Honors Mathematics Sequence for Students
Looking Beyond Elementary School
The possible sequences below are intended for students that are following an honors pathway in the area of mathematics.
Elementary School / Middle School / High School (8 semesters)5th Grade / 6th Grade / 7th Grade / 8th Grade / Course 1 / Course 2 / Course 3 / Course 4 / Course 5 / Course 6 / Course 7 / Course 8
Compacted 5th/6th Grade Math / Compacted 7th/8th Grade Math
(Pre-Algebra) / Algebra 1 / Geometry / Honors Algebra II / Precalculus / AP Statistics / AP Calculus AB / AP Calculus BC / Math Analysis
5th Grade Math /
6th Advanced
/ Compacted 7th/8th Grade Math(Pre-Algebra) /
Algebra 1
/ Honors Geometry / Honors Algebra II / Precalculus / AP Statistics / AP Calculus AB / AP Calculus BC3
5th Grade Math /
6th Advanced
/ Compacted 7th/8th Grade Math(Pre-Algebra) /
Algebra 1
/ Algebra I Plus(elective) / Honors Geometry / Honors Algebra II / Precalculus / AP Calculus AB / AP Calculus BC
5th Grade Math /
6th Advanced
/ Compacted 7th/8th Grade Math(Pre-Algebra) /
Algebra 1
/ Algebra I Plus(elective) / Honors Geometry / Honors Algebra II / Precalculus / AP Statistics
The sequences in the table above describe the possible pathways for students intending to stay on an honors sequence through high school. There are additional pathways for students not following an honors sequence. Sequences are dependent on student performance in each course. A student may decide or be encouraged to retake a course to strengthen skills before continuing to a higher level course.
Explanation of Honors Pathways
1 A student who completes and masters the Compacted 5th/6th Grade Math curriculum in the fifth grade will take Compacted 7th/8th Grade Math (also known as Pre-Algebra) during their 6th grade year. As the student continues on through the pathway [7th Grade Algebra I & 8th Grade Geometry], the student will enter 9th Grade as an Honors Algebra II student and have the opportunity to take two years of Calculus.
2 A student who completes 5th Grade Math in the fifth grade and meets Middle School Placement Criteria including a Level 3 or 4 on the EOG will take Advanced 6th Grade Math during their 6th grade year. As the student continues on through the pathway [7th Grade Compacted 7th/8th Grade Math (also known as Pre-Algebra) & 8th Grade Algebra I], the student will enter 9th Grade as an Honors Geometry student and have the opportunity to take two years of Calculus.
3 A student who completes 5th Grade Math in the fifth grade and meets Middle School Placement Criteria including a Level 3 or 4 on the EOG will take Advanced 6th Grade Math during their 6th grade year. As the student continues on through the pathway, this student will take Algebra I as an 8th grader. However unlike the students described in the previous pathway (pathway 2 above), this student needs to strengthen his/her algebra skills based on their performance in 8th grade Algebra I, teacher recommendation, and/or student/parent decision. The student will enter 9th Grade as an Algebra I Plus student which is an elective credit before moving into Honors Geometry. The student will have the opportunity to take two years of Calculus following this pathway.
4 A student on this pathway is similar to the previous pathway (pathway 3 above). However, this student chooses to take AP Statistics instead of two years of Calculus.
Revised 5/12/11