Escape From Camp 14 Study Guide

Essay Questions

A.  Should outside forces intervene to put an end to the harsh mistreatment of

humans in dictatorships like North Korea? If not, why? If so, why and who should intervene?

B.  Discuss how Shin Dong-Hyuk represents the durability of the human spirit and its

ability to survive the harshest conditions.

C.  Explain why Shin did not learn the concept of

love while growing up in the labor camp. What are the implications for him?

D.  Discuss the “dehumanization” process that occurs for prisoners like Shin in the

labor camps.

E.  In the U.S., we are used to having a free media where journalists can speak their minds,

hold whatever political values they choose, and help keep the public informed on what’s

going on in their government, good or bad. In contrast, the book shows us a glimpse of a very restricted press that cannot report whatever it wants to. It can only report what the government allows it to report.

What are the possible advantages and disadvantages of having a free press? Is it important to have a free press in a democratic country? Why or why not? If North Korea

were to allow a free press, do you think it would have much of an impact on the country?

Why or why not?

Thinking Maps

Create a multi-flow map explaining 3 causes and 3 effects of Shin’s escape.

Create a double bubble map of Shin and Park.

Critical Events-Chapter Titles

Be able to take 20 of the most essential events and:

Put them in sequential order

Provide at least 1 detail for each

Answer 20 multiple choice questions related to each event

The 10 Laws of Camp 14

Be familiar with the 10 laws of camp 14 (from appendix) and answer 20 true and false questions related to how the laws impacted Shin’s life.

Significant Quotes

Be able to connect significant quotes from the book to the character who delivered them.