Assistant Principal
Application Form
Fall Cycle
“O that today you would listen to His voice, harden not your hearts.” (psalm 95:8)
* Certificated staff with continuous contract as a teacher are eligible to apply for a principal appointment.
* Preference will be given to applicants who, by the end of this school year (June 2010), have successfully completed a minimum of four years of teaching, two of those being with Edmonton Catholic Schools.
* It is expected that by the end of the second school year of designation as an assistant principal, and prior to being granted continuous designation, a minimum of two graduate level courses will have been completed. Extensions to this timeline may be granted through the director of District Educational Services.
* External applicants must have continuous designation as an assistant principal in their employing board.
Application Procedures:
* Application forms can be accessed at myecsd and in Public Folders/Forms/Human Resources/Administrator Application or a form can be e-mailed to the applicant by contacting Sharon Herout in Human Resource Services at 780 441-6056 or by e-mail: .
* The deadline date for receipt of completed applications is NOVEMBER 13, 2009. Applications are to be completed electronically using the most current application form and in their original format.
* A completed application means all documents listed below including staff member and principal statements have been received by Human Resource Services by the deadline date.
* It is the applicant's responsibility to submit the following documentation to Human Resource Services by the deadline and to ensure that originals and copies are included with the application.
1. Completed Assistant Principal Application - one original copy plus 7 copies of the Assistant Principal Application Form.
2. University Transcripts – one original plus 7 copies of your transcripts.
3. Permission to Contact References Form - The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act has been in effect since September 1, 1998. In compliance with the FOIP Act, please complete this form and forward it to Sharon Herout in Human Resource Services. This must be done as soon as possible in order to ensure that deadlines are met.
* The applicant is responsible for distributing and ensuring that the following statements/references are submitted no later than the application deadline:
1. Staff Member Statements from the eight staff members listed on the FOIP Form
2. A Pastoral Reference Form completed by your Parish Priest, Pastoral Assistant or member of your pastoral team, attesting to your active involvement in the life of the Catholic Church.
3. A Principal Statement from your current principal. If you have worked for your current principal for less than one year, your prior principal must also complete a Principal Statement. (fall cycle only)
PLEASE NOTE: Staff Member Statements, the Principal Statement and Pastoral Reference will be copied by Human Resource Services as they are submitted separately.
* Teachers who submitted an assistant principal application in the 2008-2009 school year may use the same Pastoral Reference Form, Principal and Staff Member Statements.
* Applications will be returned at the end of this year’s process.
* Applicants may contact Sharon Herout in Human Resource Services 780 441-6056 at any time to review their Human Resource Record or to verify the status of their application.
Page 2
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
The Alberta Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act has been in effect since September 1, 1998. The FOIP Act sets controls and standards on how school boards collect, use, disclose, and dispose of the personal information in their custody or under their control.
Reference checks are an important part of evaluating employees seeking an administrative position with Edmonton Catholic Schools. Information from your application and interview will be placed in your Administrator application file and will be protected and used in compliance with the FOIP Act. The information collected will be used solely for the purposes of determining your suitability, eligibility, and qualifications for an administrative position.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this information, please contact: Laurie Pelkie: Director, District Educational Services 780 441-6119, or Joanne Ritcey-Devaney: District Principal, Leadership Services 780 441-6158.
ü Permission to
Contact References / Immediately / Sharon Herout
Human Resources Services / 5
Pastoral Reference
ü General information
ü Form / Immediately / parish referee / 6, 7, and 8
Staff Member Statement
ü General Information
ü Form
ü “Successful Practices of
Catholic Educational
Leaders – Some Examples” / Immediately / staff members / 10, 11, 12, and 16
Principal Statement
ü General Information
ü Form
ü “Successful Practices of
Catholic Educational
Leaders - Some Examples” / Immediately / principal, and if less than one year, previous principal as well (fall cycle only) / 13, 14, 15
and 16
(Assistant Principal Application)
I,(print Applicant’s name here)
hereby grant permission to Edmonton Catholic Schools’ Chairperson of the Assistant Principal Assessment Team to contact the references I have provided below for the purposes of assessing my suitability for an administrator position. I understand that the information provided by the reference is confidential.
It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure all forms have been
completed and returned to Sharon Herout, Human Resource Services by
NOVEMBER 13, 2009
(Please print)
Name Location/Address/Phone Number E-Mail Address
(address/postal code/phone number required for external applicants only)
Current Principal
Prior Principal (if you have worked for your current Principal for less than 1 year)
Parish Priest/Member of Parish Team
Name Location/Address/Phone Number E-Mail Address
(address/phone number required for external applicants only)
Staff Member #1Staff Member #2
Staff Member #3
Staff Member #4
Staff Member #5
Staff Member #6
Staff Member #7
Staff Member #8
Signed this / day of / , / by:
(day) (month) (year)
Signature of Applicant
PASTORAL REFERENCE – General information
The feedback that you provide to the selection committee is very important and plays a significant role in the selection of individuals for administrative positions. The candidate understands that the “Pastoral Reference”
is confidential. You are not required to provide a copy of your statement to the applicant. The following district information may assist you in completing the attached form.
To provide a Catholic education which inspires and prepares students
to learn, to work, to live fully, and to serve God in one another.
District employees share a common Catholic identity which is defined in part, in a document entitled The Religious Dimension of Education in Edmonton Catholic Schools – A Manifesto for Catholic Education. September 28, 1999. The following eight characters of Catholic Education provide a blueprint for “who we are” as Catholic educators. Five core values provide guidelines as to “how we are” in our Catholic education workplace.
COMMUNITY "In one Spirit we were all baptized into one body." (1 Corinthians 12:13) Edmonton Catholic Schools seek to create a learning environment that reflects the identity and character of the Catholic Church, and express the uniqueness of the Catholic experience.
TRADITION "We must pay greater attention to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away from it." (Hebrews 2: 1) We learn through life. Catholic education brings a focus to learning to discover, evaluate, and interpret the human experience, which is always in transition. It provides insight into how learning can lead to fullness and freedom for all people.
JUSTICE "He has anointed me to bring good news to the poor."(Luke 4: 18) Justice is a mandate of Catholic faith. Catholic schools aim towards a synthesis of faith and culture, of faith and life, syntheses that characterize mature faith.
SACRAMENTALITY "God saw everything that was made, and indeed, it was very good." (Genesis 1: 31) The idea of a Catholic school is to educate its members into a world that is sacred and holy because it is God’s creation. Appreciation for God’s gift finds expression in the attitudes and actions of a school community through liturgy and stewardship.
HOSPITALITY "Whoever welcomes me welcomes not me but the one who sent me." (Mark 9:37) The Catholic community is inclusive of diverse peoples and perspectives; is free of discrimination and sectarianism; and welcomes strangers, especially those most in need.
HUMANNESS "And being found in human form, he humbles himself."(Philippians 2: 8) Catholic schools, in partnership with the family and the entire community, strive to form strong and responsible persons who are capable of making free and correct choices, and are able to form in themselves a clear idea of the meaning of life.
RATIONALITY "Know how you ought to answer everyone."(Colossians 4: 6) In Catholic education, the learners are invited to be active agents of their learning, and have an attitude of openness to the truth. Such openness welcomes everyone into the learning process.
SPIRITUALITY "You shall be holy, for I the Lord your God am holy."(Leviticus 19: 2) Spirituality in Catholic schools consists in letting God be present in each moment of the day, becoming attuned to God’s presence in the ups and downs of the life journey of the school community. Prayer and a commitment to the moral and ethical values of the gospel provide the opening to God’s presence.
PASTORAL REFERENCE – General information continued
Dignity & Respect
We are called to value each person, and to treat one another with compassion
Be noble of mind and heart, generous in forgiving
We strive towards loyalty to the vision, mission, goals and fundamental purpose of our school district
We seek unity without uniformity, symmetry without sameness, and diversity without divisiveness
Personal & Communal Growth
In Edmonton Catholic Schools, we are an organization of people, committed to the growth of the whole person
Administration Regulation 201.1 of the Administrative Policies and Administrative Regulations Handbook for Edmonton Catholic Schools contains the following statement as a foundation for the Religious Leadership aspect of the principal role:
1. Religious Leadership
Based on Gospel values, and the teachings of Jesus Christ, religious leadership is demonstrated by modeling and setting direction in a Christ-centered culture through prayer, celebrations, symbols, social justice and art.
As the religious leader of the school, the principal
a. strives to permeate all aspects of life in the school with the religious dimension in order that the growth of the school as a Catholic community be fostered;
b. supervises the religious education courses offered at all grade levels; and
c. encourages teachers to integrate Catholic teaching into the curriculum both in the content and method of instruction.
The remainder of the policy outlines other aspects of the principal role. To access this policy as well as other information about the district, you may visit the Edmonton Catholic Schools website at
Page 4
(Assistant Principal Application)
Name of Candidate:The above candidate is applying for a position as a principal with Edmonton Catholic Schools. Based on your knowledge of this candidate, please complete the following confidential form and return it to the address below by, NOVEMBER 13, 2009.
1. I know this candidate:
_____Very Well _____Fairly Well _____Slightly _____Not At All
2. To my knowledge, this candidate: (Note: N/A means “not able to assess”)
a) is a member of my parish Yes No N/A
b) attends Mass/Divine Liturgy regularly Yes No N/A
c) is involved in church ministries Yes No N/A
d) is a person of integrity Yes No N/A
e) sees the Gospel as part of his/her life Yes No N/A
f) sees religious values as important Yes No N/A
g) is committed to Catholic values Yes No N/A
i) In your opinion, would this candidate be a
good role model of Christian witness
to students in Catholic schools Yes No N/A
3. Please describe the candidate’s involvement in the life of the parish.
4. Would you recommend this person to be an assistant principal in a Catholic school? Please comment.
Thank you for your time and assistance. If you wish to provide additional information, please do so as an attachment.
Name / TitleParish / Telephone
Signature / Date
Please return to:
Sharon Herout
Human Resource Services
Edmonton Catholic Schools
9807 – 106 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5K 1C2
Page 4
In this section of the application you are required to demonstrate that you have the support of school based staff. You are required to submit the names of 8 district staff members as well as the name of your principal reference(s). These individuals will be required to submit statements on your behalf.
At least six of these must be teachers with whom you have worked in the last three years, and a maximum of two may be classified district staff members.
Your present principal, and if you have worked for your current principal for less than one year, your prior principal, will complete a separate statement, so cannot be listed as one of the staff members.
Please note that no more than two of the teaching staff can be temporary contract, probationary contract or interim contract teachers.
It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure these forms are returned to
Sharon Herout in Human Resource Services
by the deadline of NOVEMBER 13, 2009.
Please note that all forms must be completed electronically and once completed
forwarded to Sharon Herout in Human Resource Services at
If forwarded by email, a signature is not required your email will be considered a signature.
(Assistant Principal Application)
Please do not discuss with the applicant.