Agenda item 4
Meeting / Middlesbrough Health and Wellbeing BoardDate / 15 June 2016
Title / Assurance report from Local Authority Chief Executive
Responsible Officer / Mike Robinson – Chief Executive, Middlesbrough Council
Purpose of Item / To provide the Middlesbrough Health and Wellbeing Board with assurance that the Board is fulfilling its statutory obligations, and a summary of progress in implementing the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy.
Summary of Recommendations
That Middlesbrough Health and Wellbeing Board:
- Notes progress on the agreed implementation plan for the restructure of the H&WBB (Appendix 1).
- Agrees to holds a development session in August / September 2016 to review progress against its current plans and agree priorities and timescales for the refresh of the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy for Middlesbrough.
- Agrees to hold a joint development session with Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council’s Health and Wellbeing Board in September / October 2016 to update both Boards on current planning requirements relating to health and social care integration and consider potential integration models for integration to meet needs within the South Tees.
- Notes the forthcoming proposal to establish a joint Programme Management Office to support integration and receives an update on these proposals at its meeting in September 2016.
- Notes progress on reprocuring HealthWatch from April 2017, notifying interest in joining the project group to the author of this report.
1.To provide Middlesbrough Health and Wellbeing Board with assurance that the Board is fulfilling its statutory obligations, and a summary of progress in implementing the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy.
2.The Health and Wellbeing Board (H&WBB) adopted its Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy (JH&WBS) in October 2012. The Strategy’s vision is “to improve the health and wellbeing of our local population and reduce health inequalities”.
3.The JH&WBS has four aims:
Aim 1Tackle the social causes of poor health
Aim 2Ensure children and young people have the best health and wellbeing
Aim 3Reducing preventable illness and early deaths
Aim 4Ensuring high quality, sustainable and joined up health, social care and wellbeing services
4.The H&WBB has delegated responsibility for ensuring the delivery of these aims to the following partners and partnerships:
Aim 1Collective responsibility of all partners and partnerships
Aim 2Middlesbrough Children and Young People Delivery Partnership
Aim 3Middlesbrough Public Health Delivery Partnership
Aim 4 South Tees Integrated Programme Board
Restructure of the H&WBB
5.At its last meeting, the Board considered feedback, published earlier in 2016, from the Local Government Association’s Corporate Peer Review of the Council and Ofsted’s inspections of the Council’s services for children in need of help and protection, children looked after and care leavers and the Middlesbrough Safeguarding Children’s Board.
- The Board noted that feedback in relation to partnership working must inform the ongoing restructuring of strategic partnership arrangements within Middlesbrough.The Council has recently published actions plans in response to the Corporate Peer Review and the Ofsted inspections, which are now being progressed.The implementation plan for the structural changes to the Health and Wellbeing Board and associated partnerships agreed by the Board in December 2015 has been amended to reflect these action plans, and progress is set out at Appendix 1.
It is recommended that the H&WBB:
- Notes progress on the agreed implementation plan for the restructure of the H&WBB (Appendix 1).
The Mayor’s Vision for Middlesbrough in 2025
- A key element of the Corporate Peer Review action plan is the development and implementation of the Mayor’s Vision for Middlesbrough in 2025 – Fairer, Safer, Stronger. The Vision document was approved by Council in May 2016 and can be accessed here: The Vision sets out the Mayor’s priorities for Middlesbrough over the next decade:
A Safer Middlesbrough / A Safer Middlesbrough / A Stronger Middlesbrough
- Fairness and reduced inequalities in income and health
- Fair access to secure, well-paid jobs and meaningful training
- Fair access to high-quality homes.
- Safer communities – further reducing crime and anti-social behaviour
- Safer, independent lives – ensuring our children and vulnerable adults are protected
- Safer environment – ensuring our town is cleaner and more resilient to a changing climate.
- Strengthening and diversifying our local economy
- Strengthening our city through bold and innovative regeneration
- Strengthening our cultural sector
- Strengthening our transport links.
- Dialogue with partners and communities is now underway, focused on how the collective effort of all stakeholders can be maximised to achieve the Vision. A Vision Board of key partners and partnerships will be established to oversee delivery of the Vision’s priorities and promises, and sit above local thematic partnerships.
- Together with the ongoing restructure of partnership arrangements, the launch of the new Vision for Middlesbrough provides a trigger for a formal review of the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy and other supporting strategy documents. As such, it is proposed that the Board holds a development session in August / September 2016 (date TBC) to:
- consider feedback from partners and communities on the Mayor’s Vision for Middlesbrough and implications of this for the work of the Board;
- review progress against the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy for Middlesbrough 2013-2023; and
- agrees priorities for health and social care for Middlesbrough in the period to 2025 and a timetable for the refresh of the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy.
It is recommended that the H&WBB:
- Agrees to holds a development session in August / September 2016 to review progress against its current plans and agree priorities and timescales for the refresh of the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy for Middlesbrough.
Wider partnership developments
- The new Vision for Middlesbrough, the refresh of the JH&WBS and the refinement of local partnership arrangements will provide clarity on the priorities for health and wellbeing within Middlesbrough and how this will be delivered locally.
- However, the Board has also discussed the need for local partnership arrangements within Middlesbrough to effectively engage with and support initiatives (both in the health and social care and other sectors) being progressed at sub-regional and regional levels.
- Work has being ongoing since the last meeting of the Board to progress wider partnership developments, particularly within South Tees. Specifically, discussions have been held with Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council and partners within the health sector in relation to ‘injecting pace’ into health and social care integration for the area, as recommended within the Council’s Corporate Peer Review.The Government has provided direction that clear plans for locality integration must be in place by April 2017, within the context of wider Sustainability and Transformation Plans for the “footprint” area of Durham, Darlington, Tees Valley and that part of North Yorkshire under the remit of the South Tees Acute Trust.
- It is proposed that the Board holds a joint development session with Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council’s Health and Wellbeing Board in September / October 2016 (at Middlesbrough Football Club, date TBC) to:
- update both Boards on current planning requirements relating to health and social care integration; and
- consider potential models for integration to meet needs within the South Tees.
- Further detail on this is provided in the South Tees Programme Manager’s update to this meeting of the Board.
- In addition, consideration is being given as to how expediting ‘injecting pace’ into health and social care integration can be best resourced. The South Tees Integration Executive will present a proposal to the June 2016 meeting of the Integration Board to establish a joint Programme Management Office, hosted by South Tees NHS Hospitals Foundation Trust. Further detail on this will be presented to the September 2016 meeting of this Board, along with any resulting proposals in relation to integration governance.
It is recommended that the H&WBB:
- Agrees to hold a joint development session with Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council’s Health and Wellbeing Board in September / October 2016 to update both Boards on current planning requirements relating to health and social care integration and consider potential integration models for integration to meet needs within the South Tees.
- Notes the forthcoming proposal to establish a joint Programme Management Office to support integration and receives an update on these proposals at its meeting in September 2016.
Middlesbrough HealthWatch
- Further discussions have now been held with other Tees Valley local authorities in relation to the reprocurement of HealthWatch from April 2017,to achieve a more co-ordinated approach to patient and public engagement across the whole health and social care system andacross a larger geographic footprint.
- Middlesbrough Council has agreed to lead any joint procurement exercise. Hartlepool Borough Council has recently re-let its contract for HealthWatch and so will not be part of any arrangement; the other Tees Valley authorities have agreed to advise the Council of whether they wish to participate by mid-July 2016 to allow procurement to be achieved within previously reported timescales.
- Partners will meet again at the end of June 2016 to revise the procurement timetable previously reported to the Board and this will be circulated to all partners for comment and action. Partners from the health sector will be invited to project group meetings once the procurement timetable is in place.
It is recommended that the H&WBB:
- Notes progress on reprocuring HealthWatch from April 2017, notifying interest in joining the project group to the author of this report.
Report prepared by: Edward Kunonga, Director of Public Health
Paul Stephens, Head of Performance and Partnerships
Tel: 01642 729223
E mail:
Appendix 1: Progress on H&WBB restructure
Ref / Action / Owner / Lead / Deadline / StatusGovernance
1.1 / Ensure South Tees Integrated Programme Board reports into new structure. / Health and Wellbeing Board / Head of Performance and Partnerships, MBC / December 2015 / Completed
1.2 / Revise Public Health Delivery Partnership plans and membership to focus on adult prevention activity. / Director of Public Health, MBC / March 2016 / Completed
1.3 / Ensure effective transfer of responsibility for child health activity to Children and Young People’s Delivery Partnership. / Public Health Delivery Partnership / Director of Public Health, MBC / March 2016 / Completed
1.4 / Revise Children and Young People’s Delivery Partnership ownership, plans and membership to incorporate responsibility for child health and child poverty. / Children and Young People’s Delivery Partnership / Executive Director of Wellbeing, Care and Learning, MBC / March 2016 / Completed
1.5 / Agree and share governance structure, terms of reference and membership of MAP and associated delivery structures. / Middlesbrough Achievement Partnership / MAP Manager, MBC / March 2016 / Completed
1.6 / Agree and share governance structure, terms of reference and membership of CSP and associated delivery structures. / Middlesbrough Community Safety Partnership / Community Safety Partnership Manager, MBC / March 2016 / Completed
1.7 / Agree and share governance structure, terms of reference and membership of H&WBB and associated delivery structures. / Health and Wellbeing Board / Director of Public Health, MBC / March 2016 / Completed
1.8 / Work with partners to ‘decommission’ partnership structures no longer required in new model and ensure any outstanding relevant responsibilities / activity are allocated to appropriate group within new structure. / Head of Performance and Partnerships, MBC / March 2016 / Completed
1.9 / Ensure that any remaining partnership structures are aligned to new structure or higher-level structures as appropriate. / March 2016 / Completed
2.1 / Agree and share strategy and priorities for MAP and associated delivery structures. / Middlesbrough Achievement Partnership / MAP Manager, MBC / March 2016 / Initial plans in place – to be reviewed / finalised in line with Mayor’s Vision. Revised timescale – July 2016.
2.2 / Agree and share strategy and priorities for CSP and associated delivery structures. / Middlesbrough Community Safety Partnership / Community Safety Partnership Manager, MBC / March 2016
2.3 / Agree and share strategy and priorities for H&WBB and associated delivery structures (may include refresh of Joint H&WB Strategy). / Health and Wellbeing Board / Director of Public Health, MBC / March 2016
Ref / Action / Owner / Lead / Deadline / StatusPerformance management
3.1 / Establish and implement proportionate performance management frameworks for the three partnerships, incorporating metrics from IMD 2015 and key strategic analyses. / All / Head of Performance and Partnerships, MBC with other lead officers / March 2016 / Initial plans in place – to be reviewed / finalised in line with Mayor’s Vision. Revised timescale – July 2016.
3.2 / Establish and initiate revised plans / work programmes for the three partnerships, removing duplication and ensuring expectations of commitment from all partners are realistic. / March 2016
3.3 / Develop scope and terms of reference for crosscutting, time-limited Mental Health project utilising systems thinking / business process improvement techniques and implement as pilot project. / Health and Wellbeing Board / Director of Public Health, MBC / March 2016 / To be convened as part of action plan delivery, as reported to the Board in March 2016.
Coordination and communications
4.1 / Implement quarterly coordination meetings with all partnership managers. / Health and Wellbeing Board / Head of Performance and Partnerships, MBC / November 2015 / Completed
4.2 / Develop and circulate membership / contact list for the three partnerships and maintain. / From March 2016 / To be achieved in line with timescale for new MBC website – July 2016.
4.3 / Ensure plans and performance updates for partnerships for the three partnerships are distributed to the collective membership.
Agreement / implementation / review
5.1 / Ensure that updated Terms of Reference and membership for H&WBB are approved by Council as required in the Constitution. / Health and Wellbeing Board / Director of Public Health, MBC / May 2016 / Completed
5.2 / Implement new arrangements for H&WBB. / Head of Performance and Partnerships, MBC / From May 2016 / Completed
5.3 / Review new arrangements on annual basis if no in-year triggers. / All / Ongoing