Lab Assignment Three (CS170 – Fall 2005)
Due: Oct. 18 for Tuesday’s class or Oct. 22 for Saturday’s class
Part I: Calculate the monthly balances of two bank accounts
Example of Console Output
Welcome to the Account application
Starting Balances
Checking: $1,000.00
Savings: $1,000.00
Enter the transactions for the month
Withdrawal or deposit? (w/d): w
Checking or savings? (c/s): c
Amount?: 500
Continue? (y/n): y
Withdrawal or deposit? (w/d): d
Checking or savings? (c/s): s
Amount?: 200
Continue? (y/n): n
Monthly Payments and Fees
Checking fee: $1.00
Savings interest payment: $12.00
Final Balances
Checking: $499.00
Savings: $1,212.00
Press any key to continue . . .
· The application begins by displaying the starting balances for a checking and savings account.
· The application prompts the user to enter the information for a transaction, including whether a withdrawal or deposit is to be made, whether the transaction will be posted to the checking or savings account, and the amount of the transaction.
· When the user finishes entering deposits and withdrawals, the application displays the fees and payments for the month followed by the final balances for the month.
· Create interfaces named Depositable, Withdrawable, and Balanceable that specify the methods that can be used to work with accounts. The Depositable interface should include this method:
public void deposit(double amount)
The Withdrawable interface should include this method:
public void withdraw(double amount)
And the Depositable interface should include these methods:
public double getBalance()
public void setBalance(double amount)
· Create a class named Account that implements all three of these interfaces. This class should include an instance variable for the balance.
· Create a class named CheckingAccount that inherits the Account class. This class should include an instance variable for the monthly fee that’s initialized to the value that’s passed to the constructor. This class should also include methods that subtract the monthly fee from the account balance and return the monthly fee.
· Create a class named SavingsAccount that inherits the Account class. This class should include instance variables for the monthly interest rate and the monthly interest payment. The monthly interest rate should be initialized to the value that’s passed to the constructor. The monthly interest payment should be calculated by a method that applies the payment to the account balance. This class should also include a method that returns the monthly interest payment.
· Create a class named Transactions that contains two static methods for depositing and withdrawing funds from either type of account:
public class Transactions
public static void deposit(Depositable account,
double amount)
public static void withdraw(Withdrawable account,
double amount)
· Create a class named AccountApp that prompts the user for a transaction, posts the transaction, and displays the information shown in the console output. Create the necessary objects for each transaction, and post the transaction using the appropriate method of the Transactions class.
· Use the Validator class or a variation of it to validate the user’s entries. This validation code should not allow the user to withdraw more than the current account balance.
· Add javadoc comments to the Account class and CheckingAccount class. These comments should document the purpose, author, and version of the class. It should also document the function of each method, including any parameters accepted by the method and any value it returns.
· Generate the documentations for the Account class and CheckingAccount class and store it in a directory named docs that is a subdirectory of the root directory for this project.
(Part II): Display a sorted list of student scores
Example of Console Output
Welcome to the Student Scores Application.
Enter number of students to enter: 4
Student 1 last name: Steelman
Student 1 first name: Andrea
Student 1 score: 95
Student 2 last name: Murach
Student 2 first name: Joel
Student 2 score: 92
Student 3 last name: Lowe
Student 3 first name: Doug
Student 3 score: 82
Student 4 last name: Murach
Student 4 first name: Mike
Student 4 score: 93
Lowe, Doug: 82
Murach, Joel: 92
Murach, Mike: 93
Steelman, Andrea: 95
Press any key to continue . . .
· This application accepts the last name, first name, and score for one or more students and stores the results in an array. Then, it prints the students and their scores in alphabetical order by last name.
· The program should code a class named Student that stores the last name, first name, and score for each student. This class should implement the Comparable interface so the students can be sorted by name. If two students have the same last name, the first name should be used to determine the final sort order.
· The program should use an array to store the Student objects. Then, it should sort the array prior to printing the student list.
· Validate the input so the user can enter only a positive integer for the number of students, the last or first name can’t be an empty string, and the score is an integer from 0 to 100.
· Optional: add Javadoc comments to this application and generate the documentation as you did in Part I of this lab assignment.