Television Production Applications WVEIS Code 1685
This course will provide students with an entry-level understanding of the components of television broadcasting.
Standard 1: Operate television broadcast equipment. (1685.S.1)
Operate Television Broadcast Equipment Objectives
Students will:
1685.1.1 Take a level.
1685.1.2 Adjust camera control unit.
1685.1.3 Set up lights for production purposes.
1685.1.4 Operate a switcher, an audio board, a video recorder and a teleprompter.
1685.1.5 Switch studio lights on during broadcast following script or instructions from director.
Standard 2: Utilize proper television techniques to develop quality productions. (1685.S.2)
Quality Productions Objectives
Students will:
1685.2.1 Use various script formats.
1685.2.2 Set up equipment and conduct a one-person field interview.
1685.2.3 Perform a live interview.
1685.2.4 Assemble a videotape “package” (studio and field types).
1685.2.5 Assign staff personnel to operate and direct broadcasting activities.
1685.2.6 Apply ad-libbing techniques.
1685.2.7 Prepare and broadcast sports, news, commentaries, and editorials.
1685.2.8 Properly apply makeup for television broadcasting.
1685.2.9 Design and construct a set.
1685.2.10 Write and produce a newscast.
Standard 3: Demonstrate television production editing skills. (1685.S.3)
Editing Skills Objectives
Students will:
1685.3.1 Design and use electronic graphics.
1685.3.2 Operate a time base corrector (TBC)
1685.3.3 Perform electronic and manual edits.
1685.3.4 Read, edit and rewrite scripts.
1685.3.5 Time news reports correctly, and edit if necessary.
1685.3.6 Set up and make entries in an operating log and a program log.
Standard 4: Demonstrate television production troubleshooting skills and special techniques. (1685.S.4)
Skills and Special Techniques Objectives
Students will:
1685.4.1 Identify common symptoms of head clogs and tracking problems.
1685.4.2 Apply news judgment to field interviewing.
1685.4.3 Design and perform special effects.
1685.4.4 Prepare an instruction sheet or manual on video taping filed stories (both storyboard and script).