the cylinder. The cylinder opens up and the fully formed protein can be released.
b)This is a chamber, similar to proteosome chamber, is composed of many subunits of amino acids. This is the beginning of life or birthing chamber and the proteosome chamber is the end of life of the protein. Both are more or less cylindrical arrangements.
a)Facilitators like protein disulfide isomerase (enzymes that cause enzyme to be unraveled, reduce disulfide bonds and cause protein to start over again and refold).
b)Peptidyl prolyl isomerase; proteins that have proline are prone to have cis peptide bonds
- Proline is unusual AA and can rotate different ways than most other AA
- Protein has to be isomerized back to trans peptide bonds as opposed to cis. This is done by peptidyl prolyl isomerase
a)Ken Dill has proposed a funnel to show how high energy proteins are unfolded and as they get more folded they go down in energy scale
b)At lowest energy level it is fully folded
c)Energy given off contributes to the minus ΔG
a)Disease of protein folding
b)Problems arise when proteins fold wrong.
- Alzheimer’s: amyloid peptide somehow gets cleaved from major protein in surface of cell and goes into brain tissues and precipitates as mass of protein. They think this causes Alzheimers
- Familial amyloidotic polyneuopathy: caused by transthyretin (previously called prealbumin), which starts to precipitate in all kinds of tissues. One becomes logged with transthyretin.
- Transthyretin is the chief amyloidotic protein but Alzheimer’s is also an example.
- Protein p53 which when improperly folded because of a mutation is no longer able to inhibit apoptosis and allows cell to grow and become metastatic cancerous cells
- Creatzfelt- Jacob disease: human equivalent of mad cow disease caused by prion proteins. Prion proteins are proteins that have become synthesized by nerve cells and have become proteins of the nerve cell membrane and then they change configuration from a protein with lots -helices to one with -pleated sheets.
- Hereditary emphysema: alpha1-antitrypsin is mutated and it cannot be secreted from the liver cells where it is made. Alpha1-antitrypsin’s major job is to stop the activity of elastase. When elastase is uninhibited it dissolves elastin (protein of lung cells that allows us to exhale without any energy). You can inhale but exhaling is a matter of lung contraction. Elastin of the lung tissue contracts once inhalation has occurred. If don’t have elastin and elastase eats away at elastin of the lung tissue, you get emphysema (occurs as a result of the alpha1-antitrypsin to be properly folded).
- Cystic Fibrosis: problem with mucous membrane of airways filling up and cutting off ability to breathe. Result of mutation in protein that is supposed to function in trachea and upper part of the lungs.
a)Amyloid precursor protein is composed of smaller protein coming from a large protein and depends on how it is derived.
- -secretase and a gamma secretase that operates on this particular protein.
- Dark yellow line in picture is amyloid protein that traverses nerve cell membrane and goes into the cytosol of the membrane.
- If -secretase cleaves at this point, and kicks off remainder of polypeptide, there is no problem. Gamma secretase can come along and cleave down in this region and the peptide that is released, the p3 peptide, there is no problem
- However, If -secretase cleaves right here and gamma cleaves where it normally does down as residue 42, then that particular peptide that is released is an amyloid beta protein (the one that causes the protein).
- Depends on cleavage point as to whether amyloid plaques form in the brain
- Some people have amyloid plaques and are normal and some have Alzheimer’s disease with no plaque but the above explanation is the general thought.
a)Protein anchored in the membrane on nerve cells and it does not traverse membrane of nerve cells. Has a large segment protruding outside cell. It composed largely of alpha components and has disulfide bonds from one alpha helix to another and has carbohydrates attached to Asparagine residues in the alpha helices.
a)When the protein is liberated from cell, maintains alpha helix for a while, then denature, and renatures as a protein, which has totally -pleated sheet.
b)-pleated sheet protein can influence further molecules and form large aggregates of proteins with -pleated sheets that precipitate in nerve cell. Found in mad cow disease and Creatzfelt-Jacob (humans) disease.
c)No cure
a)Various strains
- Can be faulty formed prion protein can have influence on other protein and can cause it to take that shape and gives you a polymerized protein of a disease a with certain manifestations.
- Prion protein can have slightly different shape, which will cause its neighbors to take on that different shape and give you other form of the disease.
- There are several forms of the prion disease situation.
NO slide for alpha1 antitrypsin but
-the problem is derived from the fact that liver cells cannot secrete alpha1-antitrypsin that is not properly folded and the liver tissue retains the alpha1-antitrypsin.
-you get lung problems with its absence as well as liver disease because of protein buildup.
[End 37:50 mins]